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JZI indexing - as of the end of April 2020

JZI - indeksacja - kwiecień 2020

Not so long ago, it seemed to us that March was exceptionally abundant in terms of new indexes (18.5 thousand out of 24 books). However, April has exceeded our wildest expectations: we have added almost 32,000 new indexes from 106 books to Geneo search engine! New parishes appeared: Orthodox - Augustów, Hołynka, Rygałówka, Sopoćkinie and the Roman Catholic parish in Wiżajny. In addition, we have complemeted the data from the parish: Augustów, Bakałarzewo , Bargłów, Jeleniewo, Kaletnik, Rajgród and Studzieniczna. In addition to the Geneo search engine, we have added a list of Augustów parishioners from 1721. It is available in the form of a table on the parish's website Augustów. At the same time, as always, we supplement and improve the previously added indexes. In April, the following people indexed and verified for us:

Thank you to all of the above mentioned people! More numerous indexes, including many from new parishes coming soon!

We also recommend to take a look at a more detailed table showing the number of indexed record files broken down by year, parish and type of record. You can find it here.

Jamiński Zespół Indeksacyjny
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