Spisy spowiadających się w parafii Poświętne 1786-1795

Title: Lists of Confessors In Poświętne Parish 1786-1795

Author of the study: Jakub Dobrzyński

Pages: 124

Format: 17 x 24 cm

Cover: soft, lacquered

ISBN: 97-88-3951660-0-6

Undoubtedly, the inspiration to compile lists of confessing residents of the parish in Poświętne from 1786–1795 are studies on the past of one's family, which are becoming increasingly popular in Poland. In the era of universal access to the Internet (and thus the publication of digitized sources), genealogy is not only interested in enthusiasts of the past, regionalists or hobbyists, but also "ordinary people" who want to know the data of their ancestors, their fate, social status or migration processes. Although we have more and more opportunities to realize this interest, a visit to state or church archives remains indispensable. While in the case of the former the problem with free access to the collections is minimal, in the case of sources at the disposal of the parish it is unfortunately quite different. That is why publication in the form of a book of such a valuable source for the history of not only the parish in Poświętne but also of the whole Podlasie is fully justified.

In addition, these lists are one of the few mass sources to learn about the society of the parish in Poświętne in the eighteenth century, because Old Polish record books are considered lost. The bishop's visit from the beginning of the 20th century mentions that they were conducted from the beginning of the 17th century, unfortunately in the current parish archives we can only find books of births and weddings from 1820 and books of deaths from 1868.

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