In August, we added over 7,800 new indexes from 35 new books and documents to Geneo search engine This way, the number of indexed books has just exceeded 1000! We would like to thank all members of JZI and cooperating partners who contributed to such a wonderful result! We have added further indexes from the following parishes: Bakałarzewo, Bargłów, Jeleniewo, Kaletnik, Krasnopol and Rajgród. This month, perhaps the most interesting entries in our database are the birth, announcement and death records of all preserved annexes to the Kaletnik. parish wedding records. Simultaneously, as usual, we are supplementing, revising and amending previously added indices. In the passing month, Ryszard Korąkiewicz and Tomek Chilicki made photocopies of records from five birth books of the Janówka parish from the middle of the 19th century that were discovered quite by chance. They are currently being indexed.
The following people indexed and verified for us in August:
- Marta Chmielewska
- Joanna Gniedziejko
- Violetta Kornet
- Wiktor Maciejowski
- Zbyszek Mierzejewski
- Basia Muzyk
- Wiola Ostrowska
- Renata Rapczyńska
- Krzysztof Zięcina
Thank you to all of the above mentioned people! More numerous indexes, we hope including many from new parishes coming soon!
We remind you about an interesting community project in which anyone can add deceased people linked to the Raczki. W tej chwili dostępnych jest około 150 wpisów tego rodzaju. W Geneo oznaczone są one literką “R” przy numerze aktu. Więcej informacji o tym przedsięwzięciu można znaleźć w this entry.
We also recommend to take a look at a more detailed table showing the number of indexed record files broken down by year, parish and type of record. You can find it here.
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