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JZI indexing - as of the end of May 2020

In May, we've added over 14,000 new indexes from 75 books to Geneo search engine. Four new parishes – Karpowicze, Kundzin, Puńsk and Wigry have appeared. In addition, we've added more indexes from the following parishes: Adamowicze, Bakałarzewo, Bargłów, Jeleniewo, Rygałówka, Sejny, Suwałki and Wiżajny. Moreover, we've added a list of parishioners of Karpowicze from 1864. It is available outside of Geneo serch engine as a table on the Karpowicze parish’s website. At the same time, as always, we supplement and improve the previously added indexes. In May, the following people indexed and verified for us:

Thank you to all of the above mentioned people! More numerous indexes, including many from new parishes coming soon!

We also recommend to take a look at a more detailed table showing the number of indexed record files broken down by year, parish and type of record. You can find it here.

Jamiński Zespół Indeksacyjny
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