Traktat o bimbrze



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SKU: 978-83-951660-1-3 Categories: , Tag:


Author: Heprozos

Edition: 1

ISBN: 978-83-951660-1-3

Pages: 54

Format: 12,5x19,5 cm

Cover: soft, lacquered

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This booklet is a complete novelty in JZI printing house. Completely unrelated to genealogy, but related to tradition cultivated for centuries, among others in Podlasie. "Tractate on moonshine" is a 50-page booklet about home brew, funny written and in addition a neat poem. Booklet in 100% relaxing type, to read and laugh. Illustrated with reproductions of propaganda posters from the Polish People's Republic aimed at reducing alcohol consumption by socialist society.

Jamiński Zespół Indeksacyjny
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Informacje dodatkowe

Weight 0,103 kg
Dimensions 19,5 × 12,5 × 0,5 cm


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