Wojna w mojej pamięci

(1 customer review)


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SKU: 978-83-945017-2-3 Categories: , Tag:


Author: Piotr Chilicki

Edition: 1

ISBN: 978-83-945017-2-3

Pages: 121

Format: 15x21 cm

Cover: soft, lacquered

More information

This is a record of memories of Piotr Chilicki from Jaminy from around the war period 1938-1950, richly illustrated with photos, titled "War in My Memory." This book is a great history lesson of those times seen from the perspective of a small homeland, own family and surroundings. Written, as the author himself said: "that someday grandchildren would know how the war went and what suffering it brought." So do not hesitate in your own meetings, conversations, lest you encounter this deaf silence and emptiness when you think you will be ready for conversation and questions.

The experiences described in those difficult times strengthened interpersonal, family and neighborly ties that we probably don't have today, especially in relation to our further cousins. This book is an excellent source and supplement of knowledge for lovers of regional history, including genealogical. It is full of names, facts, supplemented with many footnotes, shows the fate of many families from Jamin and the surrounding area. It is a place that intertwines the confusing fate of its inhabitants. The events and places described therein were often shrouded in mystery for years, which we are trying to dispel today. It can also be a great source of inspiration for the younger generation of local history researchers, which we strongly encourage and invite you to contact us and possibly cooperate: jzi@jzi.org.pl

Jamiński Zespół Indeksacyjny
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Informacje dodatkowe

Weight 0,215 kg
Dimensions 21 × 14,8 × 0,9 cm

1 review for Wojna w mojej pamięci

  1. Zbigniew Mierzejewski (verified owner)

    Książka ta jest swoistym podręcznikiem dla lokalnej historii z obszaru gminy Sztabin i sąsiadujących. Zawiera bardzo ciekawe, barwne i bogate w treść opowieści spisane przez świadka lokalnych wydarzeń na przestrzeni lat 1939-1946.
    Jest oprócz tego bogato zilustrowana materiałami archiwalnymi.
    Jak każda publikacja Jamińskiego Zespołu Indeksacyjnego dla ułatwienia badaczy zawiera indeksy nazwisk i miejscowości. Tym samym stanowi przewodnik po historycznych wydarzeniach w regionie.
    Serdecznie polecam. (Z.M.)

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