Opowieści z domu pod topolą



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SKU: 978-83-945017-4-7 Categories: , Tag:


Author: Józefa Drozdowska

Edition: 1

ISBN: 978-83-945017-4-7

Pages: 150

Format: 15 x 21 cm (A5)

Cover: soft, lacquered

More information

This book is a collection of twenty-two chats, memories of the author from her childhood, arranged chronologically by liturgical year. Józefa Drozdowska wrote them, she has been living in Augustów and was born in nearby Jeziorki. Poet, author of children's books, regionalist, librarian, tourist guide. She published her texts in many magazines, she is also a member of the Polish Writers' Union. The stories contained in the book were published in the last 20 years in "Przegląd Augustowski", "Krajobrazy" and "Martyria".

"Tales From Home Under The Poplar" is a magical journey in time, described in a beautiful, transparent form. Reading the tales, starting from the first ones, we can hear the uncle of the author Stanisław whispering prayers from an old cantina, feel the smell of the Christmas tree and pick out with the ear the clink of dishes coming from the kitchen, where Christmas dishes were prepared. Imagine the Christmas tree decorations hidden in cardboard boxes. Not like today, because mostly made by hand by all household members. In the following stories you can feel the smell of May lilac growing by the roadside cross and hear the rumble of carts heading for the indulgence to Studzieniczna on Pentecost in the early morning. The last ones take us to the gray end of autumn and the graves of our loved ones lit by candles.

The whole was illustrated with beautiful drawings by Renata Rybsztat.

List of persons mentioned in the content

Baturowa, Irenka
Ciruk, Barbara
Drozd, Bronisława
Felkner, Jan
Gloger, Zygmunt
Jesionek, Feliks
Kondratowicz, Agnieszka
Kondratowicz, Jadzia
Kondratowicz, Krysia
Kondratowicz, Wacław

Kondratowicz, Winia
Lasota, Bronisław
Mickiewicz, Adam
Mroziewski, Edward
Okrągła, Bożena
Okrągła, Helena
Oleksiewicz, Lucjan

Rułkowski, Piotr
Sieńkowska, Bronisława
Sieńkowski, Bronisław
Sołtys, Henryk
Sołtys, Wiktor
Twardowski, Franciszek
Twardowski, Leszek
Zyskowska, Marysia

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Informacje dodatkowe

Weight 0,246 kg
Dimensions 21 × 14,8 × 1,1 cm


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