Starting from this month, we have decided to summarize not only the indexation work of JZI, but also other activities of our team and the Association. Let us start then!
In September, we added nearly 22,000 new indexes from 22 new books and document collections to the Geneo search engine . We have added further indexes from the following parishes: Bakałarzewo, Bargłów, Janówka, Kundzin, Suwałki and Wigry. The new indexes from the birth books of the parish of Janówka, which have just been found during the renovation works on the parish, deserve special attention. Out of five books that were found, three were indexed in September. The remaining two are already being indexed. Apart from that, we have added some interesting lists published in the form of tables concerning the parish of the former Sokółka deanery: Odelsk (1909 census of parishioners), Kuźnica (1864 and 1909 census of parishioners) and Sokółka (list of inhabitants of the town from 1852). These lists are available on the subpages of respective parishes. In parallel, as usual, we are supplementing and improving previously added indexes.
The following people indexed and verified for us in September:
- Marta Chmielewska
- Waldemar D.
- Alicja Felkner
- Albin Korzuchowski
- Bożena Kosińska
- Basia Muzyk
- Wiola Ostrowska
- Daniel Paczkowski
- Wanda Sienkiewicz
- Krzysztof Zięcina
Thank you to all of the above mentioned people! More numerous indexes, we hope including many from new parishes coming soon!
From the activities on the borderline of indexation and analytical work, we have reconstructed 188 metric records from the parish of Raczki. It consisted in extracting information from the notes hidden on the margins of books from other parishes, concerning weddings and deaths in the parish of Raczki. They have been added to Geneo as part of the community project to recreate Raczki's metrics. More information can be found in this entry.
We also recommend to take a look at a more detailed table showing the number of indexed record files broken down by year, parish and type of record. You can find it here.
3rd General Meeting of the members of JZI Association
The pandemic period is not conducive to meetings in numerous groups. That is why, this year we decided to organize an on-line General Meeting. We were able to gather more than half of the members without any problem and despite initial technical problems we were able to talk to each other for over two hours.
We summarized the activities of the JZI in 2019 in a factual report. We discussed the financial situation of the Association and then proceeded to vote on resolutions. We ended the meeting with a long discussion on short- and long-term plans. Żadne spotkanie on-line oczywiście nie zastąpi bezpośrednich rozmów twarzą w twarz, dlatego planujemy “normalne” spotkanie w nieco ograniczonym gronie i z zachowaniem wszelkich środków ostrożności już w październiku.
Publishing and popularization activities
In September we published on our website an interesting article by Grzegorz Ryżewski on the history of the church in Sztabin. Podjęliśmy również decyzję o wydawaniu “Rocznika Historycznego” w którym zbieralibyśmy artykuły powiązane z historią regionu – zbyt długie, aby je umieścić na stronie internetowej, a jednocześnie niewystarczające objętościowo do stworzenia osobnej pozycji książkowej. Każdy z Was może być autorem! Więcej informacji o tym przedsięwzięciu można znaleźć here.
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