Jaminy – 2 – Śluby

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SKU: 978-83-945017-1-6 Categories: , Tags: ,


Edition: 1

ISBN: 978-83-945017-1-6

Pages: 544

Format: 17 x 24 cm (B5)

Cover: hard, lacquered

More information

This item, like the previous "Volume I. Jaminy Birth", is a unique material and sources for the genealogy of the inhabitants of the region. This volume is a consequence of the previous one and creates a certain logical sequence. Births, marriages, deaths are symbols for a single generation. The cover of the first volume, the church and the church cemetery were also symbols. Through the alley, surrounded by the cemetery, parents went to church to baptize their descendant and also someone who opened a new generation. Those who lie in this cemetery seem to give way to him.

The book can be used to study the history of your own family and more. It is only a source and material for further search with an open head, questions and a notebook in hand or a computer. This book may have hidden answers to a number of questions or facts you didn't know about. It is not a scientific work, but as such it can be used by historians, e.g. for research into the historical demography of the region, or a contribution to the biography.

The contents collected in volume II relate to former residents, often your ancestors, who have lived in this area since around the 18th century. Our team arrived and collected all available and distributed record sources regarding weddings from the Jaminy parish from 1797 to 1935. The newer books are covered by the Personal Data Protection Act, and neither publication nor digital copying is possible.

An important point and clue is that weddings almost always took place in the place where the young was currently living, and the young could come from a closer or more distant parish. So, new, valuable information can be found in the next volumes of the "Biebrza Parishes" series, which we prepare for you and encourage you to cooperate on this project.

Weddings often form the basis for further genealogical searches while maintaining proper back chronology. The information they contain is already in itself fragments of family trees that you can put together as a puzzle. Have fun reading or serious scientific work.

For us, work on this material was very informative and required the acquisition or development of many new skills: publishing, photo processing, IT, and Excel database support. We had to read frequently damaged fragments and translate Latin and Russian records in as transparent a way as possible, visible, among others in this book.

New in the volume of "Jaminy Marriages" is an English-language version of the historical outline of the Jaminy parish, extended to 1939. The data contained in it, in part, have never been published in any other studies on the parish's area.

Our whole team believes that in this way we will be able to unravel, at least some family secrets and satisfy your and our curiosity. We encourage you to contact us and share opinions.

Jamiński Zespół Indeksacyjny
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Informacje dodatkowe

Weight 1,033 kg
Dimensions 24,6 × 17,6 × 3,8 cm

1 review for Jaminy – 2 – Śluby

  1. Zbigniew Mierzejewski

    Ta publikacja jest naturalną kontynuacją tomu I “Jaminy Urodzenia”. Jest o tyle cenniejsza, że dotyczy tak osób, które zamieszkiwały teren obecnej gminy Sztabin, Prus, Litwy, Rosji i Kongresówki. Jak zwykle w tego typu publikacje JZI zawierają indeksy nazwisk występujących w aktach zaślubiony, tak dotyczące młodych, rodziców, świadków i asyst. Jest tam także opis zwyczajów związanych z zaręczynami i ślubami. Książka zawiera również kontynuację rysu historycznego. Jej znaczne fragmenty są także w wersji anglojęzycznej.
    Polecam zwłaszcza miłośnikom genealogii.

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