Pobojna Góra, a place of secrets...

Pobojna Góra, an exceptionally mysterious place, hornbeam among meadows and swamps, almost touches Biebrza from the south, surrounded by meadows from the east and west, and from the north the Rogowo forest visible in the distance, part of the former Jamina forest. It is dry, square 150 by 150 meters, surrounded by an embankment. There is no doubt that he was strewn by human hands. It is probably an old stronghold with an "entrance" overlooking Biebrza. The name "Pobojna Góra" can be found in 17th century notes. According to local residents, it is a place of secret powers. Apparently, on clear quiet nights, we hear strange noises here, like coming from the depths of the earth. Sometimes conversations are heard, other times you can hear beautiful singing. This mountain (according to stories) also has erotic power!

It is on her that, according to legend, his love for Wiktoria Rymaszewska, he confessed to Count Karol Brzostowski ... Inhabitants of the surrounding villages, apparently often ghosts of flirtatious virgins deceived here. And often the couple returned from this place engaged ... Similarly, clairvoyant priest Klimuszko, in his vision confirmed the existence of mysterious human beings and the existence of secret powers. What? He couldn't determine it. In 2010, a group of Biebrza enthusiasts erected an obelisk here with an engraved poem: "Pobojna you Pobojna, dressed like a girl. You sat down over the Biebrza river Youu have stolen travelers' hearts"

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