Pan Stanisław Salwocki, dziś mój teść, kiedyś po prostu pogodny, mimo trosk, starszy, rosły mężczyzna, urodził się we wsi Podmacharce na początku lat trzydziestych minionego wieku – pisze autorka książki “How was wood and construction discussed in Augustów“. Wieś znajduje się w połowie drogi między Augustowem a Sejnami, przycupnięta pod lasem za wsią Macharce usytuowaną przy głównej trasie z Augustowa do Sejn i Wilna. Tutaj zrodziła się cała wrażliwość i siła pana Stanisława. Tutaj przeżył swoją trudną wojenną młodość. Tutaj doświadczył największych przyjaźni. Tutaj wreszcie nauczył się kochać przyrodę, las i ludzi.
My respondent is a unique person. Unusual for modern times. Quiet, simple, calm, but with an unusual personality strength. He highly values timeless moral values: truthfulness, honesty and tradition. Sensitive and positive about the world and people. When I met him, he was constantly singing country songs and humming soldier tunes. Unfortunately, overwhelmed by trouble and illness, he calmed down a bit. However, he is touched by both well-known melodies and the singing of morning birds. Hence the favorite film is invariably a classic film On the Nemunas, sung in songs about human fate, captivating with the beauty of nature.
Forest and village is the life of Mr. Stanisław. He values charming places, silence and the sound of trees. Feels safe in the wilderness. The forest calms down, calms down, gives shelter. Mr. Stanisław remembers his later work in the forest, though hard. He also remembers the pre-war times, when his grandfather, then his father, were employed in the woods as woodcutters.
Although Mr. Stanisław now lives in Augustów, he often repeats that he would like to poor the ground, necessarily with the help of a horse, listen to legends of noisy trees, anticipate the weather from waves on the lake, from falling leaves, from the behavior of animals, from clouds in the sky. Happiness for Mr. Stanisław is living in the rhythm of nature, it is peace, friendship, birdsong, and even sweat running down the back while chopping firewood. It is the juicy green of the blade of the first spring grass and a drop of dew glistening on the cobweb. It is the hum of the forest - a witness of joyful and sad experiences, an unwavering friend, wise protector and the best confidant of human worries and joy. This is an unusual respect for nature, whose beauty not everyone can notice today.
This extraordinary simplicity of life taught Mr. Stanisław humility in the face of sometimes sad surprises. And although he is a simple, uneducated man, because this is how things went, I admire his stories and see the philosophy of life, which often surprises and fascinates me. Although life has experienced my informant many times, he has so much cheerfulness, modesty, patience and ordinary wisdom in life that I understand why modern man is looking for the peace that Stanisław experienced for a significant part of his life. All the more I understand his longing for a poor but beautiful past.
The book from which the above fragments originate can be purchased at JZI online store.
Let's listen to fragments of the author's interviews with Mr. Stanisław Salwocki. The recordings come from several years old cassette tapes, hence the quality of the soundtrack recording is far from ideal.
About construction:
About buildings:
About work in the forest: