A classicist mansion with a manor house from the first half of the 19th century, the former seat of the founder of the Sztabin Republic, Count Karol Brzostowski. The manor house is based on field stone foundations, made of brick, plastered from the outside. Due to the fact that it stands on a slope, in the southern part it is one-storey and in the northern part it is two-storey, with a basement, covered with a gable roof with pediments. Next to the manor there is the building of the manor's outbuilding, in which on one side was the office of the commune administrator, and on the other side, the cash register and book-keeping of the estate administration. Officials lived in the chambers under the roof of the gable wall. The manor buildings were surrounded by a park. In the 1970s, the manor complex was leased by the Warsaw Spring Factory. Then a major renovation was made. Today this monument is in private hands and is slowly deteriorating. The new owner apparently overestimated his strength over his intentions...
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