The Daily Calumet – indeks polskich nazwisk przed rokiem 1900


  1. …ulkowski, B., column 1 – 1895-6-29 p4
  2. Aalminski, Thomas, Fulton St., Pullman, unmarried column 3 – 1892-7-25 p4
  3. Adamcek, Adam, 112th birthday yesterday, wife is 87 years old, column 1 – 1897-3-19 p4
  4. Adamchiek, Adam, column 1 – 1892-8-24 p4
  5. Adamcik, Sam, 8249 Superior Ave., “Two Charged With Murder” – 1899-5-20 p3
  6. Adamczik, Michael, 112 years old, 8550 Baltimore Ave., wife is 95 years old, “An Aged Applicant” – 1897-2-2 p4
  7. Adamski, F., column 3, 1893-3-24 p4
  8. Adamski, Michael Mr. (104 years old) & Mrs., “A Centenarians’ Fate” – 1892-12-16 p4
  9. Adamski, Mr. (104 years old), column 2 1892-12-19 p4
  10. Adamski, Michael (104 years old), column 2 – 1892-12-20 p4
  11. Adamzec, Anton & wife, column 1 – 1892-9-29 p4
  12. Adlnczk, Mr. & Mrs. John (75 & 67 years old), 88th & Escanaba Ave., column 2 – 1887-11-7 p4
  13. Anlanowsch, Peter, Anlanowsch, Volanter, Auzickowk, Meckoloious, Marsky, Fred – “That Famous Cutting Affray” – 1887-7-19 p1
  14. Anlanowsch, Peter & Volanter, Marski, Fred & mother Mrs. Marski of Superior Ave., & Anton Meckolowsch – column 2 – 1887-8-16 p1
  15. Antkowiak, M. bought property (73 ft south of 85th & Buffalo Ave.) from M. Januchowski, column 1 – 1892-12-27 p4
  16. Antonewicz, Frank, “Doings at the Police Court” – 1899-5-9 p4
  17. Aralski, George, “Irish and Austrians Clash” – 1899-5-31 p3
  18. Arbonski, Anton, 8902 Exchange Ave., column 1 – 1895-5-25 p4
  19. Artineski, Herman, column 2 – 1893-4-25 p4
  20. Aulanowsch, Volanter, column 2 – 1887-8-18 p4
  21. Auzickowk, Meckoloious, & Anlanowsch, Peter, Anlanowsch, Volanter, Marsky, Fred – “That Famous Cutting Affray” – 1887-7-19 p1
  22. Backowski, John, “Democratic Convention” – 1893-2-18 p4
  23. Badka, Andrew, 45 years old, married, 87th & Baltimore Ave., died, “Dropped Dead” – 1892-12-27 p4
  24. Bagowicz, Caroline, “At the Police Court” – 1899-2-21 p4
  25. Bahansky, Mike, “Police News”, 1892-7-25 p4
  26. Banicki, W., 8807 Exchange Ave., column 2 – 1897-6-12 p4
  27. Baniel, W., “The Pulaski Guards” – 1897-5-4 p4
  28. Banitski, Frank, 38 years old, 8807 Exchange Ave., “Trespasser is Shot” – 1899-2-15 p4
  29. Banitski, Frank, column 2 – 1899-2-16 p4
  30. Banitski, Frank, “At the Police Court” – 1899-2-25p4
  31. Banitski, Fred, column 1 – 1899-3-7 p4
  32. Banitski, Fred, “Kenney Fined $50” – 1899-3-22 p4
  33. Baracek, M., column 1 – 1893-5-22 p4
  34. Baran, Lawrence, to marry Amy, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Marcyjanna Kozlowska, 8333 Superior Ave., at St. Michael’s on Monday, March 1, 1897, column 3 – 1897-2-27 p4
  35. Barczka, Joseph, milkman, saloon owner, column 2 – 1897-1-4 p4
  36. Barkowski, Marion, column 3 – 1894-4-5 p4
  37. Bartus, Stanislaw, 28 years old, married, 8229 Baltimore Ave., “Struck By an Engine” – 1899-6-19 p3
  38. Barzski, John, 8218 Houston Ave., “Work For the Firemen” – 1895-5-13 p4
  39. Barzunski, Mary, “Poles Will Celebrate” – 1897-5-8 p4
  40. Barzynski, Mary, “Polish People Celebrate” – 1897-5-10 p4
  41. Bauilie, Mr. & Mrs., “Row in Polak Town” – 1892-11-7 p4
  42. Bawbac, Albert, “Bloody Quarrel” – 1893-5-4 p4
  43. Beckerman, attorney, column 2 – 1894-3-24 p4
  44. Beckerman, E. M. attorney, 1896-7-9 (reprinted in “Only Yesterday” – 1939-7-22 p2)
  45. Beckerman, Attorney, son Alexander, 10 years old, 1896-7-11 (reprinted in “Only Yesterday” – 1939-7-29 p2)
  46. Beckerman, attorney, “Only Yesterday”, reprint from Oct. 2, 1896 – 1939-9-20 p8
  47. Beckerman, attorney, “Only Yesterday” reprint from Dec. 4, 1896 – 1939-11-29 p5
  48. Beckerman, attorney, 8 year old son, 8824 Commercial Ave., father Horace Beckerman, column 3 – 1897-1-27 p4
  49. Beckerman, Emanuel, 8824 Commercial Ave., “After the Business Agent” – 1897-4-5 p4
  50. Beckerman, attorney, column 2 – 1899-1-24 p4
  51. Beckerman, E. M. attorney, 1896-7-9 (reprinted in 1939-7-22 p2)
  52. Beckerman, E. M. attorney, column 2 – 1899-2-2 p4
  53. Beckerman, E. M. attorney, column 1 – 1899-2-24 p4
  54. Bekerski, Mr., column 2 – 1897-3-18 p4
  55. Beliorski, Ignace , Isidorek, Joseph, Wyszynski, John – “Must Pay Its Share” – 1892-8-1 p4
  56. Belzowski, John, Radziejewski, Rev. Father, Rev. Father Gordon, Father Nowicki, Father Lipski, Father Wojtalewicz, John Sjostakowski, “Appropriate Ceremonies” – 1892-9-12 p4
  57. Benko, Mr., saloonkeeper, 8552 Greenbay Ave., “Hit With a Beer Glass” – 1895-1-5 p4
  58. Benko, F., column 3 – 1897-6-4 p4
  59. Benoski, Frank, column 1 – 1895-2-16 p4
  60. Bicheck, John, 8347 Ontario Ave., “Driven Out By Flames” – 1899-5-26 p3
  61. Bieganowski, Mr., column 3 – 1897-3-1 p4
  62. Bieganski, St., “The Pulaski Guards” – 1897-5-4 p4
  63. Bielawski, Martin, 8620 Houston Ave., 8 children – 18 months to 13 years old, “Are Rolling In” – 1897-1-26 p4
  64. Blaski, Mrs. Amelia, column 1 – 1887-7-25 p4
  65. Blaszsyk, Mrs. F., gave birth to a son, 8443 Ontario Ave., column 2 – 1899-5-9 p4
  66. Bochynski, A., column 2 – 1899-5-31 p3
  67. Bodenski, Vincent, “Took His Gun and Club”, only identified by name in “A Brutal Assault” (1895-6-5 p4) – 1895-5-31 p4
  68. Bodenski, Vincent, column 2, only identified by name in “A Brutal Assault” (1895-6-5 p4) – 1895-6-3 p4
  69. Bodenski, Vincent, “A Brutal Assault” – 1895-6-5 p4
  70. Bodenski, Vincent, column 1, (not named) – 1895-6-8 p4
  71. Bogenski, Frank, “At the Police Court” – 1899-6-28 p3
  72. Bogensky, Barney, “Police Doings of a Day” – 1899-2-8 p4
  73. Bogrewski, Max, “Irish and Austrians Clash” – 1899-5-31 p3
  74. Bolewicz, Joseph, “Fined at the Police Court” – 1899-1-3 p4
  75. Bolka, A., column 3 – 1892-11-10 p4
  76. Bolka, Anton, “Precinct Committees” – 1892-9-27 p4
  77. Bonicki, Mrs. J., 8828 Exchange Ave., daughter born, “Increasing Population – 1899-3-31 p4
  78. Borowski, Leo, 19 years old, lived with parents at 83rd & Commercial Ave., “A Sudden Death” – 1893-6-3 p4
  79. Borowski, Paul, 8450 Exchange Ave., column 1 – 1894-2-19 p4
  80. Borucki, Dr. F. M., “The Medical Association” – 1892-9-28 p4
  81. Borucki, Dr., “Terrible Accidents” – 1892-10-11 p4
  82. Borucki, Dr., “Squeezed His Head” – 1893-5-8 p4
  83. Borucki, Dr., “Overcome By Heat” – 1893-6-22 p4
  84. Borucki, Dr., column 2 – 1895-2-27 p4
  85. Borucki, Dr., column 1 – 1897-1-9 p4
  86. Borucki, Dr., “Child Fatally Burned” – 1897-1-18 p4
  87. Brenski, Handra, column 1 – 1895-1-5 p4
  88. Briski, John, 4340 50th Court, “Death Upon Them” – 1892-12-30 p1
  89. Brunski, Conroy, 10 years old, “A Dangerous Practice” – 1895-1-14 p4
  90. Brzeska, L., “Edward Watkins” – 1899-3-8 p4
  91. Brzozowski, A., “Our Evening School” – 1895-3-23 p4
  92. Brzozowski, Ignacy, column 3 – 1899-3-24 p4
  93. Buchalik, Michael, column 3 – 1894-2-24 p4
  94. Budczek, Jacob, column 1 – 1897-3-8 p4
  95. Budnik, Joseph, column 2 – 1897-1-22 p4
  96. Budziak, Joseph, column 1 – 1895-6-25 p4
  97. Budzicz, Josepch, “Illinois Steel Company Beaten” – 1899-4-29 p4
  98. Buffoski, Mr., “First Shot Fired” – 1895-5-8 p4
  99. Buffoski, Nicholas, “Strikers Resort to Force” – 1895-5-8 p4
  100. Bugulu, Tony, column 1 – 1894-3-8 p4
  101. Bulawski, A., 88th & Houston Ave., column 1 – 1895-1-28 p4
  102. Burda, Lawrence, column 2 – 1895-1-29 p4
  103. Burda, Mr., grocer, 84th & Ontario Ave., column 2 – 1895-6-13 p4
  104. Burdelski, George, precinct captain – “Headquarters Opened” – 1894-3-27 p2
  105. Burdelski, S., “Headquarters Opened” – 1894-3-27 p2
  106. Burdick, John, “In the Dock” – 1897-5-17 p4
  107. Byer, Steve, Enerlavech, Mike, Caeholla, Equax, Rolaveisch, Frank, Zinscow, John, Hercow, Joe, column 2, 1887-11-12 p4
  108. Byer, Steve, Enerlavech, Mike, Caeholla, Equax, Rolaveisch, Frank, Zinscow, John, Hercow, Joe, “Police News” – 1887-11-14 p1
  109. Byer, Steve, Enerlavech, Mike, Caeholla, Equax, Rolaveisch, Frank, Zinscow, John, Hercow, Joe, “Police Pickups” – 1887-11-29 p1
  110. Bykowsky, John, “Damages Awarded” – 1897-1-28 p4
  111. Cabanski, Frank, column 1 – 1895-6-19 p4
  112. Caeholla, Equax, Enerlavech, Mike, Byer, Steve, Rolaveisch, Frank, Zinscow, John, Hercow, Joe, column 2, 1887-11-12 p4
  113. Caeholla, Equax, Byer, Steve, Enerlavech, Mike, Rolaveisch, Frank, Zinscow, John, Hercow, Joe, “Police News” – 1887-11-14 p1
  114. Caeholla, Equax, Byer, Steve, Enerlavech, Mike, Rolaveisch, Frank, Zinscow, John, Hercow, Joe, “Police Pickups” – 1887-11-29 p1
  115. Carpawicz, John, 8836 Exchange Ave., column 2 – 1897-4-26 p4
  116. Casilski, Albert, 41 years old, married, 8836[?] Houston Ave., “Struck By a Train” – 1899-3-6 p4
  117. Celiskia, Rosalie, “Local Police News” – 1892-12-12 p4
  118. Cesielski, Michael, column 2 – 1899-4-26 p4
  119. Cesielski, Michael Detective Sergeant, column 2 – 1899-4-28 p4
  120. Cesmarik, Paul, 9136 Mackinaw Ave., “Left Foot Crushed” – 1899-3-4 p4
  121. Chaska, Emma, “A Lady’s Bicycle Race” – 1897-3-11 p4
  122. Chem, Charles, “Chewed His Eyebrow” – 1892-9-6 p4
  123. Chemma, A., column 2 – 1899-4-24 p4
  124. Chemma, C., “A Democratic Palaver” – 1897-3-9 p4
  125. Chemma, J., column 7 – 1895-6-8 p4
  126. Chemma, Mr., column 4 – 1897-2-6 p4
  127. Chemma, John, Sjostakowsky, John, “Selected Delegates” – 1892-8-19 p4
  128. Chemma, John, “Aldermanic Aspirants” – 1893-1-25 p4
  129. Chemma, John, “Democratic Primaries” – 1893-2-7 p4
  130. Chemma, John, “Pandemonium Reigned” – 1893-2-25 p4
  131. Chemma, John, “Carter is Coming” – 1893-4-3 p4
  132. Chemma, John, Superior Ave., water commissioner, column 3 – 1893-6-15 p4
  133. Chemma, John, “A Love Feast” – 1894-3-28 p4
  134. Chemma, John, “Martin Vero Bounced” – 1894-4-2 p4
  135. Chemma, John, column 2 – 1894-4-18 p4
  136. Chemma, John, “They Saw His Honor” – 1894-4-24 p4
  137. Chemma, John, “Street Nomenclature” – 1894-4-26 p4
  138. Chemma, John, “Squabble Over Jobs” – 1894-4-27 p4
  139. Chemma, John, column 1&3 – 1895-2-25 p4
  140. Chemma, John, column 5 – 1895-2-26 p4
  141. Chemma, John, “Town Delegates” – 1895-3-6 p4
  142. Chemma, John, “City Convention Delegates” – 1895-3-8 p4
  143. Chemma, John, “Democratic Convention” – 1895-3-9 p4
  144. Chemma, John, “Polish Business Men’s Relief Society” – 1897-1-23 p4
  145. Chemma, John, “Harrison, Hummel & Wiora” – 1897-3-3 p4
  146. Chemma, John, “Democratic Primaries” – 1897-3-4 p4
  147. Chemma, John, secretary of Kordecki Building & Loan Association, column 2-3 – 1897-3-9 p4
  148. Chemma, John, “Democratic Primaries” – 1897-3-16 p4
  149. Chemma, John, “Not Harmonious” – 1897-4-23 p4
  150. Chemma, John, column 1 – 1899-1-12 p4
  151. Chemma, John, column 2 – 1899-1-20 p4
  152. Chemma, John, column 1 – 1899-1-24 p4
  153. Chemma, John, column 1 – 1899-1-25 p4
  154. Chemma, John, column 2 – 1899-1-26 p4
  155. Chemma, John, “Democratic Meetings” – 1899-3-27 p4
  156. Chemma, Joseph, column 2-3 – 1897-3-9 p4
  157. Chermarski, Nzahaur, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-11-2 p1
  158. Cherry, Alex (aka Alexander Wisniewski), column 1 – 1897-4-10 p4
  159. Cherry, Joseph, “Charity Entertainment” – 1899-1-19 p4
  160. Cherry, Joseph, “Their Fifth Anniversary” – 1899-1-30 p4
  161. Cherry, Joseph, “A-Wheel to Lamont, Ill.” – 1899-5-13 p4
  162. Cherry, Joseph (aka Joseph Wisniewski), 8724 Commercial Ave., column 2 – 1899-6-2 p3
  163. Cherry, Joseph (aka Joseph Wisniewski), 8724 Commercial Ave., column 2 – 1899-6-3 p3
  164. Cheselski, John, saloon keeper in Whiting, Indiana, “Only Yesterday”, reprint from Nov. 27, 1896 – 1939-11-25 p2
  165. Chiboski, Mrs., wife of saloonkeeper in the Bush, column 3 – 1895-3-11 p4
  166. Chicorski, Joseph, 43 years old, married, 8262 Ontario Ave., “Broke His Skull” – 1892-9-19 p4
  167. Chiczeski, John, column 2 – 1893-5-20 p4
  168. Chimielewski, W., “A Democratic Palaver” – 1897-3-9 p4
  169. Chimielewski, W., “Not Harmonious” – 1897-4-23 p4
  170. Chmielewski, W., column 4 – 1893-1-28 p4
  171. Chmielewski, W., 8329 Commercial Ave., “Martin Wiora For Alderman” – 1895-2-8 p4
  172. Chmielewski, W., column 4 – 1897-2-6 p4
  173. Chmielewski, William, “Polish Democrats Organize” – 1897-2-26 p4
  174. Cholwinski, William, column 1 – 1893-5-25 p4
  175. Chopin, Frederick, “Harmony Reigns” – 1893-5-3 p1
  176. Chopinski, Mrs. Polish settlement, column 2 – 1893-6-1 p4
  177. Chorak, Michael, column 1 – 1893-5-18 p4
  178. Chowlinski, Mr. & Mrs., column 1 – 1893-5-27 p4
  179. Choynski, Joe, boxer, “A Fistic Arena” – 1893-5-19 p4
  180. Choynski, Joe, boxer, “To Fight Next Monday” – 1893-6-20 p4
  181. Choynski, Joe, “Last Night’s Fight” – 1893-6-27 p4
  182. Chozanowski, Dr. J. A., “Charity Entertainment” – 1899-1-19 p4
  183. Chronliski, Orenta & wife, column 2 – 1895-2-2 p4
  184. Chulik, B. J., column 1 – 1897-3-6 p4
  185. Chulszewski, Joseph, 8224 Houston Ave., “Work For the Firemen” – 1895-5-13 p4
  186. Chundewski, William, “Democratic Primaries” – 1895-3-6 p4
  187. Ciesielski, Officer Michael, “Officer King’s Funeral” – 1892-7-13 p4
  188. Ciesielski, Officer, “A Small Blaze” – 1892-10-27 p4
  189. Ciesielski, Officer, column 1 – 1893-3-29 p4
  190. Ciesielski, Officer, “Fire and Smoke” – 1893-5-5 p4
  191. Ciesielski, Officer, “Who Sent in the Alarm?” – 1893-5-6 p4
  192. Ciesielski, Officer, “Who Will Be Sergeant?” – 1894-1-23 p4
  193. Ciesielski, Officer Michael, column 1 – 1894-1-26 p4
  194. Ciesielski, Officer, “Work For the Fire Laddies” – 1894-3-5 p4
  195. Ciesielski, Officer, column 2 – 1894-3-12 p4
  196. Ciesielski, Officer, “Committed Suicide” – 1894-4-25 p4
  197. Ciesielski, Officer, “Strikers Resort to Force” – 1895-5-8 p4
  198. Ciesielski, Officer, “Keep On Rolling In” – 1897-1-27 p4
  199. Ciesielski, Officer, column 2 – 1897-2-15 p4
  200. Ciesielski, Officer Michael, column 4 – 1897-3-27 p4
  201. Ciesielski, Officer Michael, “Shot the Dog” – 1897-4-27 p4
  202. Ciesielski, Michael, Detective Sergeant, column 1 – 1899-2-3 p4
  203. Ciesielski, Dect. Sergt., “Would Hold Up a Train” – 1899-2-10 p4
  204. Ciesielski, Dect. Sergt., “Didn’t See Mephistopheles” – 1899-3-29 p4
  205. Cigelski, John, column 1-2 – 1899-4-8 p4
  206. Cigelski, John, “Held to the Criminal Court” – 1899-4-10 p4
  207. Ciolkowski, Andrew, 17 years old, 8847 Exchange Ave., “Boy Looses Three Fingers” – 1899-5-4 p4
  208. Cislewitz, Miss Jan, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-9-21 p1
  209. Clavata, Stanslo, 18 years old, & his father Frank Clavata, “Police Pickings” – 1887-9-22 p1
  210. Clesghski, John, 84th & Superior Ave., “Riot at a Circus” – 1897-5-10 p4
  211. Cmielewski, William, “Only Yesterday”, November 9, 1896, reprinted in 1939-11-6 p2
  212. Cobocinski, Charles, 22 years old, single, lives with parents at 83rd & Railroad Ave., “Bruised His Arm” – 1892-10-17 p4
  213. Cocejewski, W. W., column 1 – 1892-9-24 p4
  214. Colberg, Tonez, column 1 – 1894-3-12 p4
  215. Cominsky, Mr., “Supposed Incendiarism” – 1892-10-6 p4
  216. Concewich, Julius, column 2 – 1899-2-6 p4
  217. Corack, Nick, 35 years old, married, “Taken to the County Hospital” – 1899-2-28 p4
  218. Crabarkczyki, William, 8224 Houston Ave., “Work For the Firemen” – 1895-5-13 p4
  219. Cranowski, John, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-9-2 p4
  220. Crisielski, Michael, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-9-2 p4
  221. Crook, George, “Arrested For Fishing” – 1894-3-22 p4
  222. Crook, George, “Expensive Shooting” – 1894-3-23 p4
  223. Cumminski, James, 8449 Superior Ave., “Struck By a Cable Car” – 1899-1-27 p4
  224. Cusack, Mary Elisabeth, died March 30, daughter of Michael & Mary, 104-19 Ave. J, column 2 – 1894-3-31 p4
  225. Cusick, Mr., “Windsor Park and Cheltenham” – 1899-4-19 p4
  226. Cwick, Joe, restaurant owner, column 1 – 1897-1-11 p4
  227. Czahorski, Frank, “Charity Entertainment” – 1899-1-19 p4
  228. Czahorski, Frank, “Their Fifth Anniversary” – 1899-1-30 p4
  229. Czaja, Frank, “Kleefisch – Ptok“ – 1893-2-9 p4
  230. Czaja, Mr., “Father Barth’s Fair” – 1887-9-21 p1
  231. Czelski, Stephen, father of dead child, 8253 Ontario Ave., “A Distressing Collision” – 1897-1-4 p4
  232. Czenski, R., undertaker at 8439 Ontario Ave., “A Distressing Collision” – 1897-1-4 p4
  233. Czubek, Martin, “At the Police Court” – 1899-5-20 p3
  234. Dambrasky, F., column 2 – 1892-9-30 p4
  235. Dasckiewicx, Romoldi, column 3 – 1897-3-6 p4
  236. Daszkiewicz, Mary, Public Schools” – 1897-6-19 p4
  237. Daszkiewicz, Mr., “Father Sullivan’s Fair” – 1892-10-17 p4
  238. Daszkiewicz, Romaldi, “In Memory of Goethe” – 1897-3-23 p4
  239. Dawczynski, J., “Democratic Primaries” – 1897-3-4 p4
  240. Dawczynski, John, 8727 Commercial Ave., column 1 – 1895-5-31 p4
  241. Dawczynski, John, 8727 Commercial Ave., column 1 – 1895-6-1 p4
  242. Dazinski, Mr. & Mrs. & son Broney, 8515 Buffalo Ave., “After the Ball” – 1895-1-3 p4
  243. Debrowski, John, column 1 – 1897-2-16 p4
  244. Debrowski, John, “A Dangerous Practice” – 1897-2-17 p4
  245. Deloski, Mrs., Poluschack, Agnes, “Short Tale” – 1892-11-22 p4
  246. Demarak, Mr., “Cut in Three Pieces” – 1892-9-26 p4
  247. Derieznski, George, “Chewed His Eyebrow” – 1892-9-6 p4
  248. Derpa, John, clerk of the court, column 2 – 1897-1-8 p4
  249. Derpa, John, clerk of the court, column 3 – 1897-2-27 p4
  250. Derpa, John, court clerk, “En Route the Check” – 1897-3-3 p4
  251. Derpa, John, court clerk, column 3 – 1897-4-19 p4
  252. Derpa, John, “Polish People Celebrate” – 1897-5-10 p4
  253. Derpa, Johnny, “County Constable Sued” – 1897-1-22 p4
  254. Derpa, Johnny, “Nafe Elected President” – 1897-1-30 p4
  255. Derpa, John S., “Charity Entertainment” – 1899-1-19 p4
  256. Derpa, John S., “Their Fifth Anniversary” – 1899-1-30 p4
  257. Derpa, Joseph, ., “Poles Celebrate Anniversary” – 1899-5-9 p4
  258. Derpa, Misses, column 2 – 1893-1-19 p4
  259. Derpa, Mr. & Miss, “Miss Abeles Surprised” – 1899-4-22 p4
  260. Derpa, Mary, “Miss Schmolka Surprised” – 1899-1-25 p4
  261. Devefinski, Joseph & Piligu, column 2 – 1892-10-26 p4
  262. Dick, John, “Police News” – 1893-1-23 p4
  263. Djiecgnak, Stanislaus, resident of the Bush, column 2 – 1894-2-9 p4
  264. Doberski, Teofil & Mary Firana, column 1, 1887-11-22 p4
  265. Dobracki, Miss Helen, Ontario Ave., & brother, 8438 Exchange Ave., “$10,000 Damage Suit Filed” – 1899-3-10 p4
  266. Dobraske, Walter & brother Caesar, Andro Vaslock, all under 12 years old and all live with parents at 86th & Houston Ave., “Extraordinary Crime” – 1893-1-12 p4
  267. Dobraske, Walter & brother Caesar, Vaslock, Andro, Yopchinski, Peter, (refers to article “Extraordinary Crime”, 1893-1-12 p4), column 2, 1893-1-13 p4
  268. Dobraske, Walter & Caesar, Yopchinski, John, Peter & Petosch, ages 11-15 years old, Antony Goural, Vaslock, Andro, column 2 – 1893-2-8 p4
  269. Dobroleski, John, 8349 Superior Ave., 2 children – 3 and 8 years old, “Are Rolling In” – 1897-1-26 p4
  270. Dobrzycki, Michael, “Alleged Hold-Up Men Held” – 1899-3-13 p4
  271. Dolaske, John, wife & newborn daughter, 10826 Ave. N, column 1 – 1899-4-14 p4
  272. Doleske, John, “East Side Notes” – 1892-10-4 p4
  273. Dolewska, Julia & Krynicki, Maciej marriage license, column 1 – 1887-10-27 p4
  274. Domboski, Mr. & Mrs., Port Huron, Wisconsin, “A Surprise Party” – 1899-3-20 p4
  275. Dombrawski, W., “A Birthday Surprise Party” – 1894-4-18 p4
  276. Dombroski, Mr., 30 years old, married, 8317 Buffalo Ave., living with wife & parents, “Where Is Dombroski?” – 1893-5-8 p4
  277. Dombroski, Mr., column 1 & “Our Life Savers”, wife & mother – 1893-5-9 p4
  278. Dombrowski, Mr., “A Surprise Party” – 1899-3-20 p4
  279. Domin, Joseph, column 3 – 1897-5-25 p4
  280. Dominic, Joseph, column 3 – 1897-6-2 p4
  281. Domokie, Andrew, column 2 – 1897-5-26 p4
  282. Domoskey, Michael, 87th & Commercial Ave., column 2 – 1887-12-5 p4
  283. Donefski, Peter, 4 years old, son of Anton, 8741 Ashkum Ave., “Fatal Dog Bite” – 1893-5-11 p4
  284. Donofski, John, 8707 Houston Ave. died, column 2 – 1895-2-7 p4
  285. Donolencki, Volig & wife Vernick, column 1 – 1895-3-16 p4
  286. Dorchevicz, Frank, 42 years old, 8424 Baltimore Ave., “Insane Man Taken Away” – 1899-6-8 p3
  287. Dorkinski, Marion, “Car Thieves’ Case Continues” – 1899-1-25 p4
  288. Dorkinski, Marion, “Alleged Car Thieves Held” – 1899-1-31 p4
  289. Dorkinsky, Mary, 8728 Exchange Ave., “Stolen Property Recovered” – 1899-1-20 p4
  290. Dornaski, Michael, “The Last Night of the Fair”, – 1887-9-29 p1
  291. Dorscheid building, 89th & Commercial Ave., column 1 – 1897-5-18 p4
  292. Dorscheid, Mr., column 2 – 1895-5-28 p4
  293. Dorscheid, Mrs., “Farewell Reception” – 1983-1-3 p4
  294. Dorscheid, Mrs. & Mary, “Kleefisch – Ptok” – 1893-2-9 p4
  295. Dorscheid, Ms. C., column 3 – 1899-4-11 p4
  296. Dorscheid, Clara, “In Memory of Goethe” – 1897-3-23 p4
  297. Dorscheid, Clarence, column 5 – 1893-4-15 p4
  298. Dorscheid, C., column 3 – 1895-30 p4
  299. Dorscheid, E., column 2 – 1899-6-5 p3
  300. Dorscheid, E., column 1 – 1899-6-10 p3
  301. Dorscheid, G., Mrs., “Singing Society Fair Over” – 1899-4-10 p4
  302. Dorscheid, Gertie, “Singing Society Affair” – 1899-4-5 p4
  303. Dorscheid, Mrs. Gertrude, 8901 Commercial Ave., “Drug Store in Flames” – 1895-4-29 p4
  304. Dorscheid, Gertrude Mrs., column 2 – 1899-4-11 p4
  305. Dorscheid, Mr., column 3 – 1892-9-21 p4
  306. Dorscheid, Mr. & Mrs., “Singing Society Affair” – 1899-4-5 p4
  307. Dorscheid, M., “A Democratic Palaver” – 1897-3-9 p4
  308. Dorscheid, Mathias, column 4 – 1897-2-6 p4
  309. Dorscheid, Matt, “Thirty Third Ward Club” – 1892-8-3 p4
  310. Dorscheid, Matt, “Split Up the Back” – 1892-8-22 p4
  311. Dorscheid, Matt, “The Political Outlook” – 1892-9-28 p4
  312. Dorscheid, Matt, column 1-2 – 1892-12-3 p4
  313. Dorscheid, Matt, “The Aldermanic Contest” – 1893-1-14 p4
  314. Dorscheid, Matt, “The Aldermanic Ballot” – 1893-1-21 p4
  315. Dorscheid, Matt, “The Aldermanic Ballot” – 1893-1-28 p4
  316. Dorscheid, Matt, “The Aldermanic Contest” – 1893-2-4 p4
  317. Dorscheid, Matt, “The Combat Deepens” – 1893-2-11 p4
  318. Dorscheid, Matt, “Battle of the Ballots” – 1893-2-18 p4
  319. Dorscheid, Matt, “The Aldermanic Contest” – 1893-2-25 p4
  320. Dorscheid, Matt, “The Aldermanic Vote” – 1893-3-6 p4
  321. Dorscheid, Matt, “A Dirty Deal!” – 1893-3-14 p4
  322. Dorscheid, Matt, “Matt Dorscheid Makes a Statement” – 1893-3-15 p4
  323. Dorscheid, Matt, column 2 – 1893-3-16 p4
  324. Dorscheid, Matt, “Independent Democratic” – 1893-3-17 p4
  325. Dorscheid, Matt, “Independent Democratic Club” – 1893-3-28 p4
  326. Dorscheid, Matt, “Attention, Democrats” – 1893-6-17 p4
  327. Dorscheid, Matt, “In a Sweat Box” – 1893-6-19 p4
  328. Dorscheid, Matt, “No Germans Need Apply” – 1894-2-7 p4
  329. Dorscheid, Matt, column 2 – 1894-2-12 p4
  330. Dorscheid, Matt, “Names a Candidate” – 1894-2-17 p4
  331. Dorscheid, Matt, column 2 – 1894-2-24 p4
  332. Dorscheid, Matt, column 3 – 1894-3-3 p4
  333. Dorscheid, Matt, column 3 – 1894-3-10 p4
  334. Dorscheid, Matt, column 3 – 1894-3-12 p4
  335. Dorscheid, Matt, “Pulled Out” – 1894-3-16 p4
  336. Dorscheid, Matt, “Aldermanic Candidates” – 1894-3-19 p4
  337. Dorscheid, Matt, “Matt Dorscheid Chosen”, “Notice to Public”, “Headquarters Opened” – 1894-3-21 p4
  338. Dorscheid, Matt, “Headquarters Opened” – 1894-3-22 p4
  339. Dorscheid, Matt, “Headquarters Opened” – 1894-3-23 p4
  340. Dorscheid, Matt, “A Political Meeting” – 1894-3-26 p2
  341. Dorscheid, Matt, “Elect A. R. Beck” – 1894-3-31 p4
  342. Dorscheid, Matt, “The Aldermanic Question” – 1894-4-2 p4
  343. Dorscheid, Matt, “The Election” – 1894-4-3 p4
  344. Dorscheid, Matt, “Ald. Howell Re-elected” – 1894-44 p4
  345. Dorscheid, Matt, column 4 – 1894-4-6 p4
  346. Dorscheid, Matt, “The Kangaroo Ballot” – 1894-4-7 p4
  347. Dorscheid, Matt, column 2 – 1894-4-9 p4
  348. Dorscheid, Matt, “The Saw His Honor” – 1894-4-24 p4
  349. Dorscheid, Matt, column 2 – 1895-2-12 p4
  350. Dorscheid, Matt, “Only Yesterday”, November 3, 1896, reprinted in 1939-11-6 p2
  351. Dorscheid, Matt, “Only Yesterday” reprint from Dec. 4, 1896 – 1939-11-29 p5
  352. Dorscheid, Matt, “The Voice of the People” – 1897-1-30 p4
  353. Dorscheid, Matt, column 2 & “The Aldermanic Contest” – 1897-2-6 p4
  354. Dorscheid, Matt, “The Aldermanic Contest” – 1897-2-13 p4
  355. Dorscheid, Matt, “Aldermanic Battles” – 1897-2-20 p4
  356. Dorscheid, Matt, “The Aldermanic Contest” – 1897-2-24 p4
  357. Dorscheid, Matt, “A Hot Fight” – 1897-3-19 p4
  358. Dorscheid, Matt, owns building at 89th & Commercial Ave., “Has Opened Headquarters” – 1897-3-24 p4
  359. Dorscheid, Matt, ex- alderman, column 3 – 1897-4-30 p4
  360. Dorscheid, Matt, “Factions at War” – 1897-6-21 p4
  361. Dorscheid, Mrs. P. “Father Barth’s Fair” – 1887-9-21 p1
  362. Dorscheid, Mrs. P., “The Last Night of the Fair”, – 1887-9-29 p1
  363. Dorscheid, Mrs. Peter & daughter, 89th & Superior Ave., column 1 – 1887-10-25 p4
  364. Dorscheid, Peter, grocery store owner, corner of 89th & Commercial Ave., advertisement – 1887-7-5 p4
  365. Dorscheid, Peter, grocery store owner, corner of 89th & Commercial Ave., advertisement – 1887-7-6 p4
  366. Dorscheid, Peter, 89th & Commercial Ave., “News Around Town” – 1887-7-11 p1
  367. Dorscheid, Peter & brother Matt Dorscheid, “Peter Dorscheid’s Illness“ – 1887-7-12 p4
  368. Dorscheid, Peter, 39 years old in January of 1887, born in Germany, emigrated when very young, settled on north side of Chicago, moved to South Chicago in 1881, grocer on 89th & Commercial Ave., married with 6 children, died July 13, 1887, buried in St. Boniface Cemetery, “Death’s Doings” – 1887-7-13 p1
  369. Dorscheid, Peter, wife, son Peter Jr., 89th & Commercial Ave., brother Matt, “P. Dorscheid’s Death” – 1887-7-14 p1
  370. Dorscheid, Peter, column 1 – 1887-7-14 p4
  371. Dorscheid, Peter, “News Around Town” & “Obituary” – 1887-7-15 p1
  372. Dorscheid, Peter, “Resolutions of Condolence” – 1887-7-20 p1
  373. Dorscheid, Miss Tillie, “Masquerades Galore” – 1899-1-23 p4
  374. Dorscheid, Tillie, “A Double Surprise” – 1899-2-13 p4
  375. Doubleinski, John, 8349 Superior Ave., wife & 3 children, column 3 – 1897-1-25 p4
  376. Drambowski, W., stepson of Joseph Koczkowski, “Two Charged With Murder” – 1899-5-20 p3
  377. Drohoski, Kasper, column 1 – 1894-1-26 p4
  378. Drohoski, Mr. column 1 – 1894-1-27 p4
  379. Dropinski, Adam, “Two Charged With Murder” – 1899-5-20 p3
  380. Dropinski, Adam, “Koczkowski Died a Natural Death” – 1899-5-22 p3
  381. Dropinski, Adam, column 2 – 1899-5-23 p3
  382. Drypanski, Martin, “Poles in Revolt” – 1899-2-6 p4
  383. Duchek, Frank, secretary of the Friendship Building & Loan Association of Colehour, “East Side Notes” – 1892-10-4 p4
  384. Dudeck, Frank, 8802 Commercial Ave., “Two Blazes” – 1892-11-17 p4
  385. Dudeck, J. C., “To Advertise in Both” – 1892-8-15 p4
  386. Dudeck, J., “Republicans Meet” – 1892-9-6 p4
  387. Dudeck, J. E., “Precinct Committees” – 1892-9-27 p4
  388. Dudeck, Joseph, “Hull Vs. Crawford” – 1892-8-13 p4
  389. Dudek, A., “Our Evening School” – 1895-3-23 p4
  390. Dudek, J. E., column 2 – 1892-10-13 p4
  391. Dudek, J. E., column 1 – 1893-6-28 p4
  392. Dudek, J. E., “Republicans Organized” – 1895-3-22 p4
  393. Dudek, J. E., column 2 – 1895-5-9 p4
  394. Dudek, Joe, “Aldermanic Convention” – 1894-3-17 p4
  395. Dudek, Joe, “Another Fire” – 1894-4-4 p4
  396. Dudek, Joe, “To Open 88th Street” – 1895-4-25 p4
  397. Dudek, Joe, “After Jenkins’ Scalp” – 1895-5-14 p4
  398. Dudek, Josef, “Jones’ Good Work” – 1895-6-15 p4
  399. Dudek, Joseph E., “Selected Delegates” – 1892-8-22 p4
  400. Dudek, Joseph A., “How It All Happened” – 1892-12-8 p4
  401. Dudek, Mr., “For A South Gate” – 1892-12-23 p4
  402. Dudek, Joseph E., “The Aldermanic Contest” – 1893-1-14 p4
  403. Dudek, Joseph E., “The Aldermanic Ballot” – 1893-1-21 p4
  404. Dudek, Joseph E., “The Aldermanic Ballot” – 1893-1-28 p4
  405. Dudek, Joseph E., “The Aldermanic Contest” – 1893-2-4 p4
  406. Dudek, Joseph E., “The Combat Deepens” – 1893-2-11 p4
  407. Dudek, Joseph E., “Battle of the Ballots” – 1893-2-18 p4
  408. Dudek, Joseph E., “The Aldermanic Context” – 1893-2-25 p4
  409. Dudek, Joseph E., “The Aldermanic Vote” – 1893-3-6 p4
  410. Dudek, Joseph E., “Republican Primaries” – 1894-5-3 p4
  411. Dudek, Joseph E., “Republican Primaries” – 1894-5-11 p4
  412. Dudek, Joseph, “Republicans Organize” – 1893-3-20 p4
  413. Dudek, Joseph, “Republican Club Meeting” – 1894-3-22 p4
  414. Dudek, Joseph E., “Primary Election Notice” – 1895-2-6 p4
  415. Dudek, Joseph E., “Primary Election Notice” – 1895-2-7 p4
  416. Dudek, Joseph, born in Poland, “Hyde Park Justices” – 1895-4-20 p4
  417. Dudek, Joseph, justice of the peace, column 1 – 1895-4-23 p4
  418. Dudek, Joseph, “Did Not Represent Them” – 1895-4-26 p4
  419. Dudek, Joseph, justice of the peace, column 2 – 1895-4-29 p4
  420. Dudek, Joseph, “Hyde Park Justices” – 1895-6-14 p4
  421. Dudek, Joseph, wife, “Only Yesterday” reprint from Dec. 16, 1896 – 1939-12-26 p5
  422. Dudek, Joesph E., real estate developer with office at 8802 Commercial Ave., “Joe Dudek in Trouble” – 1897-1-21 p4
  423. Dudek, Joseph, real estate man, Polish editor, politician, column 2 – 1897-1-26 p4
  424. Dudek, Joseph E., former secretary of Kosciusko Building & Loan Association, column 2 – 1897-1-30 p4
  425. Dudek, Joseph, “Martin Wiora’s Side” – 1897-4-1 p4
  426. Dudek, Joseph, column 2 – 1897-6-11 p4
  427. Dudek, Joseph, column 1 – 1897-6-15 p4
  428. Dudek, Joseph, “Voters’ League Reorganized” – 1899-2-6 p4
  429. Dudek, Stanislaus, Pulaski Guards, column 2 – 1894-3-5 p4
  430. Dudek, Stanislaus and Joseph, “Only Yesterday” reprint from Dec. 4, 1896 – 1939-11-29 p5
  431. Dudkiewic, Stanislaw, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-9-12 p1
  432. Duhinski, A., column 3 – 1887-11-10 p4
  433. Duinzik, John, column 2 – 1897-2-18 p4
  434. Dura, Mr. J., column 2 – 1897-5-24 p4
  435. Dura, Joseph, “The Pulaski Guards” – 1897-5-4 p4
  436. Durkowski, Martin, “Car Robbers Convicted” – 1899-3-15 p4
  437. Dusak, T., “Arrested For Fishing” – 1894-3-22 p4
  438. Dusginski, Anton, “Headquarters Opened” – 1894-3-27 p2
  439. Dusncki, A., column 3 – 1899-3-23 p4
  440. Duszynski, John, wife, “Only Yesterday”, reprint of Nov. 2, 1896 – 1939-10-28 p8
  441. Duszynski, Tomasz, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-9-2 p4
  442. Duszynski, Wojciech, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-11-2 p1
  443. Duzacki, A., column 3 – 1899-3-23 p4
  444. Duzenski, Mr., column 1 – 1895-6-18 p4
  445. Dzedzak, S., column 2, 1892-8-23 p4
  446. Dziedziak, Stanislau, “Social Life In the “Bush” – 1894-2-15 p4
  447. Edzurek, J., “Miss Schmolka Surprised” – 1899-1-25 p4
  448. Enerlavech, Mike, Caeholla, Equax, Byer, Steve, Rolaveisch, Frank, Zinscow, John, Hercow, Joe, column 2, 1887-11-12 p4
  449. Enerlavech, Byer, Steve, Mike, Caeholla, Equax, Rolaveisch, Frank, Zinscow, John, Hercow, Joe, “Police Pickups” – 1887-11-14 p1
  450. Enerlavech, Byer, Steve, Mike, Caeholla, Equax, Rolaveisch, Frank, Zinscow, John, Hercow, Joe, “Police News” – 1887-11-29 p1
  451. Erzekrotz, Uyodiech & Varonz, Stanislaus, store clerk, column 3 – 1893-2-3 p4
  452. Espojancy, Stanislaus, 8450 Superior Ave., “The Deadly Trolley Car” – 1895-4-3 p4
  453. Feketa, Andrew, “At the Police Court” – 1899-5-18 p4
  454. Fenske, Peter, column 1 – 1893-4-4 p4
  455. Filipsiak, Michael, column 1-2 – 1899-4-8 p4
  456. Filmanowicz, Mrs. W., 8355 Buffalo Ave., gave birth, column 3 – 1899-4-6 p4
  457. Firana, Mary & Doberski, Teofil, column 1, 1887-11-22 p4
  458. Firanek, Mrs. Katie, 83rd & Edwards Ave., “Miraculous Escape” – 1892-10-31 p4
  459. Fischer, Charles F., “Pandemonium Reigned” – 1893-2-25 p4
  460. Fitanski, John, 8755 Houston Ave., column 1 – 1893-2-6 p4
  461. Flenouski, Kasimir, 8218 Houston Ave., “Work For the Firemen” – 1895-5-13 p4
  462. Forman, Mr., “Joe Dudek in Trouble” – 1897-1-21 p4
  463. Formann, Anton, treasurer of Polish Turner Society, column 2 – 1894-3-2 p4
  464. Formann, James, secretary of Polish Turner Society, column 2 – 1894-3-2 p4
  465. Frankowski, Joseph, owner of meat market at 8710 Commercial Ave., “Meat Market Burned” – 1897-1-5 p4
  466. Frazinski, B., “Destroyed By Fire” – 1887-11-9 p1
  467. Freska, August, 1896-12-15, reprinted in “Only Yesterday” – 1939-12-16 p8
  468. Frezensky, “Wednesday’s Fire” – 1887-11-11 p1
  469. Frezensky, Alexander L., “Eighth Year Grade” – 1893-6-23 p4
  470. Frezensky, Alexander L., “The Class of ‘97” – 1897-6-4 p4
  471. Frezensky, Alexander L., “The High School” – 1897-6-24 p4
  472. Friski, Mrs. Sophia, “News Around Town” – 1887-7-11 p1
  473. Frontaczak, Martin, 155 Cleaver St., “Struck By a Street Car” – 1899-5-17 p4
  474. Fuller, Frank, column 1 – 1893-3-27 p4
  475. Fullman, Joseph, 8350 Buffalo Ave., column 2 – 1895-6-26 p4
  476. Furman, Mr., real office in 8810 Commercial Ave., column 1-2 – 1899-1-20 p4
  477. Furman, Anton M., Pezyberski, Michael, Wasowicz, Peter, incorporators of Sokoel Polski Stefana Czarnec Kiego w South Chicago, column 1 – 1894-3-23 p4
  478. Furman, At., “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-9-2 p4
  479. Furman, Adalbert, column 2 – 1897-1-22 p4
  480. Furman, George, “A Political Meeting” – 1894-3-26 p2
  481. Furman, Martin, “Democratic Primaries” – 1897-3-4 p4
  482. Furman, Martin, “Democratic Primaries” – 1897-3-16 p4
  483. Furman, Martin, “A-Wheel to Lamont, Ill.” – 1899-5-13 p4
  484. Furman, Tony, “A-Wheel to Lamont, Ill.” – 1899-5-13 p4
  485. Gabryszak, Wincenty, “Our Evening School” – 1895-3-23 p4
  486. Gackowski, J., column 4 – 1893-1-28 p4
  487. Gackman, Stanislaw, 32 years old, 8738 Houston Ave., “Insane Man Removed” – 1899-6-21 p3
  488. Gaczas, Joseph married Domecity Gecaity, “From the Cell to the Altar” – 1899-2-16 p4
  489. Gadzinski, little girl, 10 years old, 8433 Exchange Ave., column 3 – 1895-1-31 p4
  490. Gadzinski, Stephen, 3 years old & sisters Lena, 2 years old, & 10 year old sister, 8433 Exchange Ave., column 2 – 1895-2-13 p4
  491. Gajewski, Celia, 8723 Commercial Ave., column 1 – 1897-5-26 p4
  492. Gajewski, Martin, 8707 Commercial Ave., “Gone To Blazes” – 1892-9-6 p4
  493. Galayski, Stanislaw, 14 years old, 8455 Exchange Ave., “Shocked By Electricity” – 1899-5-31 p4
  494. Ganyzto, Frank, “Caught in the Act” – 1892-9-14 p4
  495. Garbowicz, Louis, 8836 Exchange Ave., column 2 – 1897-4-26 p4
  496. Gatska, John, column 2 – 1887-12-15 p4
  497. Gauszik, Caknickz, 35 years old, married, carpenter, 8727 Commercial Ave., “Overcome By Heat” – 1893-6-22 p4
  498. Gaulingski, Lawrence & George, residents of the Bush, column 3 – 1894-2-10 p4
  499. Gavagenski, John., columns 2 & 3 – 1897-1-25 p4
  500. Gavajenski, John, “Cut With a Knife” – 1897-1-18 p4
  501. Gazeczynske, M., column 1 – 1895-6-29 p4
  502. Gaziark, Stanislaus, column 1 – 1895-6-1 p4
  503. Gaziark, Stanislaus, column 1 – 1895-6-4 p4
  504. Gaziark, Stanislaus, column 1 – 1895-6-5 p4
  505. Gesky, Mary, column 1 – 1892-7-11 p4
  506. Geys, George, 27 years old, single, 8737 Commercial Ave., “Cut With a Knife” – 1897-1-18 p4
  507. Geys, George, column 3 – 1897-1-19 p4
  508. Geys, George, column 3 – 1897-1-20 p4
  509. Geys, George, column 3 – 1897-1-25 p4
  510. Giza, Anton, column 1 – 1899-3-9 p4
  511. Godzinski, M., column 2-3 – 1897-3-9 p4
  512. Gojowski, Kasimir, wife Malaria, “Only Yesterday”, reprint from Nov. 30, 1896 – 1939-11-25 p2
  513. Gojowski, Kasimir, wife Waleria, wife’s parents, “Only Yesterday”, reprint from Dec. 3, 1896 – 1939-11-29 p5
  514. Golinski, Anton, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-8-10 p4
  515. Golombieski, John, Cpl., KIA in Philippines, resided with parents at 9316 Marquette Ave., “South Chicagoan Falls” – 1899-5-5 p4
  516. Gonowski, W., column 2 – 1897-6-10 p4
  517. Gorcellany, Mr., column 2 – 1895-4-27 p4
  518. Gordon, Rev. Father, Rev. Father Radziejewski, John Belzowski, Father Nowicki, Father Lipski, Father Wojtalewicz, John Sjostakowski, “Appropriate Ceremonies” – 1892-9-12 p4
  519. Gordon, Tom, Helminski, Mr., Pierz, Joe, “A Fearful Gash” – 1892-8-17 p4
  520. Gordon, Thomas, saloonkeeper, column 3 – 1897-1-4 p4
  521. Gordon, Thomas, column 3 – 1897-3-1 p4
  522. Goreny, I. & S., column 2 – 1892-9-30 p4
  523. Gorney, Michael, column 3 – 1897-4-7 p4
  524. Gorney, Yonn, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-8-27 p4
  525. Gorzelany, Mathias, Sjustakowski, John, Lozinski, Anton, Kosinski, John, “Thirty Third Ward Club” – 1892-8-3 p4
  526. Gorzelany, Mat, “Carter is Coming” & “Independent Democratic Club” – 1893-4-3 p4
  527. Gorzelany, Mat, “Lost”, column 2 – 1893-6-14 p4
  528. Gorzelany, Mat, “Lost”, column 3 – 1893-6-15 p4
  529. Gorzelany, Mat, 83rd & Superior Ave., column 3 – 1893-6-16 p4
  530. Gorzelany, Matt, “A Political Meeting” – 1894-3-26 p2
  531. Gorzelany, Matt, “Squabble Over Jobs” – 1894-4-27 p4
  532. Gorzelanny, Mat., “Independent Democratic Club” – 1893-3-28 p4
  533. Gotzensk, Joseph, 8326 Superior Ave., “Bad Night For Fires” – 1895-1-22 p4
  534. Goural, Antony, Yopchinski, John, Peter & Petosch, ages 11-15 years old, & mother, “Called Him a Liar” – 1893-1-14 p4
  535. Goural, Antony, Yopchinski, John, Peter & Petosch, ages 11-15 years old, Dobraske, Walter & Caesar, Vaslock, Andro, column 2 – 1893-2-8 p4
  536. Gouski, Martin, 8421 Escanaba Ave., “Mysterious Fire” – 1893-6-27 p4
  537. Gowieski, Joe, “Captured Cattle Thieves” – 1897-2-17 p4
  538. Gowombieski, Frank, manager of Polish Turner Society, column 2 – 1894-3-2 p4
  539. Gowski, John, 78 years old, married, 8723 Commercial Ave., column 2 – 1897-3-20 p4
  540. Gozejewski, S., column 2, 1892-8-23 p4
  541. Graboski, Ignatius, “Pandemonium Reigned” – 1893-2-25 p4
  542. Graboski, …ton, column 1 – 1894-1-22 p4
  543. Grabowski, A., “Young Ladies Will Perform” – 1897-1-25 p4
  544. Grabowski, A., “Young Ladies Perform” – 1897-1-29 p4
  545. Grabowski, Ignatus, column 2 – 1897-6-11 p4
  546. Grabowski, Ignatz, “Squabble Over Jobs” – 1894-4-27 p4
  547. Grabowski, S., column 2 – 1893-5-10 p4
  548. Graczyk, J., column 2 – 1899-3-20 p4
  549. Gragovich, Michael, 88th & Green Bay Ave., column 2 – 1899-5-3 p4
  550. Granacki, Ignatz, owner of hall at 8707 Commercial Ave., column 2 – 1899-3-6 p4
  551. Granewicz, Fred, 8920 Muskegon Ave., “Only Yesterday”, reprint of 1896-10-12, – 1939-10-17 p8
  552. Granobski, Mary, column 1 – 1892-8-19 p4
  553. Grembowicz, Stanislaus, 8330 Buffalo Ave., wife & 5 children – 2 to 12 years old, “Are Rolling In” – 1897-1-26 p4
  554. Grigli, Paul, column 3 – 1895-2-20 p4
  555. Gronowski, Maggie, 13 years old, “At the Police Court” – 1899-6-27 p3
  556. Gronowski, W., “Wiora in Court” – 1897-6-22 p4
  557. Growicz, Ignus, 9002 Strand Ave., column 2 – 1893-6-7 p4
  558. Gruckzinski, N., “Edward Watkins” – 1899-3-8 p4
  559. Grudenska, Frank, 40 years old, married, 8824 Escanaba Ave., “Instantly Killed” – 1892-8-29 p4
  560. Grudenska, Joseph, 8824 Escanaba Ave., 17 years old, “Badly Wounded” – 1892-8-6 p4
  561. Grudenska, Mr., killed in train accident, column 1 – 1892-8-31 p4
  562. Grudenski, Frank, “Alleged Nest of Thieves” – 1894-2-24 p2
  563. Grudzinski, B., column 3 – 1897-4-14 p4
  564. Grynewicz, Joseph, 87th & Commercial Ave., “At the Police Court” – 1899-3-8 p4
  565. Gryniewicz, K., “A-Wheel to Lamont, Ill.” – 1899-5-13 p4
  566. Gryzerk, Helen, column 2 – 1897-5-24 p4
  567. Grzankowski, W., column 4 – 1893-1-28 p4
  568. Grzesk, Mr. & Mrs. Helena, “The Pulaski Guards” – 1897-5-4 p4
  569. Guidziski, B., “A Pleasant Birthday Party” – 1899-5-11 p4
  570. Gulich, Andrew, bartender, “Two Charged With Murder” – 1899-5-20 p3
  571. Gunia, Thomas, column 1 – 1897-2-11 p4
  572. Gunio, Thomas, column 2-3 – 1897-2-13 p4
  573. Guran, Mrs. & Yapchinski, Mrs., 87th & Houston Ave., column 2 – 1892-8-16 p4
  574. Guran, Dame, Yupchinska, Dame & son & daughter, column 2 – 1892-8-19 p4
  575. Gutkowski, Josephine, “At the Police Court” – 1899-2-21 p4
  576. Guzenski, Frank, column 1 – 1897-2-8 p4
  577. Guzinski, Frank, column 1 – 1895-6-19 p4
  578. Gzyumborski, Nost, column 1 – 1897-3-8 p4
  579. Haiduk, F., “A Democratic Palaver” – 1897-3-9 p4
  580. Hajduk, F., 87th & Commercial Ave., column 1 – 1895-1-10 p4
  581. Hajduk, F., column 1 – 1895-1-11 p4
  582. Hajduk, Frank, 8742 Commercial Ave., column 3 – 1894-2-24 p4
  583. Hajduk, Frank, undertaker, “Child Fatally Burned” – 1897-1-18 p4
  584. Halecki, Officer, “Who Will Be Sergeant?” – 1894-1-23 p4
  585. Halecki, Officer, column 2 – 1894-2-9 p4
  586. Halecki, Officer, “Boys Who Snowball” – 1894-2-19 p2
  587. Halecki, Officer, “Alleged Nest of Thieves” – 1894-2-23 p4
  588. Halecki, Officer, “Alleged Nest of Thieves” – 1894-2-24 p2
  589. Halecki, Officer, column 1 – 1894-3-29 p4
  590. Halecki, Officer, “Bad Night For Fires” – 1895-1-22 p4
  591. Halecki, Officer James, “At the Police Court” – 1895-4-15 p4
  592. Halecki, James, “Only Yesterday” – 1896-7-31, reprinted in 1939-8-29 p8
  593. Halecki, James, ex-police officer, column 1 – 1897-4-24 p4
  594. Halecki, Officer, “At the Police Court” – 1899-3-6 p4
  595. Halecki, Officer, column 1-2 – 1899-4-8 p4
  596. Halecki, Officer, “Held to the Criminal Court” – 1899-4-10 p4
  597. Halecki, Officer, column 2 – 1899-4-26 p4
  598. Halecki, Officer, “Szarrafin – Lempke Nuptials” – 1899-5-24 p3
  599. Halecki, Officer, “At the Police Court” – 1899-5-25 p3
  600. Haliski, James, “Democratic Convention” – 1893-2-18 p4
  601. Hallecki, Officer, “Two Charged With Murder” – 1899-5-20 p3
  602. Hallicki, Officer John, “Heads Fall” – 1895-5-8 p4
  603. Hameski, Joseph, column 2 – 1892-10-10 p4
  604. Hancyakowski, Michael, column 3 – 1895-4-29 p4
  605. Hebner, Fred, “In the Police Court” – 1887-8-30 p1
  606. Helminski, Mr., Pierz, Joe, Gordon, Tom, “A Fearful Gash” – 1892-8-17 p4
  607. Heppner, Theodore, column 2 – 1893-4-29 p4
  608. Hercow, Joe, Zinscow, John, Rolaveisch, Frank, Byer, Steve, Enerlavech, Mike, Caeholla, Equax, column 2, 1887-11-12 p4
  609. Hercow, Joe, Byer, Steve, Enerlavech, Mike, Caeholla, Equax, Rolaveisch, Frank, Zinscow, John, “Police News” – 1887-11-14 p1
  610. Hercow, Joe, Byer, Steve, Enerlavech, Mike, Caeholla, Equax, Rolaveisch, Frank, Zinscow, John, “Police Pickups” – 1887-11-29 p1
  611. Hoczerski, Antoin, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-9-2 p4
  612. Hodinski, Roman & wife, Superior Ave., column 1 – 1887-10-18 p4
  613. Hodonski, John, 8351 Ontario Ave., “Driven Out By Flames” – 1899-5-26 p3
  614. Hokalifski, Mrs., midwife, “A Midwife’s Complaint” – 1892-8-9 p4
  615. Hoppe, Albert, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-9-2 p4
  616. Horka, F., column 1 – 1897-3-3 p4
  617. Horka, Frank, column 2 – 1899-3-4 p4
  618. Howalk, Frank, 43 years old, married, 8956 Houston Ave., column 2 – 1899-3-9 p4
  619. Hynowski, Mrs., owned building at 8751 Colfax Ave., “Blaze in Colfax Avenue” – 1897-4-19 p4
  620. Idziorek, Mr., “Retail Clerks Dance” – 1899-6-7 p3
  621. Ignowski, Michael, 8751 Colfax Ave., “Blaze in Colfax Avenue” – 1897-4-19 p4
  622. Isadorack, Mary, column 2 – 1893-4-29 p4
  623. Isidorek, Joseph, Wyszynski, John, Beliorski, Ignace – “Must Pay Its Share” – 1892-8-1 p4
  624. Jabloniski, Ignatz & Victoria, “Notice to Saloonkeepers” – 1892-8-19 p4
  625. Jablouski, Michael, suicide, wife & family live in Poland, “The Clothes-Line Route” – 1894-4-17 p4
  626. Jachochike, Wladislaw, “Only Yesterday”, reprinted 1939-8-8 p5 – 1896-7-16
  627. Jalafsky, Anton, 8901 Commercial Ave., column 3 – 1894-4-27 p4
  628. Jalofsky, J., “Father Barth’s Fair” – 1887-9-21 p1
  629. Jaloski, Mrs. Mary, column 2 – 1895-1-30 p4
  630. Janashki, John, married, sent family to Wisconsin, column 1 – 1892-10-28 p4
  631. Jandzenski, Joseph, watchmaker, 8339 Mackinaw Ave., “Shot Her Husband” – 1897-1-18 p4
  632. Janiack, Mrs. Woyciech & Swoma, Josie, 80 years old, column 4 – 1887-11-17 p4
  633. Janiak, S., “Additional Local” – 1899-6-28 p2
  634. Janney, infant, two weeks old, child of Anton, 83rd & Buffalo Ave., buried in Polish cemetery in Chicago, “Death’s Doings” – 1887-7-13 p1
  635. Jannuschek, Madame, “Easter Week Attractions” & Calumet Theater advertisement – 1893-3-30 p4
  636. Januchowski, M. transferred property (73 ft south of 85th & Buffalo) to M. Antkowiak, column 1 – 1892-12-27 p4
  637. Jaosynicecki, Stephen, 8255 Ontario Ave., “Two Small Fires” – 1899-4-20 p4
  638. Jarecki, Jan, column 2 – 1895-2-4 p4
  639. Jaskula, Nick, “On Tutors” – 1893-1-2 p4
  640. Jaskula, Nick, “Kleefisch – Ptok“ – 1893-2-9 p4
  641. Jdzecblowski, F., 8246 Ontario Ave., column 1 – 1893-4-22 p4
  642. Jedraskiewicz, Mrs. M., gave birth to a son, 8319 Ontario Ave., column 2 – 1899-5-9 p4
  643. Jedraszkiewicz, Jos., “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-9-2 p4
  644. Jeneski, Capt., column 1 – 1897-3-10 p4
  645. Jeska, Mary, column 1 – 1894-4-27 p4
  646. Johnkowskie, Peter, married, 8727 Exchange Ave., “Accident At the Mill” – 1893-4-12 p4
  647. Joloski, Anthony, 8901 Commercial Ave., column 3 – 1894-4-27 p4
  648. Jopka, Joseph, column 3 – 1894-2-5 p4
  649. Jordan, Desk Sergeant, column 2 – 1892-12-24 p4
  650. Jordan, Desk Sergeant, column 1 – 1893-5-22 p4
  651. Jordan, Desk Sergeant, “Keep On Rolling In” – 1897-1-27 p4
  652. Jordan, Desk Sergeant, column 1 – 1897-2-15 p4
  653. Jordan, Desk Sergeant, sick child at home in Cheltenham, column 2 – 1897-4-9 p4
  654. Jordan, Desk Sergeant, “She Changed Her Mind” – 1897-5-1 p4
  655. Jordan, Desk Sergeant, column 1 – 1897-5-10 p4
  656. Jordan, Kasmer, wife, originally printed Oct. 5, 1896, reprinted in “Only Yesterday” – 1939-10-8 p8
  657. Jordan, M. H., “Would Any There Off…” – 1897-2-19 p4
  658. Jordan, S., column 2 – 1893-2-2 p4
  659. Joswrcik, Andrew, resident of Hegewisch, “Justice Callahan Takes Hold” – 1899-4-25 p4
  660. Jozckozki, Joseph, 8211 Houston Ave., column 1 – 1893-3-7 p4
  661. Jurewics, A., column 2 – 1892-9-26 p4
  662. Jurewicz, Andrew, 40 years old, married, 8809 Exchange Ave., “The Plank Broke” – 1897-4-16 p4
  663. Jurk, Michael, column 1 – 1899-1-9 p4
  664. Jurwczw, Louis, “Fined for Carry Guns” – 1899-6-2 p3
  665. Jwrerczchowski, Bartholomew, 45 years old, 8351 Bond Ave., column 2 – 1899-4-20 p4
  666. Kacek, Mr., column 3 – 1895-1-30 p4
  667. Kacykowski, Conrad, 1896-7-22 (reprinted in “Only Yesterday” – 1939-8-15 p8)
  668. Kaczala, George, “Malt Cream Pleasure Club” – 1897-1-11 p4
  669. Kaczala, George, 8749 Commercial Ave., column 3 – 1897-4-14 p4
  670. Kaczala, George, column 2 – 1897-4-21 p4
  671. Kaczala, George, column 2 – 1897-4-26 p4
  672. Kaczala, George, 8749 Commercial Ave., manager of Wiora baseball team, columns 2-3 – 1897-5-18 p4
  673. Kaczala, George, 8482 Commercial Ave., column 2 – 1899-5-16 p4
  674. Kaczala, George, column 1 – 1899-6-1 p3
  675. Kaczala, W., second secretary of Polish Democratic Pulaski Club, column 3 – 1895-2-25 p4
  676. Kaczla, Stanislow & Kaizer, Katie, marriage license issued, column 1, 1887-11-16 p4
  677. Kaczorowski, Dr. J. P., column 2 – 1895-6-26 p4
  678. Kaczorowski, J.P., column 1 – 1897-6-11 p4
  679. Kaczrowski, J. P., druggist, column 3, 1897-5-12 p4
  680. Kaczrowski, Mr., druggist, column 3, 1897-5-14 p4
  681. Kaczyorinski, Dr., “Struck By Street Car” – 1895-2-6 p4
  682. Kadanska, Mrs. Francis & husband, between 85th & 86th & Ontario Ave., column 2, 1893-3-6 p4
  683. Kaholski, John, “At the Police Court” – 1899-5-25 p3
  684. Kaiser’s news depot, 8947 Commercial Ave., column 1 – 1894-2-6 p4
  685. Kaiser Mr., 8947 Commercial Ave., column 1 – 1899-1-30 p4
  686. Kaiser Mr., 8947 Commercial Ave., column 1 – 1899-1-31 p4
  687. Kaiser Mr., 8947 Commercial Ave., column 1 – 1899-2-1 p4
  688. Kaiser Mr., 8947 Commercial Ave., column 1 – 1899-2-2 p4
  689. Kaiser Mr., 8947 Commercial Ave., column 1 – 1899-2-3 p4
  690. Kaiser, Mr., column 2 – 1899-2-23 p4
  691. Kaiser, Mrs., formerly of 103rd & Ave. K, “Across the River” – 1887-11-17 p1
  692. Kaiser, Anton, wife & little child, 102nd & Ave. J, “Across the River” – 1887-9-1 p1
  693. Kaiser, C. F., column 2 – 1887-11-1 p4
  694. Kaiser, C., “Calico Party” – 1894-3-21 p4
  695. Kaiser, Casimer, 8707 Commercial Ave., “Attacked By Footpads” – 1895-2-12 p4
  696. Kaiser, Charles, column 2 – 1897-1-13 p4
  697. Kaiser, Charles F. , column 2 – 1897-6-9 p4
  698. Kaiser, Charles F. , column 2 – 1897-6-10 p4
  699. Kaiser, Charles, “Old Settlers Picnic” – 1897-6-17 p4
  700. Kaiser, Chris, “May Party and Ball” – 1899-5-13 p4
  701. Kaiser, Christ, column 2 – 1899-1-17 p4
  702. Kaiser, Christy, “Saturday’s Society Functions” – 1899-2-20 p4
  703. Kaiser, Mr. & Mrs. F. & daughter Anita, 3 years old, 9047 Commercial Ave., column 2 – 1899-1-28 p4
  704. Kaiser, Franz, 9145 Houston Ave., column 3 – 1892-12-21 p4
  705. Kaiser, Franz, 9145 Houston Ave., column 3 – 1892-12-22 p4
  706. Kaiser, Franz, 9145 Houston Ave., column 4 – 1892-12-24 p4
  707. Kaiser, Frantz, 9145 Houston Ave., column 2 – 1893-1-26 p4
  708. Kaiser, Frantz, 9145 Houston Ave., column 2 – 1893-1-27 p4
  709. Kaiser, Frantz, 9145 Houston Ave., column 2 – 1893-1-28 p4
  710. Kaiser, Franz, 9145 Houston Ave., column 1 – 1893-6-2 p4
  711. Kaiser, Franz, 9145 Houston Ave., column 1 – 1893-6-6 p4
  712. Kaiser, Franz, 9145 Houston Ave., column 2 – 1893-6-10 p4
  713. Kaiser, Franz, 9145 Houston Ave., column 1 – 1893-6-12 p4
  714. Kaiser, Franz, 9145 Houston Ave., column 1 – 1893-6-13 p4
  715. Kaiser, Franz, 9145 Houston Ave., column 2 – 1893-6-16 p4
  716. Kaiser, Frank & wife, newsdealer, 8947 Commercial Ave., “Mr. Kaiser Missing” – 1895-2-18 p4
  717. Kaiser, Franz, newsdealer, column 1 – 1895-4-5 p4
  718. Kaiser, Mr. & Mrs. Franz, 8947 Commercial Ave., column 1&3 – 1895-2-22 p4
  719. Kaiser, Mr. & Mrs. Franz, & mother in New York, column 1 – 1895-3-7 p4
  720. Kaiser, Mr. & Mrs., column 1&2 – 1895-3-1 p4
  721. Kaiser, Mr., originally printed Oct. 6, 1896, reprinted in “Only Yesterday” – 1939-10-8 p8
  722. Kaiser, Mrs. Franz, column 2 – 1895-2-23 p4
  723. Kaiser, Mrs. Franz, 8947 Commercial Ave., column 2&4 – 1895-2-25 p4
  724. Kaiser, Mrs. Franz, 8947 Commercial Ave., column 2 & “Public Notice” – 1895-2-26 p4
  725. Kaiser, Mrs. Franz, column 2 – 1895-2-27 p4
  726. Kaiser, Mrs. Franz, column 2 – 1895-2-28 p4
  727. Kaiser, Mrs. Franz, column 3 – 1895-3-2 p4
  728. Kaiser, Mrs. Franz, column 3 – 1895-3-4 p4
  729. Kaiser, Mrs. Franz, column 2 – 1895-3-5 p4
  730. Kaiser, Mrs. Franz, 8947 Commercial Ave., brother Henry died in Great Falls, Montana, columns 1-2 – 1899-4-24 p4
  731. Kaizer, Katie, & Stanislow Kaczla, marriage license issued, column 1, 1887-11-16 p4
  732. Kaka, John, “Boys Charged With Stealing Wire” – 1893-4-22 p4
  733. Kamiska, Mrs., “In the Police Court” – 1887-8-30 p1
  734. Kaminski, Mrs. Mary, 8813 Houston Ave., “Alleged Shoplifters Caught” – 1897-3-1 p4
  735. Kaminski, Mike, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-9-21 p1
  736. Kanerezka, Valentine, about 13 years old, column 2 – 1895-2-27 p4
  737. Kapinski, J. J., owner of “The Proper Place”, 9229 Commercial Ave., column 2 – 1897-3-26 p4
  738. Kapinski, J. J., owner of “The Proper Place”, 9229 Commercial Ave., column 2 – 1897-3-27 p4
  739. Kapinski, J. J., owner of “The Proper Place”, 9229 Commercial Ave., column 2 – 1897-5-14 p4
  740. Kapinski, J. J., owner of “The Proper Place”, 9229 Commercial Ave., column 2 – 1897-5-15 p4
  741. Kapinski, John J., relatives in St. Joseph, Missouri, “Only Yesterday”, reprint from Dec. 7, 1896 – 1939-12-9 p8
  742. Kapinski, John, “Malt Cream Pleasure Club” – 1897-1-11 p4
  743. Kapinski, John J., sample room business at 9229 Commercial Ave., column 2 – 1897-3-19 p4
  744. Kapinski, John J., sample room business named A Proper Place at 9229 Commercial Ave., column 1 – 1897-3-24 p4
  745. Kapinski, John J., owner of “The Proper Place”, 9229 Commercial Ave., column 2 – 1897-3-29 p4
  746. Kapinski, John J., “Invested in “Gold Bricks”” – 1897-4-20 p4
  747. Kapinski, John J., 9229 Commercial Ave., father visiting from St. Louis, MO, column 2 – 1897-4-21 p4
  748. Kapinski, John J., proprietor of The Proper Place at 9229 Commercial Ave., father lives in St. Joseph, MO, column 1 & column 2 – 1897-5-13 p4
  749. Kapinski, Joseph, parents reside in St. Joseph, Missouri, “Only Yesterday”, reprint from Nov. 27, 1896 – 1939-11-25 p2
  750. Kapinski, Martin, column 1 – 1897-1-20 p4
  751. Karpowicz, S., column 2 – 1897-1-9 p4
  752. Kasakowski, J., 89th & Escanaba, column 1 – 1895-1-3 p4
  753. Kaselowski, Mrs., “Two Buildings Dedicated” – 1893-5-24 p1
  754. Kaslewicz, Marianna & Kisiel, Alexander (wedding described but no names mentioned), column 2 – 1892-11-22 p4
  755. Kasowicz, George, “Fined at the Police Court” – 1899-1-3 p4
  756. Kasowicz, George, column 1 – 1899-1-9 p4
  757. Kasprzyk, W., column 2 – 1899-6-26 p3
  758. Katajsipasz, Wojciech, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-11-2 p1
  759. Kaviatkowski, Kasmerz & Joseph, “Ald. Wiora in Court” – 1897-4-30 p4
  760. Kawecinski, Andrew, 8355 Ontario Ave., “Two Small Fires” – 1899-4-20 p4
  761. Kazols, Miss Stella, 82nd, column 2 – 1897-5-14 p4
  762. Keilyszeski, John, 8265 Ontario Ave., “Found the Check” – 1895-2-4 p4
  763. Keilyszeski, John, “The Little Detective” – “1895-2-9 p4
  764. Kelickuski, Michael, “Too Hard For the Bullet” – 1894-4-9 p4
  765. Kewartkowski, Paul, “Car Thieves’ Case Continues” – 1899-1-25 p4
  766. Kewiatkowski, Paul, “Alleged Car Thieves Held” – 1899-1-31 p4
  767. Kewrskowski, Paul, 8632 Houston Ave., “Stolen Property Recovered” – 1899-1-20 p4
  768. Kezmiarczak, Thomas, column 2 – 1893-4-1 p4
  769. Kiletkowski, Machiej, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-8-18 p4
  770. Killow, Frank, 22 years old, single, 8949 Green Bay Ave., “Bloody Quarrel” – 1893-5-4 p4
  771. Kimizceak, P., “Our Evening School” – 1895-3-23 p4
  772. Kiolbassa, Adam, “Precinct Committees” – 1892-9-27 p4
  773. Kiolbassa, City Treasurer, “County Jobs” – 1892-11-23 p4
  774. Kiolbassa, City Treasurer, “The Mayorality” – 1892-12-7 p4
  775. Kiolbassa, Treasurer, “Democratic Primaries” – 1893-2-28 p4
  776. Kiolbassa, Treasurer, “Still Keep It Up” – 1893-4-6 p4
  777. Kiolbassa, Peter, ex-City Treasurer, column 2-3 – 1893-4-26 p4
  778. Kiolbassa, ex-City Treasurer, column 3 – 1893-5-8 p4
  779. Kiolbassa, ex-City Treasurer, column 3 – 1893-5-15 p4
  780. Kiolbassa, Peter, ex-City Treasurer, column 2 – 1893-6-5 p4
  781. Kiolbassa, Peter, column 1 – 1897-3-2 p4
  782. Kiolbassa, Peter, “For City Treasurer” – 1897-3-10 p4
  783. Kiolbassa, Peter, ex-city treasurer, column 3 – 1897-3-25 p4
  784. Kiolbassa, Peter & daughter Mrs. Rose Kwasigroch, “Charity Entertainment” – 1899-1-19 p4
  785. Kiolbassa, Peter, column 2 – 1899-3-23 p4
  786. Kioza, Joseph, column 2 – 1895-3-4 p4
  787. Kipiel, Mrs. Fecla, 8709 Exchange Ave., “A Serious Charge” – 1897-5-20 p4
  788. Kisiel, Alexander & Marianna Kaslewicz (wedding described but no names mentioned), column 2 – 1892-11-22 p4
  789. Kiszka, Gzegoz, “Altgeld Inquiries” – 1893-6-12 p1
  790. Kledt, Peter, 92nd & Ontario Ave., column 2 – 1887-11-14 p4
  791. Kledt, Peter, 92nd & Ontario Ave., column 2 – 1887-11-15 p4
  792. Kledt, Peter, 92nd & Ontario Ave., column 2 – 1887-11-16 p4
  793. Kladt, Mr., “The First Gun Fired” – 1892-10-15 p4
  794. Kladt, Mr. & Mrs., “Funeral of Peter Carr” – 1895-1-3 p4
  795. Kladt, Mrs., “End of Bowling Contest” – 1894-4-6 p4
  796. Kladt, Mrs. Peter, column 2 – 1893-1-12 p4
  797. Kladt, Mrs. Peter, column 1 – 1895-6-13 p4
  798. Kladt, Mrs. Column 3 – 1897-1-28 p4
  799. Kladt, Mrs., 92nd, column 1 – 1899-2-9 p4
  800. Kladt, P., “Solid for Kenney” – 1892-8-17 p4
  801. Kladt, P., column 2 – 1893-6-2 p4
  802. Kladt, P., Calumet Turn Verein advertisement – 1894-2-16 p4
  803. Kladt, P., Calumet Turn Verein advertisement – 1894-2-17 p4
  804. Kladt, P., “Knights of Pythias” – 1894-2-20 p4
  805. Kladt, P. & Mrs., column 3 – 1899-4-28 p4
  806. Kladt, Peter, “Democrats Meet” – 1892-7-18 p4
  807. Kladt, Peter, “The Wrong Tag” – 1892-7-29 p4
  808. Kladt, Peter, “What Fools These Mortals Be” – 1892-7-30 p4
  809. Kladt, Peter, column 2 – 1892-8-22 p4
  810. Kladt, Peter, column 2 – 1892-12-12 p4
  811. Kladt, Peter, column 3 – 1892-12-19 p4
  812. Kladt, Peter, column 3 – 1892-12-24 p4
  813. Kladt, Peter, column 2 & “On Tutors” – 1893-1-2 p4
  814. Kladt, Peter, column 3 – 1893-1-7 p4
  815. Kladt, Peter, “First of the Season” – 1893-1-12 p4
  816. Kladt, Peter, “Meeting of Democrats” – 1893-1-30 p4
  817. Kladt, Peter, “Democratic Club Meeting” – 1893-2-13 p4
  818. Kladt, Peter, “Democrats Meet” – 1893-3-8 p4
  819. Kladt, Peter, column 2, 1893-3-25 p4
  820. Kladt, Peter, column 1 & 2, 1893-3-29 p4
  821. Kladt, Peter, column 1 (2x) &2 – 1893-3-30 p4
  822. Kladt, Peter, column 1 (twice) & 2, 1893-3-31 p4
  823. Kladt, Peter, column 1 (twice) – 1893-4-1 p4
  824. Kladt, Peter, “Carter is Coming” – 1893-4-3 p4
  825. Kladt, Peter, “An Inquiry” – 1893-4-5 p4
  826. Kladt, Peter, “Should Pay Its Debts” – 1893-4-18 p4
  827. Kladt, Peter, “Members of Calumet Turn-Verein Surprised” – 1893-5-4 p4
  828. Kladt, Peter, columns 2-3 – 1894-4-9 p4
  829. Kladt, Peter, column 1 – 1894-4-10 p4
  830. Kladt, Peter, column 5 – 1894-4-11 p4
  831. Kladt, Peter, column 3 – 1894-4-13 p4
  832. Kladt, Peter, 325 92nd, column 1 – 1895-4-10 p4
  833. Kladt, Peter, 325 92nd, column 1 – 1895-4-11 p4
  834. Kladt, Peter, 325 92nd, column 1 – 1895-4-12 p4
  835. Kladt, Peter, “The Turner Fair” – 1895-4-18 p4
  836. Kladt, Peter, column 2 – 1895-6-17 p4
  837. Kladt, Peter, column 3 – 1897-1-18 p4
  838. Kladt, Peter & son, column 1 – 1897-2-4 p4
  839. Kladt, Peter & Willie, column 3 – 1897-2-15 p4
  840. Kladt, Peter, saloon owner, column 4 – 1897-3-22 p4
  841. Kladt, Peter, column 1 – 1897-4-9 p4
  842. Kladt, Peter & son, column 2 – 1897-6-24 p4
  843. Kladt, Peter, officer of Knights of Pythias, “Installed Officers” – 1899-1-11 p4
  844. Klansoski, George, 8853 Manistee Ave., “Three Hundred Dollar Fire” – 1899-1-25 p4
  845. Klatt, Gertrude, 7 months & 17 days old, died March 1, 1897, 9041 Escanaba Ave., column 2 – 1897-3-2 p4
  846. Klehowicz, Thomas, column 1 – 1892-11-15 p4
  847. Klema, Leo, column 2 – 1897-1-22 p4
  848. Klen, Conrad & Boleslau, column 1 – 1892-8-26 p4
  849. Klienkowski, Lawrence, “Headquarters Opened” – 1894-3-27 p2
  850. Kliosiowski, John, 21 years old, single, 8415 Ontario Ave., “Bloody Quarrel” – 1893-5-4 p4
  851. Klosowski, J., column 1-2, real estate transfer from J. Kowalski, NE corner of 89th & Exchange Ave. – 1892-12-7 p4
  852. Klosowski, J. column 2 – 1893-1-16 p4
  853. Kloweter, Stanislaus, column 1 – 1893-4-6 p4
  854. Kloza, Mrs. Mary, 8941 Muskegon Ave., 4 children – 14 months to 9 years old, “Are Rolling In” – 1897-1-26 p4
  855. Klumberka, Mrs. Josephine, recently widowed, 3 children, 103rd & Ave. H, column 3 – 1893-5-16 p4
  856. Kluva, George, “Stole Brass Bearings” – 1899-2-25p4
  857. Kluva, George, “Six Months for Brass Thief” – 1899-2-27 p4
  858. Kmieciak, M., “Democratic Primaries” – 1897-3-4 p4
  859. Kmieciak, M., “Democratic Primaries” – 1897-3-16 p4
  860. Knieczak, Mr., column 3 – 1897-3-1 p4
  861. Kobaski, Frank, “Trespasser is Shot” – 1899-2-15 p4
  862. Kobelenski, Joseph, “Did Not Follow Clark” – 1899-4-1 p4
  863. Kochmarik, John, “Additional Local Items” – 1895-6-20 p2
  864. Koczinski, Jacob, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-9-27 p4
  865. Koczkowski, Joseph, died 1899-5-20, 37 years old, married, wife & 2 children still in old country, “Two Charged With Murder” – 1899-5-20 p3
  866. Koczkowski, Joseph, “Dr. Staneff Set Right” & “Koczkowski Died a Natural Death” – 1899-5-22 p3
  867. Koczkowski, Joseph, column 2 – 1899-5-23 p3
  868. Kojtamsky, John & wife, married with one daughter, lives on Ontario Ave., near Illinois Ave., Sitkowsky, Anton, single, boarder, “A Terrible Assault” – 1893-1-13 p4
  869. Kok, Joseph, peddler, 37 years old, married, “Alleged Nest of Thieves” – 1894-2-24 p2
  870. Kokert, Stanislaus, “Thought It Was Good Money” – 1895-3-6 p4
  871. Kolas, Miss Rosa, “At the Police Court” – 1899-5-18 p4
  872. Kolewinski, Frances, column 3 – 1897-2-18 p4
  873. Kolonoski, Joseph, 8404-06 Buffalo Ave., “Eight Hundred Dollar Fire” – 1899-5-10 p4
  874. Kolwasski, Thomas, 87th & Commercial Ave., column 2 – 1892-8-1 p4
  875. Kolwinski, John, “Precinct Committees” – 1892-9-27 p4
  876. Komanski, Thomas, “Police News” – 1892-7-25 p4
  877. Kominski, Mrs. Mary, “Held to the Criminal Court” – 1897-3-9 p4
  878. Kominski, Mrs. Mary, “Case on Trial” – 1897-4-30 p4
  879. Komorowsky, Mrs., widowed two weeks ago, moved with her two children from 88th & Commercial Ave. to 13126 Carondolet Ave., column 2 – 1897-1-13 p4
  880. Koniecny, Casper, “Did Not Follow Clark” – 1899-4-1 p4
  881. Konieczny, A., “The Pulaski Guards” – 1897-5-4 p4
  882. Konieczny, F., column 2 – 1893-2-2 p4
  883. Konieczuy, A. & Konieczuy, M., column 2 – 1899-4-10 p4
  884. Kopazka, Anton, column 1 – 1893-6-28 p4
  885. Koplitz, Ed – “On Tutors” – 1893-1-2 p4
  886. Kordecki Building & Loan Association of South Chicago, F.X. Rydzinski, John Szostakowski, column 2 – 1892-12-13 p4
  887. Kordecki Building & Loan Association of South Chicago, column 2 – 1895-2-25 p4
  888. Kordecki Building & Loan Association of South Chicago, column 2 – 1895-2-26 p4
  889. Kordecki Building & Loan Association of South Chicago, column 2 – 1895-2-27 p4
  890. Kordecki Building & Loan Association of South Chicago, column 2 – 1895-2-28 p4
  891. Kordecki Building & Loan Association of South Chicago, column 2 – 1895-3-1 p4
  892. Kordecki Building & Loan Association of South Chicago, column 2-3 – 1895-3-2 p4
  893. Kordecki Building & Loan Association of South Chicago, column 2 – 1895-3-4 p4
  894. Kordecki Building & Loan Association, column 2 – 1895-4-30 p4
  895. Kordecki Building & Loan Association, column 2-3 – 1897-3-9 p4
  896. Kordeckis Building & Loan Association, column 6 – 1893-2-21 p4
  897. Korkoritz, John, 17 years old, column 2 – 1897-3-6 p4
  898. Korlorski, Lawrence, “Cut With a Knife” – 1897-1-18 p4
  899. Korolchroski, Dr., 8361 Superior Ave., “The Deadly Trolley Car” – 1895-4-3 p4
  900. Kosakowski, A., “Additional Local” – 1899-6-30 p 2
  901. Kosakowski, Dr. Mathew, column 2 – 1899-1-24 p4
  902. Kosciusko Building & Loan Association, column 2 – 1895-5-9 p4
  903. Kosciusko Building & Loan Association, column 2 – 1897-1-16 p4
  904. Kosciusko Building & Loan Association, “Joe Dudek in Trouble” – 1897-1-21 p4
  905. Kosciusko Building & Loan Association, column 2 – 1897-1-26 p4
  906. Kosciusko Building & Loan Association, column 2 – 1897-1-30 p4
  907. Kosciusko Building & Loan Association, column 2 – 1897-5-15 p4
  908. Kosciusko B. & L. Assn., column 3 – 1899-3-24 p4
  909. Koshinski, Andrew, column 2 – 1895-1-28 p4
  910. Koseczynski, J., “A Democratic Palaver” – 1897-3-9 p4
  911. Kosicek, Mrs., “Only Yesterday” – 1896-7-24, reprinted in 1939-8-19 p3
  912. Kosicek, Anton, “Independent Democratic Club” – 1893-3-28 p4
  913. Kosicek, Anton, “Independent Democratic Club” – 1893-4-3 p4
  914. Kosiczica, Joseph, between 85th & 86th & Ontario Ave., column 2, 1893-3-6 p4
  915. Kosiczinski, John, “Watkins Wins” – 1899-3-16 p4
  916. Kosiczynski, Mr., “Solid For Kenney” – 1892-8-17 p4
  917. Kosiczynski, Mr., column 3 – 1897-3-1 p4
  918. Kosiczynski, J., “A Twelve-Foot Grade” – 1892-8-25 p4
  919. Kosiczynski, John, “Democratic Convention” – 1895-3-9 p4
  920. Kosiczynski, John, “Only Yesterday” reprint from Dec. 4, 1896 – 1939-11-29 p5
  921. Kosiczynski, John, column 1 – 1897-1-19 p4
  922. Kosinski, Franciszka, column 2 – 1893-2-16 p4
  923. Kosinski, John, Sjustakowski, John, Lozinski, Anton, Gorzelany, Mathias, “Thirty Third Ward Club” – 1892-8-3 p4
  924. Kosinski, John, column 1 – 1899-6-23 p3
  925. Kosiski, Frank, “First Shot Fired” – 1895-5-8 p4
  926. Koska, Jan, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-8-18 p4
  927. Kosloski, Michael, column 1 – 1895-6-1 p4
  928. Kosloski, Lawrence, column 3 – 1897-1-25 p4
  929. Koslowski, Lawrence, “Chewed His Eyebrow” – 1892-9-6 p4
  930. Koslowski, Michael, “Democratic Primaries” – 1895-3-6 p4
  931. Kosman, Roman, “Alleged Nest of Thieves” – 1894-2-24 p2
  932. Kosmella, Miss Clara, “Only Yesterday” – 1896-10-17, reprinted in 1939-10-24 p5
  933. Kosmella, Mrs. J. P., celebrated 50th birthday July 28, 1896, 9940 Ave., J, “Only Yesterday” – 1896-7-29, reprinted in 1939-8-29 p8
  934. Kosobitz, John, column 3 – 1897-1-14 p4
  935. Kosolowski, Joseph, “Fall At the Fair” – 1893-6-29 p1
  936. Kossakowski, Dr. Matthew, column 2 – 1899-2-2 p4
  937. Kossobitz, John, column 4 – 1897-1-9 p4
  938. Kostomski, George, “Doings at the Police Court” – 1899-5-9 p4
  939. Kostozeski, John, liquor dealer at 189 West Madison Ave., “Fined For Keeping Open” – 1895-2-21 p4
  940. Kotras, Antonia, “Our Evening School” – 1895-3-23 p4
  941. Kowaleyk, John, 8335 Escanaba Ave., “Foot Crushed With Pig Iron” – 1899-6-26 p3
  942. Kowalsek, Michael, column 2 – 1893-4-29 p4
  943. Kowalska, Katie, “Our Evening School” – 1895-3-23 p4
  944. Kowalski, Mr., “A Musicale” – 1892-12-22 p4
  945. Kowalski, A. J., “Polish-Americans For Harrison” – 1893-2-27 p4
  946. Kowalski, C., “Our Evening School” – 1895-3-23 p4
  947. Kowalski, Charles, column 3 – 1897-5-21 p4
  948. Kowalski, J., column 1-2, real estate transfer to J. Klosowski, NE corner of 89th & Exchange Ave. – 1892-12-7 p4
  949. Kowalski, J., column 2 – 1893-1-16 p4
  950. Kowalski, J., column 1, real estate transfer, column 1 – 1893-2-7 p4
  951. Kowalski, John, column 2 – 1892-7-8 p4
  952. Kowalski, John, column 1 – 1893-2-10 p4
  953. Kowalski, John, “Independent Democratic Club” – 1893-3-28 p4
  954. Kowalski, John, “Independent Democratic Club” – 1893-4-3 p4
  955. Kowalski, John, “A Political Meeting” – 1894-3-26 p2
  956. Kowalski, John, “Squabble Over Jobs” – 1894-4-27 p4
  957. Kowalski, John, “Town Delegates” – 1895-3-6 p4
  958. Kowalski, Mr., “A Rousing Meeting” – 1895-3-22 p4
  959. Kowalski, Mr., “What He Did Say” – 1895-3-23 p4
  960. Kowalski, Mr., superintendent of water pipe extension, “Beheading the Gang” – 1895-4-11 p4
  961. Kowalski, Tom, “Captured Cattle Thieves” – 1897-2-17 p4
  962. Kowalski, Stella, “A Lady’s Bicycle Race” – 1897-3-11 p4
  963. Kowrowski, Frank, 8733 Houston Ave., 2 children, “Are Rolling In” – 1897-1-26 p4
  964. Kowsloski, I. visiting brother in Buffalo, NY, column 1 – 1895-1-31 p4
  965. Koyisch, Steven, “Trespasser is Shot” – 1899-2-15 p4
  966. Koziczynski, John, former co-owner with John Wirzbicki of a meat market located on the corner of 88th & Houston Ave., “Notice of Dissolution” – 1887-12-17 p4
  967. Koziczynski, J., real estate dealer, column 2 – 1893-2-17 p4
  968. Koziczynski, J., Commercial Ave., column 2 – 1893-3-10 p4
  969. Koziczynski, John, “What Fools These Mortals Be” – 1892-7-30 p4
  970. Koziczynski, John, “Our Postal Facilities” – 1893-2-20 p4
  971. Koziczynski, John, “The Aldermanic Context” & “Pandemonium Reigned” – 1893-2-25 p4
  972. Koziczynski, John, “The Aldermanic Vote” – 1893-3-6 p4
  973. Koziczynski, John, 8733 (8755?) Commerical Ave., real estate broker, came to America at age 14, resided in America for 22 years, resided in South Chicago for 11 years, former butcher for 9 years, “Seeks The Nomination”, with drawn picture – 1893-3-11 p4
  974. Koziczynski, John, former butcher, with drawn picture, column 3 & “Aldermanic Candidates Hustling” – 1893-3-13 p4
  975. Koziczynski, John, “A Dirty Deal!” – 1893-3-14 p4
  976. Koziczynski, John, “Dissatifaction!”, “A Deadly Fight!” & “Matt Dorscheid Makes a Statement” – 1893-3-15 p4
  977. Koziczynski, John, “Independent Democratic”, “And Satan Came Also”, “Will Not Run”, Hyde Park Democratic Ticket” – 1893-3-17 p4
  978. Koziczynski, John, column 1(twice) & “To Context McLaughlin’s Nomination” – 1893-3-20 p4
  979. Koziczynski, John, “Evening Post Lies” & “Work of Naturalization” – 1893-3-21 p4
  980. Koziczynski, John, “Hegewisch Democrats” – 1893-3-22 p4
  981. Koziczynski, John, “John Koziczynski Endorsed” – 1893-3-25 p4
  982. Koziczynski, John, “Rousing East Side Meetings” – 1893-3-27 p4
  983. Koziczynski, John, column 1 – 1893-3-28 p4
  984. Koziczynski, John, “Enthusiastic Scandinavians” – 1893-3-30 p4
  985. Koziczynski, John, “Meeting at Maur’s Hall” & “An Address” (11 years in South Chicago) – 1893-3-31 p4
  986. Koziczynski, John, “James McLaughlin Replies” & “An Address” – 1893-4-1 p4
  987. Koziczynski, John, column 3 & “Koziczynski Meetings” & “A Card to Voters” – 1893-4-3 p4
  988. Koziczynski, John, (picture) “Aldermanic Candidates” – 1893-4-4 p4
  989. Koziczynski, John, “The Aldermanic Contest” – 1893-4-5 4
  990. Koziczynski, John, column 1 – 1893-4-6 p4
  991. Koziczynski, John, “The Count Finished” – 1893-4-13 p4
  992. Koziczynski, John, “Harrison’s Majority” – 1893-4-22 p4
  993. Koziczynski, John, “Political Plums” – 1893-5-5 p4
  994. Koziczynski, John, “Get Fat Jobs” – 1893-5-18 p4
  995. Koziczynski, John, notary public, “The Polish Church Trouble” – 1894-1-23 p4
  996. Koziczynski, John, “Names a Candidate” – 1894-2-17 p4
  997. Koziczynski, John, “A Rousing Meeting” – 1895-3-22 p4
  998. Koziczynski, John, “Polish Business Men’s Relief Society” – 1897-1-23 p4
  999. Koziczynski, Maj., “Echoes of the Parade” – 1892-11-15 p4
  1000. Koziczynski, Mr., “Democrats Meet” – 1893-3-8 p4
  1001. Koziezynski, John, former co-owner with John Wirzbicki of a meat market located on the corner of 88th & Houston Ave., “Notice of Dissolution” – 1887-12-10 p1
  1002. Koziezynski, John, former co-owner with John Wirzbicki of a meat market located on the corner of 88th & Houston Ave., “Notice of Dissolution” – 1887-12-12 p4
  1003. Kozinski, John, “City Convention Delegates” – 1895-3-8 p4
  1004. Koziski, Frank, “Furnace Men Meet” – 1895-5-11 p4
  1005. Kozleski, T.K., “Father Sullivan’s Fair” – 1892-10-17 p4
  1006. Kozloski, J.K., dealer in gentlemen’s goods at 8733 Commercial Ave., “Lost or Stolen!” – 1893-5-13 p4
  1007. Kozloski, Joseph, column 1 – 1893-6-28 p4
  1008. Kozlowska, Mr. & Mrs. Marcyjanna, 8333 Superior Ave., announce marriage of daughter Amy to Lawrence Baran at St. Michael’s on Monday, March 1, 1897, column 3 – 1897-2-27 p4
  1009. Kozlowski, 147 West Chicago Ave., formerly of South Chicago, column 3 – 1899-3-24 p4
  1010. Kozlowski, A., “Did Not Follow Clark” – 1899-4-1 p4
  1011. Koztowski, Joseph, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-9-12 p1
  1012. Kozyzaniak, Malgorzata, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-9-21 p1
  1013. Krafzik, M., “Young Ladies Will Perform” – 1897-1-25 p4
  1014. Krafzik, M., “Young Ladies Perform” – 1897-1-29 p4
  1015. Kralikowski, Vincenty, “Only Yesterday”, reprinted 1939-8-8 p5 – 1896-7-16
  1016. Kralowetz, Joseph, 13503 Erie Ave., “Thrown Out” – 1899-3-29 p4
  1017. Kranorik, Martin, married, 88th, column 2, 1892-7-22 p4
  1018. Kratkowski, Mrs. Julia, column 1 – 1897-6-21 p4
  1019. Kraynik, George, and brother, column 2 – 1892-7-9 p4
  1020. Kresnowski, John, 8357 Superior Ave., “Two Blazes” – 1892-11-17 p4
  1021. Krinicky, George, 8822 Exchange Ave., column 2 – 1899-4-18 p4
  1022. Kroefski, Martin, “Strikers Resort to Force” – 1895-5-8 p4
  1023. Kroziski, A., “A Democratic Palaver” – 1897-3-9 p4
  1024. Krumski, Emil & wife Mary, column 1 – 1893-5-27 p4
  1025. Kruski, Frank, column 1 – 1897-2-11 p4
  1026. Kruski, Frank, column 2-3 – 1897-2-13 p4
  1027. Kruszka, Joseph & daughter Mary, 17 years old, “At the Police Court” – 1899-5-24 p3
  1028. Kruszka, Mary & father, “At the Police Court” – 1899-5-25 p3
  1029. Krynicki, Maciej & Julia Dolewska marriage license, column 1 – 1887-10-27 p4
  1030. Krynicki, William, “Alleged Hold-Up Men Held” – 1899-3-13 p4
  1031. Kubera, J., column 2 – 1893-5-12 p4
  1032. Kuberskin, John, column 2 – 1897-1-7 p4
  1033. Kubiczak, Stepehen, “Trespasser is Shot” – 1899-2-15 p4
  1034. Kubiszak, Francis, “Our Evening School” – 1895-3-23 p4
  1035. Kubiszak, Mary, “Our Evening School” – 1895-3-23 p4
  1036. Kubiszak, W., 89th & Escanaba Ave., column 2 – 1895-4-20 p4
  1037. Kuchnowski, J., column 2 – 1899-4-24 p4
  1038. Kucik, Mr., column 3 – 1895-1-30 p4
  1039. Kuczkowska, M., 89th & Escanaba, column 1 – 1895-1-3 p4
  1040. Kudty, Stanistana, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-9-2 p4
  1041. Kuharschik, M., “Franz Roy Doubly Surprised” – 1893-4-24 p4
  1042. Kukla, Anton, “The Polish Church Trouble” – 1894-1-23 p4
  1043. Kulek, Szczepan, 31 years old, single, 8309 Ontario Ave., column 1 – 1899-1-9 p4
  1044. Kulik, George, 30 years old, “Very Dangerous Practice” – 1892-12-28 p4
  1045. Kulik, George, column 2 – 1892-12-29 p4
  1046. Kulish, John, 35 years old, Russian Pole, 8265 Superior Ave., column 1 – 1897-6-5 p4
  1047. Kunik, B, “Arrested For Fishing” – 1894-3-22 p4
  1048. Kuntz, Stanley, alderman of 16th ward, “Democratic Meetings” – 1899-3-27 p4
  1049. Kunz, Stanley, “Polish-Americans For Harrison” – 1893-2-27 p4
  1050. Kunz, Stanley, “East Siders Alert” – 1895-3-21 p4
  1051. Kupla, Anton, 8725 Escanaba Ave., “A Small Blaze” – 1899-2-2 p4
  1052. Kurzkowsky, Feluks, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-9-2 p4
  1053. Kusic, Michael, 10449 Ave. J, “Fearful Accident” – 1895-4-19 p4
  1054. Kusic, Michael, 10449 Ave. J, “Two More Dead” – 1895-4-20 p4
  1055. Kwasigroch, Rose, “Poles Will Celebrate” – 1897-5-8 p4
  1056. Kwasigroch, Miss Rose, “Polish People Celebrate” – 1897-5-10 p4
  1057. Kwasigroch, Mrs. Rose, daughter of Peter Kiolbassa, “Charity Entertainment” – 1899-1-19 p4
  1058. Kwasigroch, Mrs. Rose, “Polish Turners” – 1899-1-28 p4
  1059. Kwiatkowski, Bartek, “Only Yesterday” reprint from Dec. 4, 1896 – 1939-11-29 p5
  1060. Kwiatkowski, Paul, “Car Robbers Convicted” – 1899-3-15 p4
  1061. Labidesic, Bronislau, column 1 – 1894-2-16 p4
  1062. Laboschefski, Frank, “Fined for Carry Guns” – 1899-6-2 p3
  1063. Lachajczyk, Mr., column 2 – 1897-3-29 p4
  1064. Lahayczak, K., column 1 – 1895-3-12 p4
  1065. Lakovich, Mrs. Francis, husband, 2 children, 1 & 19 months old, 113th & Ave. O, “Wanderer Taken Home” – 1899-2-14 p4
  1066. Lalla, James, “Assaulted By a Ruffian” – 1892-12-19 p 4
  1067. Lamberski, Joseph, column 2 – 1894-3-9 p4
  1068. Lamberski, Joseph, “Alleged Bold Bad Burglars” – 1894-3-10 p4
  1069. Lamka, Mr., column 3 – 1895-2-19 p4
  1070. Lamke, Mr., column 2 – 1895-2-2 p4
  1071. Lamski, F. A., 8226 Houston Ave., column 1 – 1899-4-18 p4
  1072. Lapinski, Martin, 8308 Buffalo Ave., died Thursday, Feb. 2, 1899, column 2 – 1899-2-6 p4
  1073. Larinski, Mrs. John S., 9314 Woodlawn Ave., column 2 – 1899-6-20 p3
  1074. Lasinski, A. J., “The Second Precinct Primaries” – 1892-8-20 p4
  1075. Lasinski, A. J., “Pandemonium Reigned” – 1893-2-25 p4
  1076. Lasinski, A. J., “Town Delegates” – 1895-3-6 p4
  1077. Lasinski, A. J., “Polish Democrats Organize” – 1897-2-26 p4
  1078. Lasinski, A. J., “Democratic Primaries” – 1897-3-4 p4
  1079. Lasinski, A. J., “Democratic Primaries” – 1897-3-16 p4
  1080. Lasinski, Anton, “Carter is Coming” – 1893-4-3 p4
  1081. Lasinski, John, “Independent Democratic” – 1893-3-17 p4
  1082. Lasinski, T., column 4 – 1897-2-6 p4
  1083. Lasinski, T., “A Democratic Palaver” – 1897-3-9 p4
  1084. Lasinski, Tony, “Democratic Primaries” – 1893-2-7 p4
  1085. Lasinski, Tony, “Row Over the Patronage” – 1894-1-22 p4
  1086. Lasinski, Tony, “Men Laid Off” – 1894-4-5 p4
  1087. Lasinski, Tony, column 2 – 1894-4-21 p4
  1088. Lasinsky, A.J., grocer on Commercial Ave. near 88th, “Father Barth’s Fair” – 1887-9-21 p1
  1089. Lasinsky, A.J., “The German Catholics Fair” – 1887-9-27 p1
  1090. Lasinsky, A.J., “The Fair At the Opera House” – 1887-9-28 p1
  1091. Lasinsky, John, column 3 – 1887-9-24 p4
  1092. Lasinsky, John, column 2-3 – 1887-9-28 p4
  1093. Lasinsky, Mr., column 2 – 1887-9-29 p4
  1094. Lask, Blaz, “First Shot Fired” & “Strikers Resort to Force” – 1895-5-8 p4
  1095. Lasser, A., 8448 Buffalo Ave., “Took To The Water” – 1893-3-8 p4
  1096. Lassers, Mr., Mrs. Yopchinski, column 4, 1893-3-18 p4
  1097. Lauber, Mary, column 1 – 1887-9-23 p4
  1098. Lauber, Mary, column 1 – 1887-9-24 p4
  1099. Lavitski, Frank, 30 years old, father of two children living in the Old Country, residing with brother-in-law Peter Smith at 8407 Superior Ave., “Found Dead Under a Furnace” – 1895-5-31 p4
  1100. Lawaski, Frank, column 2 – 1893-3-16 p4
  1101. Lazaviski, Ignace, column 2 – 1892-9-15 p4
  1102. Lazoski, Ignatius, “Pandemonium Reigned” – 1893-2-25 p4
  1103. Lazarski, Ignatz, President of the Polish Republican Club of the 33rd Ward, column 2 – 1895-1-3 p4
  1104. Lazarski, Ignatz, 8324 & 8326 Superior Ave., “Bad Night For Fires” – 1895-1-22 p4
  1105. Lazarski, I., column 7 – 1895-6-8 p4
  1106. Lazurski, Ignaz, “Republican Primaries” – 1897-2-22 p4
  1107. Legoiski, Ignatz, “Hull Vs. Crawford” – 1892-8-13 p4
  1108. Legoiski, Ignatz, “Selected Delegates” – 1892-8-22 p4
  1109. Lempke, William & Lizze Szarrafin wed, “Szarrafin – Lempke Nuptials” – 1899-5-24 p3
  1110. Lenard, Miss B., “St. Patrick’s School” – 1897-6-24 p4
  1111. Lenard, Edward, “Mixed Up Case” – 1893-5-25 p4
  1112. Lenard, John, 106th & Hoxie Ave., column 1 – 1893-5-23 p4
  1113. Lenard, John, column 1 – 1893-5-31 p4
  1114. Lenard, M. column 1 – 1895-6-5 p4
  1115. Lenard, Mr., column 2 – 1893-5-29 p4
  1116. Lenard, Martin, “Headquarters Opened” – 1894-3-27 p2
  1117. Lenard, Martin, owns a hall, “The Polish Quarter” – 1894-3-31 p4
  1118. Lenard, Martin, 85th & Superior Ave., column 2 – 1897-2-6 p4
  1119. Lenard, Martin, 85th & Superior Ave., column 2 – 1897-2-8 p4
  1120. Lenard, Martin, 85th & Superior Ave., column 2 – 1897-2-9 p4
  1121. Lenard, Martin, “A-Wheel to Lamont, Ill.” – 1899-5-13 p4
  1122. Lenard, R., “Would Any There Off…” – 1897-2-19 p4
  1123. Lenard, R., “Harrison, Hummel & Wiora” – 1897-3-3 p4
  1124. Lenard, R., “A Democratic Palaver” – 1897-3-9 p4
  1125. Lenard, R., “Not Harmonious” – 1897-4-23 p4
  1126. Lenard, Robert, 82nd & Superior Ave., column 3 – 1892-10-12 p4
  1127. Lenard, Robert, column 3 – 1894-2-26 p4
  1128. Lenard, Robert & Lenard’s Hall, column 2 – 1894-3-5 p4
  1129. Lenard, Robert, “In Convention Assembled” & “Democratic Town Ticket” – 1894-3-17 p4
  1130. Lenard, Robert, column 1 – 1894-3-20 p4
  1131. Lenard, Robert, column 2 – 1894-4-4 p4
  1132. Lenard, Robert, owner of drug store at 8901 Commercial Ave., column 1 – 1895-2-1 p4
  1133. Lenard, Robert, “Democrats Turn Out” – 1895-2-28 p4
  1134. Lenard, Robert, column 2 – 1895-3-2 p4
  1135. Lenard, Robert, druggist, column 1 & “For Clean Politics” – 1895-3-5 p4
  1136. Lenard, Robert, “A Rousing Meeting” – 1895-3-22 p4
  1137. Lenard, Robert, “druggist, 8901 Commercial Ave., “Drug Store in Flames” – 1895-4-29 p4
  1138. Lenard, Robert, druggist, column 1 – 1895-4-30 p4
  1139. Lenard, Robert, column 1 – 1895-5-28 p4
  1140. Lenard, Robert, “A Political Secret” – 1895-6-19 p4
  1141. Lenard, Robert, “Robert Lenard Speaks” – 1896-6-21 p4
  1142. Lenard, Robert, “Malt Cream Pleasure Club” – 1897-1-11 p4
  1143. Lenard, Robert, “Democrats Must Unite” – 1897-1-23 p4
  1144. Lenard, Robert, column 3 – 1897-1-25 p4
  1145. Lenard, Robert, “Nafe Elected President” – 1897-1-30 p4
  1146. Lenard, Robert, “Charity Entertainment” – 1899-1-19 p4
  1147. Lenard, Robert, “Their Fifth Anniversary” – 1899-1-30 p4
  1148. Lenard’s Hall, 85th & Superior Ave., “Koziczynski Meetings” – 1893-4-3 p4
  1149. Lenard’s Drug Store, 89th & Commercial Ave., column 3 – 1895-4-29 p4
  1150. Lenz, C., column 1 – 1897-3-26 p4
  1151. Leppozak, Joseph, column 1 – 1897-4-5 p4
  1152. Lesak, Mr. & Mrs. Frank & baby, column 3 – 1897-5-25 p4
  1153. Lesak, Frank & wife Tecla, column 3 – 1897-6-2 p4
  1154. Lesmiak, Franciszek, “Social Life In the “Bush” – 1894-2-15 p4
  1155. Lessniewoski, Ig., column 2-3 – 1897-3-9 p4
  1156. Levandowski, Mike, aka “China”, “At the Police Court” – 1899-6-7 p3
  1157. Lewandowski, B., “Only Yesterday”, reprint of Nov. 2, 1896 – 1939-10-28 p8
  1158. Lewandowski, “China”, small boy, column 1 – 1894-2-14 p4
  1159. Lewandowski, “China”, “At the Police Court” – 1899-6-29 p3
  1160. Lewandowski, Michael aka China, “China Painted Green” – 1899-5-6 p4
  1161. Lewandowski, S., column 1 – 1892-11-22 p4
  1162. Lewandowski, Xawery, co-owner of grocery store at 8138 Commercial Ave., “Dissolution Notice” – 1899-5-20 p3
  1163. Lewandowski, Xawery, co-owner of grocery store at 8138 Commercial Ave., “Dissolution Notice” – 1899-5-22 p3
  1164. Lewandowski, Xawery, co-owner of grocery store at 8138 Commercial Ave., “Dissolution Notice” – 1899-5-23 p3
  1165. Lewanowski, Mr. & Mrs. & newborn daughter, 8426 Superior Ave., column 1 – 1899-4-15 p4
  1166. Lewenski, V. Dr., 65 Cumberland Ave., near North Ave., “Died Suddenly” – 1894-3-22 p4
  1167. Liebner, M. S., “Edward Watkins” – 1899-3-8 p4
  1168. Liebus, Martin, 33 years old, unmarried, 8357 Buffalo Ave., “They Slept With a Corpse” – 1892-8-8 p4
  1169. Lilipsiak, Michael, “Held to the Criminal Court” – 1899-4-10 p4
  1170. Linska, Mary, column 2 – 1893-4-29 p4
  1171. Linskey, Mr. & Mrs. Bartly – column 2 – 1887-8-20 p4
  1172. Linski, B., “In the Local Courts” – 1887-12-6 p1
  1173. Linsky, Mr. & Mrs. Bartly – “A Deserted Husband” – 1887-8-18 p1
  1174. Linsky, Mr. & Mrs. Bartley & the brother of Mrs. Linsky, column 2 – 1887-18-19 p4
  1175. Lipski, Father, Radziejewski, Rev. Father, Rev. Father Gordon, John Belzowski, Father Nowicki, Father Wojtalewicz, John Sjostakowski, “Appropriate Ceremonies” – 1892-9-12 p4
  1176. Loferski, Officer Lawrence, column 2-3 – 1895-2-27 p4
  1177. Loferski, Officer, “At the Police Court this Morning” – 1899-4-18 p4
  1178. Lonczak, John, “At the Police Court” – 1899-5-20 p3
  1179. Lorenzen, Mr., column 2 – 1895-5-28 p4
  1180. Lorenzen, Mr., column 2 – 1895-5-31 p4
  1181. Lorenzen, C., & N. Lorenzen, column 3 – 1895-6-10 p4
  1182. Lorenzen, Marie, 270 91st, column 1 – 1899-5-5 p4
  1183. Lorenzen, Miss Marie, column 1 – 1899-6-27 p3
  1184. Lorenzen, Peter, column 2 – 1899-4-11 p4
  1185. Loschiviski, Stanislaus, 37th & Wood St., column 2&3 – 1893-4-24 p4
  1186. Losinicke, Frank, column 2 – 1887-11-2 p4
  1187. Lowrene, J., peddler, “Alleged Nest of Thieves” – 1894-2-24 p2
  1188. Lozinski, Anton, Sjustakowski, John, Gorzelany, Mathias, Kosinski, John, “Thirty Third Ward Club” – 1892-8-3 p4
  1189. Lu…ofski, Stannislau, “Doings at the Police Court” – 1899-5-9 p4
  1190. Ludowski, Frank, column 2 – 1899-2-10 p4
  1191. Lugowski, Leon, “Democratic Convention” – 1893-2-18 p4
  1192. Lukstead, Jacob, “Polish Democrats Organize” – 1897-2-26 p4
  1193. Lulinski, Mr. (40 years old) & Mrs.(37 years old), east side of Ontario St. between 84th & 85th (no address), mother of 12 gave birth to triplets, married 17 years ago, “Gave Birth to Triplets” – 1892-11-26 p4
  1194. Lulinski, Peter, undertaker, 8324 Superior Ave., “Collides with Street Car” – 1899-4-5 p4
  1195. Luta, Martin, column 1 – 1895-6-1 p4
  1196. Lutkowski, Frank, “Alleged Nest of Thieves” – 1894-2-24 p2
  1197. Lyezenski, Macej, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-9-27 p4
  1198. Machowski, Mrs. Josephine, 8620 Houston Ave., column 1 – 1897-3-17 p4
  1199. Maciejewski, Lawrence, “Police Jottings” – 1893-4-3 p4
  1200. Maciejewski, T., column 3 – 1899-4-12 p4
  1201. Maczek, Peter, “Arrested For Fishing” – 1894-3-22 p4
  1202. Maczek, Peter, “Expensive Shooting” – 1894-3-23 p4
  1203. Maczyianak, F., column 2 – 1897-6-11 p4
  1204. Magiera, Maryanna & Franciszek Pawelski & wedding reception? at Templin’s Hall at 88th St. & Commercial Ave., “A Polish Wedding” – 1887-8-17 p1
  1205. Magura, Stanislaus, column 2 – 1895-3-26 p4
  1206. Mainkowski, J., “Edward Watkins” – 1899-3-8 p4
  1207. Majchrzaki, Agnes & husband, column 2 – 1897-2-8 p4
  1208. Majchszak, Vincent (50 years old) & Agnes (38 years old), married 27 years, lived separately for 18 months, Vincent lives at 8339 Mackinaw Ave., Agnes lives with relatives on 96th & Ave. J, one son who works as a car repairman at Nickel Plate Shop & one married daughter who lives on the East Side near the Casino, “Shot Her Husband” – 1897-1-18 p4
  1209. Majchszak, Vincent & Agnes, column 4 – 1897-1-19 p4
  1210. Majchszak, Vincent & Agnes, column 2 – 1897-1-20 p4
  1211. Majchszaki, Vincent & Agnes, column 3 – 1897-1-29 p4
  1212. Makowski, A., column 2-3 – 1897-3-9 p4
  1213. Makowski, Mr., “First Shot Fired” – 1895-5-8 p4
  1214. Makowski, J., column 2-3 – 1897-3-9 p4
  1215. Makowski, Joseph, “Strikers Resort to Force” – 1895-5-8 p4
  1216. Malecki, Mr. M., column 2 – 1897-5-24 p4
  1217. Malicki, M., executive committee of Polish Democratic Pulaski Club, column 3 – 1895-2-25 p4
  1218. Malinowski, John, column 2 – 1899-3-1 p4
  1219. Malsaski, Martin, 8401 Superior Ave., Staskwiece, Anton, 8401 Superior Ave. bakery, “Cooked the Bread; Tough Fire in a Superior Ave. Bakery” – 1892-9-12 p4
  1220. Malwieski, John, 83rd & Superior Ave. – column 2 – 1899-2-3 p4
  1221. Mamkowski, I., column 1 – 1895-1-11 p4
  1222. Manashafski, Stephen, Scripskck, Andrew, Natzky, August, “Boys Who Snowball” – 1894-2-19 p2
  1223. Manikowski, J., 87th & Commercial Ave., column 1 – 1895-1-10 p4
  1224. Manneziski, M., column 2 – 1895-5-3 p4
  1225. Manuszek, Stephen, column 3 – 1897-4-14 p4
  1226. Manzik, John, owner of 9419 Escanaba Ave, “Mysterious Fire” – 1893-6-27 p4
  1227. Marciniak, Frank, “Ald. Wiora in Court” – 1897-4-30 p4
  1228. Marciniak, Michael, 8233 Superior Ave., “Two Charged With Murder” – 1899-5-20 p3
  1229. Marciniak, S., “Edward Watkins” – 1899-3-8 p4
  1230. Marcinkiewicz, T. J., column 2 – 1897-1-9 p4
  1231. Marnocha, John, column 2, 1892-8-3 p4
  1232. Marowitz, Frank, 95th, column 1 – 1897-4-28 p4
  1233. Marowitz, Frank & wife, 200 95th St., “Will Inquire Into His Sanity” – 1897-4-29 p4
  1234. Marowitz, Frank & Balbena, column 3 – 1897-4-30 p4
  1235. Marrzulek, Mrs. W., 8341 Ontario Ave., gave birth, column 2-3 – 1899-4-6 p4
  1236. Marski, Fred & mother Mrs. Marski of Superior Ave., Peter & Volanter Anlanowsch, & Anton Meckolowsch – column 2 – 1887-8-16 p1
  1237. Marski, Mrs. 90th & Superior Ave., column 1 – 1887-11-16 p4
  1238. Marsky, Fred, “News Around Town” – 1887-7-8 p1
  1239. Marsky, Fred, Auzickowk, Meckoloious, & Anlanowsch, Peter, Anlanowsch, Volanter – “That Famous Cutting Affray” – 1887-7-19 p1
  1240. Marzsouk, John, column 1 – 1897-1-20 p4
  1241. Marzkowski, Adam, “At the Police Court” – 1899-6-20 p3
  1242. Mastowski, Szczepan, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-8-18 p4
  1243. Mastowski, Szcfepan, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-11-2 p1
  1244. Matgnowski, Francuzek, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-11-2 p1
  1245. Mattitzke, Stayslan, “Raiding the Tramps” – 1895-4-16 p4
  1246. Mayschak, V., 8359 Mackinaw, column 1 – 1892-8-16 p4
  1247. Mazurek, Fr., treasurer of Polish Democratic Pulaski Club, column 3 – 1895-2-25 p4
  1248. Meckolowsch, Anton, Marski, Fred & mother Mrs. Marski of Superior Ave., Peter & Volanter Anlanowsch – column 2 – 1887-8-16 p1
  1249. Mecowski, Henry, 12 years old, resided with parents at 8759 Ashkum Ave., “Killed By Cars” – 1893-5-22 p4
  1250. Meskiwicz, Wojtek, column 2 – 1897-1-7 p4
  1251. Mesko, Mr., column 1 – 1892-7-28 p4
  1252. Mezydlo, Simon, “The Polish Church Trouble” – 1894-1-23 p4
  1253. Michalski, S., column 2 – 1893-5-12 p4
  1254. Miglaski, Mrs., & Mr. Lamke, column 2 – 1895-2-2 p4
  1255. Miglaski, Mrs., widow, column 3 – 1895-2-19 p4
  1256. Migolski, Jacob, “Arrested For Fishing” – 1894-3-22 p4
  1257. Migolski, Jacob, “Expensive Shooting” – 1894-3-23 p4
  1258. Miller, Bronislaus, column 1 – 1893-5-22 p4
  1259. Miller, John, “Arrested For Fishing” – 1894-3-22 p4
  1260. Miller, John, “Expensive Shooting” – 1894-3-23 p4
  1261. Miskolski, Michael, boy, column 1 – 1895-2-14 p4
  1262. Mistelski, Lizzie, from Pittsburgh, PA, aunt of 4 orphaned children of William and Katherine Hennebohle, 8899 Muskegon Ave., “Looking for Orphans” – 1897-5-20 p4
  1263. Mitch, Kasimer, column 2 – 1895-1-28 p4
  1264. Modjeska, Miss, “Amusement Notes” – 1887-8-27 p1
  1265. Modjeska, Madame, “Behind the Footlights” – 1887-9-5 p4
  1266. Modjeska, (Helena – famed Polish actress), “A Great Actress Coming” – 1887-10-27 p1
  1267. Modjeska, (Helena – famed Polish actress), “Chicago Opera House” – 1887-11-7 p4
  1268. Modjeska, (Helena – famed Polish actress), “Chicago Opera House” – 1887-11-14 p4
  1269. Modjeska, (Helena – famed Polish actress), “A Night On the Drama” – 1893-5-18 p1
  1270. Modjeska, Mdm, “At the Olympic Theater”, 1897-4-22 p4
  1271. Modjeska, Mme. & husband Count Bozenta, “Couldn’t Chill His Wit” – 1899-3-14 p4
  1272. Moldrowski, Felix, 12 years old, 9287 Anthony Ave., “Only Yesterday”, reprint from Nov. 25, 1896 – 1939-11-25 p2
  1273. Monlichinski, Mrs., 2 children, 3 years old and 1 year old, 8719 Houston Ave., “Only Yesterday” – 1896-7-25, reprinted in 1939-8-19 p3
  1274. Moshinski, Martin, single, 88th & Escanaba Ave., column 1 – 1894-2-3 p4
  1275. Mosioszak, Michael, 13 years old, & parents, 8745 Commercial Ave., column 2 – 1895-2-27 p4
  1276. Mowiski, Kosimisch, “A Dangerous Practice” – 1893-4-19 p4
  1277. Muchkovski, Anton, “A Little Bedlam” – 1894-4-10 p4
  1278. Muchoviski, Mr., column 2 – 1894-4-11 p4
  1279. Mulka, F. J., column 1 – 1892-12-14 p4
  1280. Murawski, Johann, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-8-27 p4
  1281. Muroski, Alexander, “He Slapped Her Face” – 1895-3-15 p4
  1282. Murowski, Alex, “At the Police Court” – 1899-6-7 p3
  1283. Musanowski, John, 8424 Buffalo Ave., “Rowboat Capsizes” – 1899-5-5 p4
  1284. Musenski, John, 8519 Buffalo Ave., column 1 – 1895-2-22 p4
  1285. Musenski, John, 8519 Buffalo Ave., column 3 – 1895-2-23 p4
  1286. Musial, Frank, “At the Police Court”, – 1899-3-24 p4
  1287. Muszalski, Josef, Pulaski Guards, column 2 – 1894-3-5 p4
  1288. Muszynski, Joseph, Pulaski Guards, column 2 – 1894-3-5 p4
  1289. Myciechuski, Anton, “At the Police Court”, – 1899-3-24 p4
  1290. Napowiski, Thomas, 12 years old, column 2 – 1899-1-13 p4
  1291. Nastrowski, Peter, 8404-06 Buffalo Ave., “Eight Hundred Dollar Fire” – 1899-5-10 p4
  1292. Natzky, August, Manashafski, Stephen, Scripskck, Andrew, “Boys Who Snowball” – 1894-2-19 p2
  1293. Nawczyki, John & son (minor), column 2 – 1894-4-12 p4
  1294. Negalska, Lasvega, 12 years old, 8830 Escanaba Ave., column 2 – 1892-8-10 p4
  1295. Nepohkeyshik, S., 30 years old, single, 8231 Houston Ave., column 2 – 1897-3-23 p4
  1296. Newalski, Anton, column 1 – 1894-3-13 p4
  1297. Newka, Joseph, 14 years old, resides with parents at 8451 Sherman Ave., “Shocked By Electricity” – 1899-5-31 p4
  1298. Nicalkiewicz, Mrs. Mary, “Case on Trial” – 1897-4-30 p4
  1299. Niedbalska, Julia, “The Pulaski Guards” – 1897-5-4 p4
  1300. Niedbalska, Julia, column 2 – 1897-5-24 p4
  1301. Niedbasker, Miss M., column 2 – 1897-4-1 p4
  1302. Niekopony, Simon, 8237 Houston Ave., column 1 – 1897-5-26 p4
  1303. Nienolski, Anton, column 2 – 1887-12-10 p4
  1304. Niepkoczek, Mary, “Fined for Carry Guns” – 1899-6-2 p3
  1305. Niepokoj, Simon G., wife and 3 children, formerly of 8652 Houston Ave., now at 3860 Ashland Ave., “Niepokoj Heard From Again” – 1899-4-19 p4
  1306. Niepokoj, Simon G., wife & 3 children, 8836 Exchange Ave., column 2 – 1899-4-20 p4
  1307. Niepokoj, Simon G., formerly of 8836 Exchange Ave., “Niepokoj Arrested Again” – 1899-4-21 p4
  1308. Niepokojczyk, Mary, 8836 Exchange Ave., married, husband at Dunning asylum, four children, oldest is 6 years old, youngest is 3 weeks old, “Dying of Hunger” – 1899-6-5 p4
  1309. Niepokojczyk, Mary, column 2 – 1899-6-8 p3
  1310. Niewolski, Anton, “Headquarters Opened” – 1894-3-27 p2
  1311. Nijakowski, K., column 2 – 1899-6-26 p3
  1312. Nomokowski, Kijsk, column 4 – 1897-3-22 p4
  1313. Nomokowski, Kijak, column 3 – 1897-4-20 p4
  1314. Nomokowski, Kijak, column 2 – 1897-4-30 p4
  1315. Nomokowski, Kijak, column 2 – 1897-5-25 p4
  1316. Nomokowski, Kijak, “Twenty-Five and Costs” – 1897-5-26 p4
  1317. Norbawk, Paul, unmarried, 8755 Escanaba Ave., “Fatal Accident” – 1892-11-22 p4
  1318. Norbawk, Paul, column 3 – 1892-11-23 p4
  1319. Norbus, Babus, “At the Police Court” – 1899-5-15 p4
  1320. Norbuth, Dominick, saloon owner, 8737 Commercial Ave., “Cut With a Knife” – 1897-1-18 p4
  1321. Norbuth, Mr., column 3 – 1897-1-20 p4
  1322. Nordrum, Simon, “At the Police Court” – 1899-5-15 p4
  1323. Norick, Stanislaus, “Arrested For Fishing” – 1894-3-22 p4
  1324. Norick, Stanislaus, “Expensive Shooting” – 1894-3-23 p4
  1325. Norwicki, George, died 2 years ago, 45 years old, married, “Lost Another Case” – 1892-12-30 p4
  1326. Novak, Ald., “A Red Hot Time” – 1899-6-13 p3
  1327. Novak, Mr., “Sued for $10,000 Damages” – 1899-3-11 p4
  1328. Novak, Mrs., 8820 Escanaba Ave., “A Deplorable Case” – 1899-2-15 p4
  1329. Novak, Mrs. Annie, husband & 3 small children, 8820 Escanaba Ave., “Destitute Family” – 1899-2-14 p4
  1330. Novak, Anton, column 3 – 1893-1-12 p4
  1331. Novak, Anton, column 2 – 1893-6-21 p4
  1332. Novak, Anton, member of Enigkeit Club, “Officers Installed” – 1899-1-10 p4
  1333. Novak, B., & John Poluski, column 1 – 1894-3-13 p4
  1334. Novak, Catherine, 8404-06 Buffalo Ave., “Eight Hundred Dollar Fire” – 1899-5-10 p4
  1335. Novak, Stanislaus, “Only Yesterday” – 1896-7-24, reprinted in 1939-8-19 p3
  1336. Novak, Stanislaus, “Only Yesterday” – 1896-7-28 (the month of June is a mistake for July), reprinted in 1939-8-29 p8
  1337. Novak, T., “Velcheck Wheels the Cart” – 1899-4-10 p4
  1338. Novak, Thomas F., 107th & Ave. N, saloon owner, column 2 – 1893-3-24 p4
  1339. Novak, Thomas F., 107th & Ave. N, saloon owner, column 2 – 1893-3-25 p4
  1340. Novak, Thomas, 107th & Ave. N, saloon owner, column 2 – 1893-6-29 p4
  1341. Novak, Thomas, 107th & Ave. N, saloon owner, column 3 – 1893-6-30 p4
  1342. Novak, Thomas, incorporator of Cesko Slovanski Neodviselni Spolnik of the 33rd Ward, column 2 – 1895-4-5 p4
  1343. Novak, Thomas, column 3 – 1895-5-15 p4
  1344. Novak, Thomas, 106th bridgetender, “They Get Places” – 1897-4-27 p4
  1345. Novak, Thomas, lives in Colehour, “To Pay His Election Debt” – 1899-4-8 p4
  1346. Novak, Thomas, “City Council Meeting” – 1899-5-16 p4
  1347. Novatchick, Anton, column 2 – 1893-5-20 p4
  1348. Novok, B., “Our Evening School” – 1895-3-23 p4
  1349. Nowack, Andw, “Precinct Committees” – 1892-9-27 p4
  1350. Nowacki, John, 8305 Superior Ave., column 1 – 1893-2-4 p4
  1351. Nowacki, John, column 2 – 1895-1-31 p4
  1352. Nowaczyk, John, saloon owner, 89th & Strand Ave., column 1 – 1899-2-3 p4
  1353. Nowaczyk, John, column 2 – 1899-2-6 p4
  1354. Nowaczyk, Michael, column 1 – 1894-3-29 p4
  1355. Nowajak, Officer John, column 1 – 1894-3-1 p4
  1356. Nowak, Aleck, 7 years old, lives with parents at 8726 Houston Ave., column 3 – 1897-6-11 p4
  1357. Nowak, Bartholomae, killed in a fight, “Only Yesterday” – 1896-8-4&5 reprinted – 1939-9-9 p2
  1358. Nowak, Bruno, Public Schools” – 1897-6-19 p4
  1359. Nowak, Franciszek, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-9-2 p4
  1360. Nowak, John, 33 years old, died Jan. 15, 1899, married, 3 children, 8325 Ontario Ave., “Buried Under Iron Ore” – 1899-1-16 p4
  1361. Nowak, John, “Inquests Yesterday” – 1899-1-17 p4
  1362. Nowak, Joseph, column 2 – 1897-4-21 p4
  1363. Nowak, M., column 2 – 1899-6-19 p2
  1364. Nowakoroski, Stanislaus, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-9-2 p4
  1365. Nowakowski, Stan, column 2-3 – 1897-3-9 p4
  1366. Nowakowski, Stanislaus, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-8-27 p4
  1367. Nowasczyki, Officer John, column 2-3 – 1895-2-27 p4
  1368. Nowicki Brothers Orchestra, “Polish Turners” – 1899-1-28 p4
  1369. Nowicki, Father, Radziejewski, Rev. Father, Rev. Father Gordon, John Belzowski, Father Lipski, Father Wojtalewicz, John Sjostakowski, “Appropriate Ceremonies” – 1892-9-12 p4
  1370. Nowicki, Father, “The Clothes-Line Route” – 1894-4-17 p4
  1371. Nowicki, Father, “Polish Church Burned” – 1894-5-7 p4
  1372. Nowicki, Father A. , column 2 & “A Good Entertainment” – 1895-2-26 p4
  1373. Nowicki, Rev. A., “Church Dedication” – 1892-9-2 p4
  1374. Nowicki, Rev. A., column 2 – 1892-10-26 p4
  1375. Nowicki, Rev. A., column 2 – 1895-2-21 p4
  1376. Nowicki, Rev. Fr., column 3 – 1892-9-13 p4
  1377. Nowicki, Rev. Fr., “The Social Swim” – 1897-2-1 p4
  1378. Nowicki, Rev. Adolph, column 3 – 1893-5-15 p4
  1379. Nowicki, Rev. Fr., “Holy Cross Church” – 1897-6-24 p4
  1380. Nowicki, Frank, “Charity Entertainment” – 1899-1-19 p4
  1381. Nowicki, John, “Polish Business Men’s Relief Society” – 1897-1-23 p4
  1382. Nufpolski, Martin, “Only Yesterday”, reprint of Oct. 31, 1896 – 1939-10-28 p8
  1383. Obarskie, J., “Annual Masquerade” – 1893-2-27 p4
  1384. Obuirnieski, Kazimer, column 3 – 1897-2-17 p4
  1385. Ogonowski, John, “Riot at the Steel Gate” – 1897-4-12 p4
  1386. Ohota, John, “Baseball” – 1897-6-21 p4
  1387. Ojaunchouski, Jothon, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-8-10 p4
  1388. Olaski, Walter, column 2 – 1893-4-29 p4
  1389. Olawsich, Simon, 27 years old, single, 8415 Ontario Ave., “Bloody Quarrel” – 1893-5-4 p4
  1390. Olszewinski, Felixa, “At the Police Court”, 1899-2-23 p4
  1391. Opits, Julius, column 2 – 1893-4-14 p4
  1392. Orkrowski, S., 8748 Exchange Ave., column 3 – 1899-1-27 p4
  1393. Oshinki, John, “Alleged Car Thieves Held” – 1899-1-31 p4
  1394. Oshinski, John, “Car Robbers Convicted” – 1899-3-15 p4
  1395. Osinski, Adam, “Charity Entertainment” – 1899-1-19 p4
  1396. Osinski, John, column 2 – 1897-1-8 p4
  1397. Osinski, John, 8628 Houston Ave., “Stolen Property Recovered” – 1899-1-20 p4
  1398. Osinski, John, alias John Bull, “Car Thieves’ Case Continues” – 1899-1-25 p4
  1399. Ososki, Alex R., “Edward Watkins” – 1899-3-8 p4
  1400. Osowski, Mr., “Miss Abeles Surprised” – 1899-4-22 p4
  1401. Osowski, Alex, “Charity Entertainment” – 1899-1-19 p4
  1402. Osowski, Alex, “Their Fifth Anniversary” – 1899-1-30 p4
  1403. Osowski, Josef, column 2 – 1899-3-10 p4
  1404. Osowsky, J., column 3 – 1899-4-12 p4
  1405. Ostrokofski, Mr., “A Musicale” – 1892-12-22 p4
  1406. Ostroski, John, column 2 – 1897-1-5 p4
  1407. Ostrowski, John, column 1 – 1892-11-29 p4
  1408. Ostrowski, Michael, column 2 – 1899-4-28 p4
  1409. Ostrowski, S., column 1 – 1895-6-25 p4
  1410. Oszinski, John, column 2 – 1899-3-27 p4
  1411. Ozenkowski, Officer, “Police News” – 1893-1-23 p4
  1412. Ozerdruk, Mary, 13 years old, resident of Hegewisch, “Justice Callahan Takes Hold” – 1899-4-25 p4
  1413. Ozikiewicz, Agnet, column 2 – 1895-4-1 p4
  1414. Pacholski, J., “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-10-14 p1
  1415. Pacholski, Mr., “Foreman Walton Takes Charge” – 1895-5-16 p4
  1416. Pacholski, W., column 4 – 1892-11-19 p4
  1417. Pacholski, W., column 1 – 1895-6-25 p4
  1418. Pacholski, W., secretary of Polish Republican Central Committee, column 1 – 1899-2-23 p4
  1419. Pacholski, W., “Poles Indorse Jones” – 1899-2-24 p4
  1420. Pacholski, William, “Republican Appointees” – 1895-5-15 p4
  1421. Pachynski, Mrs., column 2 – 1899-6-17 p3
  1422. Pachynski, L. J., “May Party and Ball” – 1899-5-13 p4
  1423. Pachynski, Louis, column 3 – 1893-4-17 p4
  1424. Pachynski, Louis, column 3 – 1893-4-18 p4
  1425. Pachynski, Louis, column 3 – 1893-4-19 p4
  1426. Pachynski, Louis J., Exchange Av., proprietor of Continental Shoe Co., first marriage anniversary on Feb. 8, 1899, son born on first anniversary, column 1 – 1899-2-9 p4
  1427. Pachynski, Stanley, column 4 – 1897-5-29 p4
  1428. Paderewski, Ignace J., “Harmony Reigns” – 1893-5-3 p1
  1429. Paderewski, Mr., “It Will Not Down” – 1893-5-4 p1
  1430. Paderewski, Mr., “Abbreviated Telegrams” – 1893-5-6 p1
  1431. Padrwicz, Leva, “At the Police Court” – 1899-5-15 p4
  1432. Pagorek, Stanis, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-8-27 p4
  1433. Paintek, Isidor, 8821 Houston Ave., column 1 – 1897-5-22 p4
  1434. Pajorek, Anton, 8428 Exchange Ave., column 2 – 1897-4-21 p4
  1435. Palaszanski, Eddie, column 1 – 1893-6-28 p4
  1436. Panevzyk, Charles, column 1 – 1897-1-9 p4
  1437. Panfil, Mary, column 2 – 1893-4-29 p4
  1438. Panwiz, Mr. & Mrs. & baby, “Increasing Population” – 1899-3-3 p4
  1439. Paperenaky, Andrew, 9230 Superior Ave., “Yesterday’s Accidents” – 1892-7-18 p4
  1440. Papoako, Michael, 30 years old, 9232 Superior Ave., column 2 – 1893-2-21 p4
  1441. Paszterzack, Michael, “Hit With a Beer Glass” – 1895-1-5 p4
  1442. Patajczyk, Ignatz, died 1894-12-31, column 3 – 1895-4-17 p4
  1443. Pataky’s Hall, 85th & Green Bay Ave., “Democratic Ward Meetings” – 1899-3-27 p4
  1444. Pataky’s Hall, 85th & Green Bay Ave., “Democratic Ward Meetings” – 1899-3-28 p4
  1445. Pataky’s Hall, 85th & Green Bay Ave., “Democratic Ward Meetings” – 1899-3-29 p4
  1446. Pataky’s Hall, 85th & Green Bay Ave., “Democratic Ward Meetings” – 1899-3-30 p4
  1447. Pataky’s Hall, 85th & Green Bay Ave., “Democratic Ward Meetings” – 1899-3-31 p4
  1448. Pataky’s Hall, 85th & Green Bay Ave., “Democratic Ward Meetings” – 1899-4-1 p4
  1449. Patke, J., 89th & Saginaw Ave., column 2 – 1895-4-30 p4
  1450. Patona, Stanley, “Negro Ex-Soldiers Fined” – 1899-2-11 p4
  1451. Patowhak, Mrs., column 1 – 1892-7-27 p4
  1452. Patrofski, Thomas, column 1 – 1894-3-5 p4
  1453. Paulginski, Julia, 8305 Ontario Ave., column 2 – 1894-2-9 p4
  1454. Pawelski, Franciszek & Maryanna Magiera wedding reception? at Templin’s Hall at 88th & Commercial Ave., “A Polish Wedding” – 1887-8-17 p1
  1455. Pawlak, W., column 3 – 1899-4-12 p4
  1456. Pawleski, Prof., organist at Immaculate Conception parish, column 2 – 1897-4-1 p4
  1457. Pawlicka, Jacob, 8232 Superior Ave., column 1 – 1893-2-18 p4
  1458. Pawlicki, Jacob, “Did Not Follow Clark” – 1899-4-1 p4
  1459. Pawlicki, Jacob & Thomas, 84th & Superior Ave., “Only Yesterday”, November 9, 1896, reprinted in 1939-11-6 p2
  1460. Pawloski, Frank, column 1 – 1895-1-17 p4
  1461. Pawloski, Frank, column 2 – 1895-1-18 p4
  1462. Pawlouski, Frank, 13 years old, “A Juvenile Burglar” – 1895-1-16 p4
  1463. Pawlowki, Prof. Felix, “Charity Entertainment” – 1899-1-19 p4
  1464. Pawlowski, Martin, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-8-10 p4
  1465. Pawovovski, Thomas, “At the Police Court” – 1899-5-2 p4
  1466. Pchitchquaratchzk, Joseph, built a house on Superior Ave., column 1 – 1887-10-25 p4
  1467. Pechoski, Anton, 8847 Escanaba Ave., “Drug Store in Flames” – 1895-4-29 p4
  1468. Pelarczyk Ignatz, column 3&4 – 1897-2-6 p4
  1469. Pelarczyk, Penatz, column 1 – 1897-2-3 p4
  1470. Pelazek, Mary, column 2 – 1895-1-29 p4
  1471. Perdoski, Andrew, “Fourth of July Drunks” – 1887-7-5 p1
  1472. Perkoveski, Joseph, column 1 – 1893-6-28 p4
  1473. Perski, Fred, 17 years old, 108th & Ave H., column 2 – 1897-2-19 p4
  1474. Perz, Frank, “In the City Council” – 1897-1-22 p4
  1475. Peteske, Yamij, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-8-10 p4
  1476. Petrack, Ignatz, 21 years old, single, 83rd & Houston Ave., “Killed At the Mill” – 1895-1-2 p4
  1477. Petrovisk (child), column 1 – 1887-10-4 p4
  1478. Petrowski, Anton, “Only Yesterday”, reprinted 1939-8-8 p5 – 1896-7-16
  1479. Peyzek, Leo, “Car Thieves’ Case Continues” – 1899-1-25 p4
  1480. Pezyberski, Michael, Wasowicz, Peter, Furman, Anton M., incorporators of Sokoel Polski Stefana Czarnec Kiego w South Chicago, column 1 – 1894-3-23 p4
  1481. Piahowick, John, column 1 – 1895-3-5 p4
  1482. Pierz, Joe, Gordon, Tom, Helminski, Mr., “A Fearful Gash” – 1892-8-17 p4
  1483. Piesalski, W., v.p. of Polish Turner Society, column 2 – 1894-3-2 p4
  1484. Piesz, Frank, “Arrested For Fishing” – 1894-3-22 p4
  1485. Piesz, Frank, “Expensive Shooting” – 1894-3-23 p4
  1486. Pietrowzeski, A., 88th & Luella, column 2 – 1893-2-21 p4
  1487. Pietruszewski, Mr., 8728 Commercial Ave., “Repented the Act” – 1892-10-17 p4
  1488. Pietryzak, John, “Additional Local Items” – 1895-6-25 p2
  1489. Pilawski, P., column 3 – 1899-1-26 p4
  1490. Piontek, Joseph & Rose, “To Whom It May Concern” – 1897-3-29 p4
  1491. Piontek, Joseph & Rose, “To Whom It May Concern” – 1897-3-30 p4
  1492. Piontek, Joseph & Rose, “To Whom It May Concern” – 1897-3-31 p4
  1493. Piontek, Joseph & Rose, “To Whom It May Concern” – 1897-4-1 p4
  1494. Piotrowski, George, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-10-14 p1
  1495. Piotrowski, J., “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-11-2 p1
  1496. Piotrowski, N. L., assistant prosecuting attorney, ., “Poles Celebrate Anniversary” – 1899-5-9 p4
  1497. Pisch, Joseph, column 1 – 1887-9-30 p4
  1498. Pisch, Joseph & John Viscoski, column 2 – 1887-10-1 p4
  1499. Pischczek, A. M., column 2 – 1893-2-6 p4
  1500. Pisek, B. & L. Assn., column 2 – 1899-3-13 p4
  1501. Pobst, John, bartender at John Redmonski’s saloon on 88th, column 1 – 1887-9-30 p4
  1502. Pochenski, Ignatz, column 2 – 1895-4-9 p4
  1503. Podbinski, W., column 3 – 1897-6-2 p4
  1504. Podobinski, W., 8709 Escanaba Ave., column 3 – 1897-5-25 p4
  1505. Podobinski, Mr. & Mrs. Wojciech, 8733 Houston Ave., & brother Wawrzyniec, “Social Life In the “Bush” – 1894-2-15 p4
  1506. Polaczak, Wojciech & Agnes, silver wedding anniversary, 8628 Baltimore Ave., column 3 – 1894-4-5 p4
  1507. Polaczyk, Mrs. K., “The Pulaski Guards” – 1897-5-4 p4
  1508. Polarek, Barbara, column 1 – 1899-3-9 p4
  1509. Polarek, John, “Car Thieves’ Case Continues” – 1899-1-25 p4
  1510. Polarek, John, Stanislaus & Walter, “Alleged Car Thieves Held” – 1899-1-31 p4
  1511. Polarek, John & Walter, column 3 – 1899-2-1 p4
  1512. Polarek, Staney, 8453 Exchange Ave., “Stolen Property Recovered” – 1899-1-20 p4
  1513. Polarek, Stanislaw, “Car Robbers Convicted” – 1899-3-15 p4
  1514. Polarek, Walter, 85th & Sherman Ave., “Stolen Property Recovered” – 1899-1-20 p4
  1515. Polarek, Walter, “Car Thieves’ Case Continues” – 1899-1-25 p4
  1516. Polaschack, Mr. & Mrs. George, 84th & Baltimore Ave., “Police News” – 1893-1-23 p4
  1517. Polaskey, Miss C., column 2 – 1897-4-1 p4
  1518. Polearek, Stanislaus, “Car Thieves’ Case Continues” – 1899-1-25 p4
  1519. Poldonski, Andrew, column 2 – 1895-4-9 p4
  1520. Polfus, W. A., column 2 – 1895-2-4 p4
  1521. Polfus, W., column 7 – 1895-6-8 p4
  1522. Polski, George, 8218 Houston Ave., “Work For the Firemen” – 1895-5-13 p4
  1523. Poluschack, Agnes, Mrs. Deloski, “Short Tale” – 1892-11-22 p4
  1524. Poluski, John, & B. Novak, column 1 – 1894-3-13 p4
  1525. Ponkenski, Albert, column 1, 1893-3-29 p4
  1526. Porzdol, Stanislaus, column 2 – 1899-2-1 p4
  1527. Posadzinski, Stanislaus, 24 years old, 8911 Muskegeon Ave., “Slain By a Trolley” – 1895-5-27 p4
  1528. Posidenski, Gus, 8712 Houston Ave., column 3 – 1897-1-22 p4
  1529. Posowietski, Sobertyan, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-9-21 p1
  1530. Potke, K., column 4 – 1893-1-28 p4
  1531. Potroski, S., “Democratic Meetings” – 1899-3-27 p4
  1532. Potulney, Mary, saloon keeper, originally printed Oct. 3, 1896, reprinted in “Only Yesterday” – 1939-10-8 p8
  1533. Poustrowski, Mrs. Mari, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-10-14 p1
  1534. Powlak, John, column 3 – 1897-2-4 p4
  1535. Powlaski, Thomas, precinct captain – “Headquarters Opened” – 1894-3-27 p2
  1536. Powvowski, Thomas, column 2 – 1899-4-28 p4
  1537. Prebush, Andy, column 1 – 1894-2-16 p4
  1538. Prezlinski, Charlotte, column 1 – 1894-2-7 p4
  1539. Prezymusinski, Anton, column 1 – 1899-4-5 p4
  1540. Proulski, Dr., column 3 – 1897-6-11 p4
  1541. Prozekorat, George, “Only Yesterday”, reprinted 1939-8-8 p5 – 1896-7-16
  1542. Prysczkewicz, Martin, milk dealer, 88th & Commercial Ave., “Milk Dealer Held Up” – 1899-6-15 p3
  1543. Przekora, George, “Only Yesterday”, November 9, 1896, reprinted in 1939-11-6 p2
  1544. Przkorat, George, column 2 – 1892-12-9 p4
  1545. Przyborski, Theofel, column 2-3 & “Girl Seeks Justice” – 1897-6-7 p4
  1546. Przybylowski, R., column 3 – 1892-9-29 p4
  1547. Prybysz, Stephen, column 1 – 1895-3-5 p4
  1548. Przeworski, J., 92nd & Ontario Ave., column 2 – 1895-1-25 p4
  1549. Przozofski, Ignatz, barber 88th & Commercial Ave., & 18 year old niece who died, column 2 – 1895-4-12 p4
  1550. Przybilinski, Roman, “The Polish Church Trouble” – 1894-1-23 p4
  1551. Przyblinski, Frank, 11 years old, 8646 Commercial Ave., “Struck By Street Car” – 1895-2-6 p4
  1552. Przyblinski, Officer Wladislau, column 2-3 – 1895-2-27 p4
  1553. Przyblski, Theodor, “Arrested For Fishing” – 1894-3-22 p4
  1554. Przyblski, Theodor, “Expensive Shooting” – 1894-3-23 p4
  1555. Przybylinski, Mr., column 4 – 1897-2-6 p4
  1556. Przybylinski, Mr., column 4 – 1897-2-15 p4
  1557. Przyske, T., 8756 Marquette Ave., column 1 – 1894-2-21 p4
  1558. Przyske, T., 8756 Marquette Ave., column 1 – 1894-2-22 p4
  1559. Przywiski, Michael, manager of Polish Turner Society, column 2 – 1894-3-2 p4
  1560. Ptok, Joe, “Lakeside Lodge Ball” – 1899-3-6 p4
  1561. Ptok, Joseph P. & Belle K. Kleefisch marriage, column 3 – 1893-1-24 p4
  1562. Ptok, Joseph & Belle K. Kleefisch marriage, column 2 – 1893-2-7 p4
  1563. Ptok, Joseph & Belle K. Kleefisch marriage, column 2 – 1893-2-8 p4
  1564. Ptok, Joseph & Belle K. Kleefisch marriage, “Kleefisch – Ptok“ – 1893-2-9 p4
  1565. Ptok, Joseph P. & Belle K. Kleefisch marriage, column 3 – 1893-1-24 p4
  1566. Ptok, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph, column 1 – 1893-2-10 p4
  1567. Ptok, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph, 425 89th, only child Katrina Mary, 4 months & 2 weeks old, died from pneumonia April 18, buried at St. Boniface Cemetery yesterday, column 2 – 1894-4-21 p4
  1568. Ptok, Joseph, column 3 – 1899-3-4 p4
  1569. Ptok, Robert, “On Tutors” – 1893-1-2 p4
  1570. Ptok, Robert, “Kleefisch – Ptok“ – 1893-2-9 p4
  1571. Ptok, Robert, column 1 – 1893-2-10 p4
  1572. Ptonick, William, “Police Make a Raid” – 1899-4-15 p4
  1573. Pudrzynski, A., column 2 – 1897-4-3 p4
  1574. Pularek, Stanislaw, “Car Robbers Convicted” – 1899-3-15 p4
  1575. Pularek, Stanislaw, “Car Robbery Case Ends” – 1899-3-17 p4
  1576. Pulasek, Stanislaus, column 2 – 1897-1-8 p4
  1577. Pulaski, N., “Happy School Children” – 1893-6-29 p4
  1578. Pulka, Charles, 29 years old, single, 8907 Houston Ave., column 2 – 1899-3-9 p4
  1579. Punsky, George C., grocer, 9002 Exchange Ave., “Dissolution of Partnership” – 1897-4-27 p4
  1580. Punsky, George C., grocer, 9002 Exchange Ave., “Dissolution of Partnership” – 1897-4-28 p4
  1581. Punsky, George C., grocer, 9002 Exchange Ave., “Dissolution of Partnership” – 1897-4-29 p4
  1582. Punsky, George C., proprietor of Exchange Ave., Grocery, 9002 Exchange Ave., – 1899-1-4 p1
  1583. Punsky’s Grocery Store, 9030 Exchange Ave., column 2 – 1899-2-27 p4
  1584. Punsky’s Grocery Store, 9030 Exchange Ave., column 2 – 1899-2-28 p4
  1585. Puschka, Jacob, column 2 – 1893-1-20 p4
  1586. Pustai, Stephen, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-9-2 p4
  1587. Pyplatz, M.C., column 7 – 1895-6-8 p4
  1588. Pyplatz, M., column 2 – 1899-6-19 p2
  1589. Pyplatz, Peter & sister Valeska Pyplatz (9504 Commercial Ave.), column 2 – 1893-3-1 p4
  1590. Pyplatz, Rev. Michael, column 3 – 1893-5-15 p4
  1591. Pyplatz, Rev. Michael, “The Polish Church Trouble” – 1894-1-23 p4
  1592. Pyplatz, Rev. Michael C., “Took From the Poor” – 1894-3-1 p1
  1593. Pyrz, Mrs., “At the Police Court” – 1899-6-8 p3
  1594. Pyterek, Alex, “Edward Watkins” – 1899-3-8 p4
  1595. Radakowicz, Mr., runs a saloon & boarding house at 8906 Strand Ave., “Hungarians Must Go Home” – 1899-6-7 p3
  1596. Radakowicz, Mr., runs a saloon & boarding house at 8908 Strand Ave., “Those Imported Hungarians” – 1899-6-8 p3
  1597. Radkowicz, Sawa, runs a saloon & boarding house at 8908 Strand Ave., “Aliens Arrive in Droves” – 1899-6-9 p3
  1598. Radkowicz, Sawa, runs a saloon & boarding house at 8908 Strand Ave., “Hungarians Must Go Back” – 1899-6-12 p3
  1599. Radke, Mrs. – “He Impersonated an Officer” – 1887-10-19 p1
  1600. Radziejewski, Rev. Father, Rev. Father Gordon, John Belzowski, Father Nowicki, Father Lipski, Father Wojtalewicz, John Sjostakowski, “Appropriate Ceremonies” – 1892-9-12 p4
  1601. Radziejewski, Rev. John, “Polish Church Burned” – 1894-5-7 p4
  1602. Radzieowski, J., “Father Barth’s Fair” – 1887-9-21 p1
  1603. Ragovitz, John, “Fined for Stealing Brass” – 1899-6-1 p3
  1604. Rajacki, Joseph, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-9-2 p4
  1605. Rajkewcz, Jacob, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-9-12 p1
  1606. Ranisk, Walenty, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-10-27 p1
  1607. Rankowski, John, saloon owner at 8526 Green Bay Ave., “Two Charged With Murder” – 1899-5-20 p3
  1608. Ratajczak, L., column 2-3 – 1897-3-9 p4
  1609. Ratowski, Ignatz, column 1 – 1893-6-1 p4
  1610. Ratzer, Joseph, “Arrested For Fishing” – 1894-3-22 p4
  1611. Ratzer, Joseph, “Expensive Shooting” – 1894-3-23 p4
  1612. Ravitski, Frank – “He Impersonated an Officer” – 1887-10-19 p1
  1613. Redjewski, Mr., “Democrats Turn Out” – 1895-2-28 p4
  1614. Redmonski, John, owner of saloon on 88th, column 1 – 1887-9-30 p4
  1615. Redouski, Laurence, “Police Court Jottings” – 1887-8-29 p1
  1616. Reglinski, Anton, 8326 Superior Ave., “Bad Night For Fires” – 1895-1-22 p4
  1617. Rejeski, Frank, “A Political Meeting” – 1894-3-26 p2
  1618. Retman, Alex B., column 1 – 1895-6-19 p4
  1619. Retman, R., column 4 – 1897-2-6 p4
  1620. Retman, R. saloon owner & married son Aleck, column 4 – 1897-3-20 p4
  1621. Retman, Robert, “Row Over the Patronage” – 1894-1-22 p4
  1622. Retman, Robert, “No Germans Need Apply” – 1894-2-7 p4
  1623. Retman, Robert, “A Political Meeting” – 1894-3-26 p2
  1624. Retman, Robert, “They Saw His Honor” – 1894-4-24 p4
  1625. Retman, Robert, “Squabble Over Jobs” – 1894-4-27 p4
  1626. Retman’s Grove, column 3 – 1897-1-9 p4
  1627. Retman’s Grove, 83rd & Houston Ave., column 5 – 1897-6-12 p4
  1628. Retman’s Grove, column 2 – 1897-6-14 p4
  1629. Retman’s Hall, “Democrats Waking Up” – 1892-10-5 p4
  1630. Retman’s Hall, column 2 – 1892-10-17 p4
  1631. Retman’s Hall, column 2 – 1892-10-26 p4
  1632. Retman’s Hall, column 2 – 1893-2-1 p4
  1633. Retman’s Hall, 84th & Buffalo Ave., “Polish-Americans For Harrison” – 1893-2-27 p4
  1634. Retman’s Hall, “After the Hall Keepers” – 1895-1-5 p4
  1635. Retman’s Hall, column 2-3 – 1895-2-9 p4
  1636. Retman’s Hall, column 2 – 1895-2-12 p4
  1637. Retman’s Hall, column 3 – 1895-2-15 p4
  1638. Retman’s Hall, column 2 – 1895-4-1 p4
  1639. Retman’s Hall, “Furnace Men Meet” – 1895-5-11 p4
  1640. Retman’s Hall, column 2 – 1895-5-24 p4
  1641. Retman’s Hall, 84th & Buffalo Ave., “Do Not Want to Strike” – 1895-6-25 p4
  1642. Retman’s Hall, column 4 – 1897-2-6 p4
  1643. Retman’s Hall, column 2 – 1897-3-29 p4
  1644. Retman’s Hall, column 3 – 1899-3-23 p4
  1645. Retman’s Hall, column 3 – 1899-3-24 p4
  1646. Rettman, A. B., attorney, column 3 – 1899-2-1 p4
  1647. Rettman, A. B., attorney, 8355 Ontario Ave., “Two Small Fires” – 1899-4-20 p4
  1648. Rettman, A. B., attorney, column 1 – 1899-5-1 p4
  1649. Rettman, A. B., attorney, “A-Wheel to Lamont, Ill.” – 1899-5-13 p4
  1650. Rettman, A. B., attorney, “From the Cell to the Altar” – 1899-5-20 p3
  1651. Rettman, Alexander B. & Eva Maxwell, married yesterday at St. Michael’s Church, column 2 – 1897-2-25 p4
  1652. Rettman, Alexander B., column 2 – 1897-3-29 p4
  1653. Rettman, F. B., Rettman’s Hall, column 2 – 1895-1-2 p4
  1654. Rettman, M., “St. Patrick’s School” – 1897-6-24 p4
  1655. Rettman, R., “For Alderman” – 1894-2-3 p2
  1656. Rettman, R., column 1 – 1894-2-10 p4
  1657. Rettman, R., column 2 – 1894-2-24 p4
  1658. Rettman, R., column 3 – 1894-3-3 p4
  1659. Rettman, R., column 3 – 1894-3-10 p4
  1660. Rettman, R. & son Alexander, 8400 Buffalo Ave., column 5 – 1894-4-19 p4
  1661. Rettman, R. & son Alexander, 8400 Buffalo Ave., column 3 – 1894-4-20 p4
  1662. Rettman, R. & son Alexander, 8400 Buffalo Ave., column 5 – 1894-4-21 p4
  1663. Rettman, Robert, “City Convention Delegates” – 1895-3-8 p4
  1664. Rettman, Robert, “Polish Business Men’s Relief Society” – 1897-1-23 p4
  1665. Rettman, Robert, 84th & Buffalo Ave., column 2 – 1897-4-5 p4
  1666. Rettman, Robert & wife, column 2 – 1899-1-6 p4
  1667. Rettman, Robert, “A-Wheel to Lamont, Ill.” – 1899-5-13 p4
  1668. Rettman, Wanda, 5 months old, died 1 am Feb. 22, 1899, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. A. B. Rettman, 8355 Ontario Ave. – 1899-2-22 p4
  1669. Rettman’s Grove, 83rd & Houston Ave., column 5 – 1897-5-11 p4
  1670. Rettman’s Grove, 83rd & Houston Ave., “In the Social Swim” – 1897-5-19 p4
  1671. Rettman’s Grove, 83rd & Houston Ave., “In the Social Swim” – 1897-5-20 p4
  1672. Rettman’s Grove, 83rd & Houston Ave., “In the Social Swim” – 1897-5-21 p4
  1673. Rettman’s Grove, 83rd & Houston Ave., “In the Social Swim” – 1897-5-22 p4
  1674. Rettman’s Grove, 83rd & Houston Ave., “In the Social Swim” – 1897-5-24 p4
  1675. Rettman’s Grove, 83rd & Houston Ave., “In the Social Swim” – 1897-5-25 p4
  1676. Rettman’s Grove, 83rd & Houston Ave., “In the Social Swim” – 1897-5-26 p4
  1677. Rettman’s Grove, 83rd & Houston Ave., “In the Social Swim” – 1897-6-7 p2
  1678. Rettman’s Grove, 83rd & Houston Ave. – 1899-5-1 p4
  1679. Rettman’s Grove, 83rd & Houston Ave., “Coming Events” – 1899-6-19 p2
  1680. Rettman’s Grove, 83rd & Houston Ave., column 1 – 1899-6-21 p3
  1681. Rettman’s Grove, column 1 – 1899-6-22 p3
  1682. Rettman’s Grove, 83rd & Houston Ave., “Coming Events” – 1899-6-23 p2
  1683. Rettman’s Grove, 83rd & Houston Ave., column 1 – 1899-6-23 p3
  1684. Rettman’s Grove, 83rd & Houston Ave., column 1 (3x) – 1899-6-24 p3
  1685. Rettman’s Grove, 83rd & Houston Ave., “St. Florian Society Picnic” – 1899-6-26 p3
  1686. Rettman’s Hall, column 1, 1893-1-25 p4
  1687. Rettman’s Hall, 84th & Buffalo Ave., column 2 – 1893-3-17 p4
  1688. Rettman’s Hall, 84th & Buffalo Ave., column 2 – 1893-3-18 p4
  1689. Rettman’s Hall, column 2, 1893-5-1 p4
  1690. Rettman’s Hall, “Fighting For Spoils” – 1894-2-1 p4
  1691. Rettman’s Hall, column 3 – 1894-2-26 p4
  1692. Rettman’s Hall, 84th & Buffalo Ave., “Democratic Meetings” – 1894-3-27 p4
  1693. Rettman’s Hall, 84th & Buffalo Ave., “Democratic Meetings” – 1894-3-28 p4
  1694. Rettman’s Hall, 84th & Buffalo Ave., column 2 – 1894-4-11 p4
  1695. Rettman’s Hall, 84th & Buffalo Ave., column 4 – 1895-2-1 p4
  1696. Rettman’s Hall, 84th & Buffalo Ave., column 3 & “The Strike Still On” – 1895-5-9 p4
  1697. Rettman’s Hall, 85th & Buffalo Ave., “In the Social Swim” – 1895-6-25 p2
  1698. Rettman’s Hall, 84th & Buffalo Ave., “Harrison, Hummel & Wiora” – 1897-3-3 p4
  1699. Rettman’s Hall, 8400 Buffalo Ave., “Coming Events” – 1899-1-12 p4
  1700. Rettman’s Hall, 8400 Buffalo Ave., “Coming Events” – 1899-1-13 p4
  1701. Rettman’s Hall, 8400 Buffalo Ave., “Coming Events” – 1899-1-14 p4
  1702. Rettman’s Hall, 8400 Buffalo Ave., “Coming Events” – 1899-1-16 p4
  1703. Rettman’s Hall, 8400 Buffalo Ave., “Coming Events” – 1899-1-17 p4
  1704. Rettman’s Hall, 8400 Buffalo Ave., “Coming Events” – 1899-1-18 p4
  1705. Rettman’s Hall, 8400 Buffalo Ave., column 1 – 1899-1-21 p4
  1706. Rettman’s Hall, 84th & Buffalo Ave., column 1 – 1899-2-6 p4
  1707. Rettman’s Hall, 8400 Buffalo Ave., “Altgeld Meetings” – 1899-3-21 p4
  1708. Rettman’s Hall, 8400 Buffalo Ave., “Altgeld Meetings” – 1899-3-22 p4
  1709. Rettman’s Hall, 8400 Buffalo Ave., “Altgeld Meetings” – 1899-3-23 p4
  1710. Rettman’s Hall, 8400 Buffalo Ave., “Altgeld Meetings” – 1899-3-24 p4
  1711. Rettman’s Hall, 8400 Buffalo Ave., “Zina R. Carter” & “Altgeld Meetings” – 1899-3-25 p4
  1712. Rettman’s Hall, 8400 Buffalo Ave., column 1, “Democratic Meetings”, “Democratic Ward Meetings” – 1899-3-27 p4
  1713. Rettman’s Hall, 8400 Buffalo Ave., “Democratic Ward Meetings” – 1899-3-28 p4
  1714. Rettman’s Hall, 8400 Buffalo Ave., “Democratic Ward Meetings” – 1899-3-29 p4
  1715. Rettman’s Hall, 8400 Buffalo Ave., “Democratic Ward Meetings” – 1899-3-30 p4
  1716. Rettman’s Hall, 8400 Buffalo Ave., “Democratic Ward Meetings” – 1899-3-31 p4
  1717. Rettman’s Hall, 8400 Buffalo Ave., “Democratic Ward Meetings” – 1899-4-1 p4
  1718. Rettman’s Hall, 84th & Buffalo Ave., column 2 – 1899-5-17 p4
  1719. Rettman’s Hall, 84th & Buffalo Ave., column 2 – 1899-5-19 p3
  1720. Rettman’s Hall, 8400 Buffalo Ave., column 2 – 1899-5-22 p3
  1721. Rettman’s Hall, 84th & Buffalo Ave., “Szarrafin – Lempke Nuptials” – 1899-5-24 p3
  1722. Reyzek, Joe, column 3 – 1899-2-1 p4
  1723. Reyzek, Leo, “Alleged Car Thieves Held” – 1899-1-31 p4
  1724. Rhode, Rev. Father, “Szarrafin – Lempke Nuptials” – 1899-5-24 p3
  1725. Rhode, Fr., “Confirmation Exercises” – 1899-6-19 p3
  1726. Rieties, Mathias, “Arrested For Fishing” – 1894-3-22 p4
  1727. Rieties, Mathias, “Expensive Shooting” – 1894-3-23 p4
  1728. Rincovich, Michael, column 1 – 1893-5-18 p4
  1729. Robinski, Joseph, 87th & Commercial Ave., column 3 – 1897-4-7 p4
  1730. Rockowic, Joseph, saloonkeeper, column 3 – 1897-1-21 p4
  1731. Rokosz, S., column 1 – 1895-3-12 p4
  1732. Rokowiz, John, “Hand Severely Crushed” – 1899-3-22 p4
  1733. Rolaveisch, Frank, Byer, Steve, Enerlavech, Mike, Caeholla, Equax, Zinscow, John, Hercow, Joe, column 2, 1887-11-12 p4
  1734. Rolaveisch, Frank, Byer, Steve, Enerlavech, Mike, Caeholla, Equax, Zinscow, John, Hercow, Joe, “Police News” – 1887-11-14 p1
  1735. Rolaveisch, Frank, Byer, Steve, Enerlavech, Mike, Caeholla, Equax, Zinscow, John, Hercow, Joe, “Police Pickups” – 1887-11-29 p1
  1736. Rolewicz, Andrew, column 2 – 1895-1-31 p4
  1737. Romanofski, Jacob & wife, “At the Police Court” – 1899-5-31 p3
  1738. Romanski, Mr., column 3 – 1892-7-25 p4
  1739. Ropacka, Sadie, 16 years old, column 1 – 1893-6-26 p4
  1740. Ropacek, Sadie, 17 years old, pregnant, column 3 – 1895-3-11 p4
  1741. Ropacek, Sadie, column 1 – 1895-3-12 p4
  1742. Rosek, Andreas, column 2, 1893-4-1 p4
  1743. Rosek, W., column 2-3 – 1897-3-9 p4
  1744. Roskiae, Martin, 25 years old, “Persons Prostrated” – 1887-7-18 p1
  1745. Rozynak, Mr. & Rozynak’s Hall, 89th & Commercial Ave., 1885-4-3 p4
  1746. Rozyneck, Barney, “Precinct Committees” – 1892-9-27 p4
  1747. Rozyneck, P., “Our Evening School” – 1895-3-23 p4
  1748. Rozynek, Clerk, 1896-7-14 (reprinted in “Only Yesterday” – 1939-7-29 p2)
  1749. Rozynek, Clerk, 1896-7-22 (reprinted in “Only Yesterday” – 1939-8-15 p8)
  1750. Rozynek, Clerk, “Only Yesterday”, reprint of Nov. 3, 1896 – 1939-10-28 p8
  1751. Rozynek, Albert, “On Tutors” – 1893-1-2 p4
  1752. Rozynek, B., “Republicans Meet” – 1892-9-6 p4
  1753. Rozynek, B., “Republicans Organized” – 1895-3-22 p4
  1754. Rozynek, B. J., justice of the peace, column 1 – 1897-2-4 p4
  1755. Rozynek, B. J., clerk of the South Chicago Police Court, column 1 – 1897-4-10 p4
  1756. Rozynek, B. J., court clerk will be replaced by Alex Wisniewski, “Foley Gets the Police Court” – 1897-4-19 p4
  1757. Rozynek, B. S., president of Polish Republican Central Committee, column 1 – 1899-2-23 p4
  1758. Rozynek, Mrs. B., “Singing Society Affair” – 1899-4-5 p4
  1759. Rozynek, Barney, “Republicans Organize” – 1893-3-20 p4
  1760. Rozynek, Barney, column 1 – 1894-5-3 p4
  1761. Rozynek, Barney, “After Jobs” – 1895-4-12 p4
  1762. Rozynek, Barney, “Hyde Park Justices” – 1895-4-20 p4
  1763. Rozynek, Barney, “After Their Scalps” – 1895-6-12 p4
  1764. Rozynek, Barney, 1896-12-14, reprinted in “Only Yesterday” – 1939-12-16 p8
  1765. Rozynek, Barney, “Only Yesterday” reprint from Dec. 16, 1896 – 1939-12-26 p5
  1766. Rozynek, Barney, father lives on 89th & Commercial Ave., column 2 – 1897-1-27 p4
  1767. Rozynek, Barney, 89th & Commercial Ave., column 1 – 1897-2-1 p4
  1768. Rozynek, Barney, column 1 – 1897-2-2 p4
  1769. Rozynek, Barney, column 1 – 1897-2-25 p4
  1770. Rozynek, Barney, ex-clerk of South Chicago police court, “The New Clerk” – 1897-4-30 p4
  1771. Rozynek, Barney J., ex- clerk of South Chicago police court, “New Clerk Inaugurated” – 1897-5-1 p4
  1772. Rozynek, Barry, “Kleefisch – Ptok“ – 1893-2-9 p4
  1773. Rozynek, court clerk, “Riding on Freight Trains” – 1897-1-5 p4
  1774. Rozynek, Bernard S., “Charity Entertainment” – 1899-1-19 p4
  1775. Rozynek, Bernard S., “Their Fifth Anniversary” – 1899-1-30 p4
  1776. Rozynek, Mr. J., column 2 – 1897-5-24 p4
  1777. Rozynek, Jan, “The Pulaski Guards” – 1897-5-4 p4
  1778. Rozynek, John, “To Discuss the Subject” – 1887-9-16 p1
  1779. Rozynek, John, “The Last Night of the Fair”, – 1887-9-29 p1
  1780. Rozynek, John, “The Aldermanic Contest” – 1893-1-14 p4
  1781. Rozynek, John, “The Aldermanic Ballot” – 1893-1-21 p4
  1782. Rozynek, John, “The Aldermanic Ballot” – 1893-1-28 p4
  1783. Rozynek, John, “The Aldermanic Contest” – 1893-2-4 p4
  1784. Rozynek, John, “The Combat Deepens” – 1893-2-11 p4
  1785. Rozynek, John, “Battle of the Ballots” – 1893-2-18 p4
  1786. Rozynek, John, “The Aldermanic Context” – 1893-2-25 p4
  1787. Rozynek, John, “Dirty Doings” – 1893-3-1 p4
  1788. Rozynek, John, “The Aldermanic Vote” – 1893-3-6 p4
  1789. Rozynek, John, “Carter is Coming” – 1893-4-3 p4
  1790. Rozynek, John, business at 89th & Commercial Ave., “Took From the Poor” – 1894-3-1 p1
  1791. Rozynek, John, “He Slapped Her Face” – 1895-3-15 p4
  1792. Rozynek, John, wife, son Barney Rozynek & wife, “Only Yesterday”, reprinted from Aug. 11, 1896 – 1939-9-23 p5
  1793. Rozynek, John, 89th & Commercial Ave., column 1 – 1897-1-30 p4
  1794. Rozynek, John, saloonkeeper, column 4 – 1897-3-27 p4
  1795. Rozynek, John & wife, column 2 – 1897-6-25 p4
  1796. Rozynek, Kate, “Only Yesterday”, November 9, 1896, reprinted in 1939-11-6 p2
  1797. Rudakowic, Sawa, saloon owner at 8908 Strand Ave., “Croats Sent Back” & “Another Account” – 1899-6-14 p3
  1798. Rudnicki, Jos., “The Night School” – 1892-9-28 p4
  1799. Runvalski, Dzunis, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-8-18 p4
  1800. Ruskowsky, John, 9036 Strand Ave., “A Surprise Party” – 1899-3-20 p4
  1801. Ruzewicki, Agnes, 25 years old, 4854 Throop St., “Slain By a Trolley” – 1895-5-27 p4
  1802. Ruzewicki, Franciszka, 58 years old, 4854 Throop St., “Slain By a Trolley” – 1895-5-27 p4
  1803. Ruzewicki, Franciszka, column 2 – 1895-5-28 p4
  1804. Ruzewicki, Franciszka, column 1 – 1895-6-3 p4
  1805. Ruzewicki, Franciszka, “Censured the Company” – 1895-6-4 p4
  1806. Ruzewicki, Thomas, 21 years old, 4854 Throop St., “Slain By a Trolley” – 1895-5-27 p4
  1807. Rybarczyk, B., column 2 – 1895-5-9 p4
  1808. Rydzewski, Mr., “Did Not Represent Them” – 1895-4-26 p4
  1809. Rydzewski, F. X., “Squabble Over Jobs” – 1894-4-27 p4
  1810. Rydzewski, F. X., president of Kordecki Building & Loan Association, column 2-3 – 1897-3-9 p4
  1811. Rydzewski, Fr. X. president of Polish Democratic Pulaski Club, column 3 – 1895-2-25 p4
  1812. Ryzdewski, F., column 4 – 1897-2-6 p4
  1813. Rydzewski, F., “A Democratic Palaver” – 1897-3-9 p4
  1814. Rydzewski, Frank, “City Convention Delegates” – 1895-3-8 p4
  1815. Rydzewski, Frank, “Democratic Convention” – 1895-3-9 p4
  1816. Rydzewski, Frank, 8300 Superior Ave., column 2 – 1895-3-15 p4
  1817. Rydzewski, Frank, 8300 Superior Ave., column 2 – 1895-3-16 p4
  1818. Rydzewski, Frank, 8300 Superior Ave., column 2 – 1895-3-18 p4
  1819. Rydzewski, X., “Street Nomenclature” – 1894-4-26 p4
  1820. Rydzewski, X., 8300 Superior Ave., column 2 – 1894-4-30 p4
  1821. Rydzewski, X., 8300 Superior Ave., column 2 – 1894-5-1 p4
  1822. Rydzewski, X., 8300 Superior Ave., column 2 – 1894-5-2 p4
  1823. Rydzewski, X., 8300 Superior Ave., column 2 – 1894-5-3 p4
  1824. Rydzewski, X., 8300 Superior Ave., column 3 – 1894-5-4 p4
  1825. Rydzewski, X., 8300 Superior Ave., column 3 – 1894-5-5 p4
  1826. Rydzinski, F. X., John Szostakowski, Kordecki Building & Loan Association of South Chicago, column 2 – 1892-12-13 p4
  1827. Rydzwski, X.Y., 8300 Superior Ave., columns 1-2 – 1895-1-18 p4
  1828. Rydzwski, X.Y., 8300 Superior Ave., column 2 – 1895-1-19 p4
  1829. Rydzwski, X.Y., 8300 Superior Ave., column 1 – 1895-1-21 p4
  1830. Rydzwski, X.Y., 8300 Superior Ave., column 1 – 1895-1-22 p4
  1831. Sadowski’s Hall, 8318 Houston Ave., “Democrats, Attention” – 1899-3-9 p4
  1832. Sadowski’s Hall, 8318 Houston Ave., “Democrats, Attention” – 1899-3-10 p4
  1833. Sadowski, Anthony, “At the Police Court” – 1899-5-15 p4
  1834. Sadowski, Miss Antonia, “A Pleasant Birthday Party” – 1899-5-11 p4
  1835. Sadowski, Jos., “The Last Night of the Fair”, – 1887-9-29 p1
  1836. Sadowski, P., column 3 – 1892-9-22 p4
  1837. Sadowski, Peter, fireman, “An Infamous Lie” – 1887-11-7 p4
  1838. Sadowski, Peter, column 2 – 1899-2-10 p4
  1839. Sadowski, Tonia, “Miss Johnson Surprised” – 1899-2-9 p4
  1840. Safranski , “Police Court Jottings” – 1887-8-29 p1
  1841. Safranski, J. F., “A-Wheel to Lamont, Ill.” – 1899-5-13 p4
  1842. Safranski, Joseph – “Trouble Among Polanders” – 1887-10-19 p1
  1843. Safranski, Joseph and Sorinski, Jacob & Mary, column 1 – 1887-10-25 p4
  1844. Safranski, Mary & son John, Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Sorinski, owner of saloon, “Among the Police” – 1887-10-10 p1
  1845. Safronski, Stanislaus, 8525 Buffalo Ave., column 1 – 1893-6-19 p4
  1846. Sakrzwsky, Charles, “A Wedding Party” – 1892-10-10 p4
  1847. Salamowicz, Mathias, “Killed By A Train” – 1897-1-8 p4
  1848. Salamowicz, Mathias, 60 years old, 8719 Marquette Ave., column 2-3 – 1897-1-9 p4
  1849. Salamowicz, Mathias, column 2 – 1897-1-11 p4
  1850. Salinski, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph & son, 9219 Ontario Ave., “Hurt By a Cable Car” – 1892-7-23 p4
  1851. Samonski, Constable, “A Contractor Skips” – 1887-8-15 p1
  1852. Samonski, Constable George A. “Samonski’s Latest Fracas” – 1887-8-24 p1
  1853. Samonski, Constable George, column 3 – 1893-4-10 p4
  1854. Samonski, Constable George A., column 1 – 1894-2-14 p4
  1855. Samonski, County Constable George, column 2 – 1897-1-13 p4
  1856. Samonski, Frank, 8428 Mackinaw Ave., “More Work For Firemen” – 1895-5-15 p4
  1857. Sandrowski, William, “At the Police Court” – 1899-6-22 p3
  1858. Sandrowski, William, “At the Police Court” – 1899-6-28 p3
  1859. Sanska, Capt. John, “Catholic Knights Entertainment” – 1897-1-30 p4
  1860. Saposki, Michael, 8334 Green Bay Ave., “Shot Her Husband” – 1897-1-18 p4
  1861. Satalecki, Adalia, column 2 – 1895-2-28 p4
  1862. Sawczynski, John, “Democratic Primaries” – 1897-3-16 p4
  1863. Sayoczynski, Frank, column 1 – 1897-3-1 p4
  1864. Schelbeski, Mrs. Albertina, 8554 Buffalo Ave., column 2 – 1897-5-3 p4
  1865. Schiebilskie, Maik, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-10-14 p1
  1866. Schikowski, John, column 3 – 1897-1-4 p4
  1867. Schikowski, Rev. Fr., “The Social Swim” – 1897-2-1 p4
  1868. Schimborski, Walter, “Alleged Nest of Thieves” – 1894-2-24 p2
  1869. Schmidt, Anton, “Arrested For Fishing” – 1894-3-22 p4
  1870. Schmidt, Anton, “Expensive Shooting” – 1894-3-23 p4
  1871. Schlaegeon, Hipolit, barber, 8700 Commercial Ave., “Gas Meter Explodes” – 1899-6-23 p3
  1872. Schmolka, Miss Carrie & L. Schmolka, “Miss Schmolka Surprised” – 1899-1-25 p4
  1873. Schoen, T., drug store located at 8753 Commercial Ave., “Dr. Heissler Dead” – 1893-5-23 p4
  1874. Schofranski, James, small boy, lives on 84th, column 2 – 1887-12-14 p4
  1875. Schola, Michall, column 2 – 1897-4-21 p4
  1876. Schomanski, Martin, 8 years old, son of Martin, 84th & Railroad Ave., “Broke His Leg” – 1893-5-3 p4
  1877. Schuski, Henry, “Carpenters Fight” – 1894-4-17 p4
  1878. Scoczrkowski, John, “Poles Indorse Jones” – 1899-2-24 p4
  1879. Scripskck, Andrew, Natzky, August, Manashafski, Stephen, “Boys Who Snowball” – 1894-2-19 p2
  1880. Scszwick, Mr., “A Midwife’s Complaint” – 1892-8-9 p4
  1881. Scyzkowny, Tony, “A Political Meeting” – 1894-3-26 p2
  1882. Sczfranski’s Saloon, Commercial Ave., column 1 – 1895-1-5 p4
  1883. Sczepniak, Andrew, “The Polish Church Trouble” – 1894-1-23 p4
  1884. Seiuisti, Alex, 8707 Commercial Ave., “Hard Hearted Wretches” – 1895-1-25 p4
  1885. Seke, Anton, “Man Chase in Hegewisch” – 1899-4-25 p4
  1886. Seke, Anton & brother John, “Hegewisch Man Fined” – 1899-4-28 p4
  1887. Sekulski, Joseph & Antonina, “Notice” – 1892-8-22 p4
  1888. Seleski, John, 24 years old, Austrian, unmarried, 9174 Harbor Ave., “Workman Fatally Hurt” – 1897-6-17 p4
  1889. Semla, Valentine & Ludic, column 1 – 1897-5-26 p4
  1890. Semrau, John & sister Francisca Semrau, “Looking For His Sister” – 1887-12-15 p4
  1891. Senska, Capt. John, “The Social Swim” – 1897-2-1 p4
  1892. Sepczynski, Anton, “The Polish Church Trouble” – 1894-1-23 p4
  1893. Sepkowiak, Stanislaus, column 1 – 1894-5-8 p4
  1894. Serczk, Joseph, driver, 3264 Morgan St., “Overcome By the Cold” – 1899-2-9 p4
  1895. Serczk, Joseph, 3264 Morgan St., “Cold Sufferer is Worse” – 1899-2-10 p4
  1896. Shamouski, Albert, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-11-2 p1
  1897. Shewalski, Michael, column 3 – 1897-1-7 p4
  1898. Shida, Kasimir, “Strikers Resort to Force” – 1895-5-8 p4
  1899. Shimshock, John, column 3 – 1897-4-20 p4
  1900. Shimshock, John, column 2 – 1897-4-30 p4
  1901. Shimshock, John, column 2 – 1897-5-25 p4
  1902. Shimshock, John, “Twenty-Five and Costs” – 1897-5-26 p4
  1903. Shopski, Frank, 13234 Buffalo Ave., “Thrown Out” – 1899-3-29 p4
  1904. Shymski, Agnes, column 3 – 1897-6-3 p4
  1905. Shymanski, Joseph & Smegalski, Stanislaus, “Hit By a ‘Spent’ Bullet” – 1892-7-11 p4
  1906. Sievackei, Mr., column 1-2 – 1893-3-7 p4
  1907. Sigh, John , 84th, near Commercial Ave., “Injured Citizens” – 1887-8-9 p4
  1908. Simemevitch, William, “At the Police Court” – 1899-6-10 p3
  1909. Simenevitch, Wogli, “M’Manus’ Assailant Captured” – 1899-6-1 p3
  1910. Simleski, W., “Tammany “Wigwam” Election” – 1899-1-28 p4
  1911. Sinoski, Michael, 8 years old, column 1 – 1895-1-19 p4
  1912. Sirajewski, Mr. & Mrs., column 2 – 1892-12-10 p4
  1913. Sjostakowski, John, Radziejewski, Rev. Father, Rev. Father Gordon, John Belzowski, Father Nowicki, Father Lipski, Father Wojtalewicz, “Appropriate Ceremonies” – 1892-9-12 p4
  1914. Sjostakowski, John, column 2 – 1895-2-12 p4
  1915. Sjostakowski, Mr., “A Local Fight” – 1892-8-22 p4
  1916. Sjostakowski, Mr. (listed as Cjostakowski), baker, “Democratic Primaries” – 1893-2-7 p4
  1917. Sjostakowsky, John, “Selected Delegates” – 1892-8-19 p4
  1918. Sjostakowsky, John, “Democratic Delegates” – 1892-8-20 p4
  1919. Sjustakowski, John, Lozinski, Anton, Gorzelany, Mathias, Kosinski, John, “Thirty Third Ward Club” – 1892-8-3 p4
  1920. Sjustakowski, John, “Carter is Coming” – 1893-4-3 p4
  1921. Skalla, Anthony, 9225 Marquette Ave., “Aged Woman Injured” – 1899-5-15 p4
  1922. Skiba, Mr., resident of the East Side, column 2 – 1895-5-22 p4
  1923. Skiba, C., column 2 – 1892-8-18 p4
  1924. Skiba, Officer, column 2 – 1894-3-24 p4
  1925. Skiba, Officer, “Too Hard For the Bullet” – 1894-4-9 p4
  1926. Skiba, Officer, column 1 – 1895-2-2 p4
  1927. Skiba, V., “Whiskey Caused a Row” – 1894-1-22 p2
  1928. Skiba, Vincent, Officer, column 1 – 1894-3-13 p4
  1929. Skiba, Officer Vincent, column 2-3 – 1895-2-27 p4
  1930. Skiba, Vincent, ex-policeman, 1895-6-5 p4
  1931. Skiba, Officer, column 3 – 1899-1-21 p4
  1932. Skiba, Officer, column 1-2 – 1899-4-8 p4
  1933. Skiba, Officer, “Held to the Criminal Court” – 1899-4-10 p4
  1934. Skibbe, Mrs., 87th & Buffalo Ave., column 1 – 1887-7-13 p4
  1935. Skibbe, Carolina & Mrs. Mary Spellacy – “All About a Cow” – 1887-7-15 p1
  1936. Skibbe, Carolina & Mrs. Mary Spellacy – “News Around Town” – 1887-7-23 p1
  1937. Skieniski, Michael, column 1 – 1895-2-16 p4
  1938. Skobula, Frank, column 2 – 1897-4-22 p4
  1939. Skonieczny, Martin, column 1 – 1895-4-2 p4
  1940. Skrunetski, Mr., “First Shot Fired” – 1895-5-8 p4
  1941. Skyba, Officer Vincent, column 1 – 1894-1-26 p4
  1942. Skyba, Officer, 1896-7-9 (reprinted in “Only Yesterday” – 1939-7-22 p2)
  1943. Skyba, Officer, 1896-7-11 (reprinted in “Only Yesterday” – 1939-7-29 p2)
  1944. Skyba, Officer, 1896-7-16 (reprinted in “Only Yesterday” – 1939-8-8 p5)
  1945. Skyba, Officer, “Only Yesterday” reprint from Dec. 18, 1896 – 1939-12-26 p5
  1946. Skyba, Officer Vincent, columns 1 & 2-3 – 1897-6-7 p4
  1947. Skyba, Officer, column 3 – 1897-2-3 p4
  1948. Skyba, Officer, column 4 – 1897-2-16 p4
  1949. Skyba, Officer, columns 2,3 & “Shot the Dog” – 1897-4-27 p4
  1950. Skyba, Officer, column 3 – 1897-4-28 p4
  1951. Skyba, Officer, column 1 – 1897-4-30 p4
  1952. Skyba, Officer, column 3 – 1897-5-25 p4
  1953. Skyba, Officer, column 3 – 1897-6-4 p4
  1954. Skyba, Officer, “From the Cell to the Altar” – 1899-2-16 p4
  1955. Skyba, Officer, “Doings at the Police Court” – 1899-5-9 p4
  1956. Skyba, Officer, “Szarrafin – Lempke Nuptials” – 1899-5-24 p3
  1957. Skumefski, Joseph, “Strikers Resort to Force” – 1895-5-8 p4
  1958. Sladek, George, restaurant – keeper from Robertsdale, IN, column 1 – 1897-1-16 p4
  1959. Slomka, J., column 1 – 1892-12-14 p4
  1960. Slomka, Josef, column 3 – 1899-3-2 p4
  1961. Slomka, Joseph, 8709 Exchange Ave., column 2 – 1893-4-15 p4
  1962. Slomtta, A., “Additional Local” – 1899-6-28 p2
  1963. Slounka, Mr., 8709 Exchange Ave., “Nearly Suffocated” – 1892-12-23 p4
  1964. Slovenska, Valenta, 8218 Houston Ave., “Work For the Firemen” – 1895-5-13 p4
  1965. Slovenski, Michael, boarder at 8709 Exchange Ave., “A Serious Charge” – 1897-5-20 p4
  1966. Slovenski, Michael, column 3 – 1897-5-25 p4
  1967. Slovenski, Michael, column 3 – 1897-6-2 p4
  1968. Smegalski, Stanislaus & Shymanski, Joseph, “Hit By a ‘Spent’ Bullet” – 1892-7-11 p4
  1969. Smietanka, J. F., “Poles Will Celebrate” – 1897-5-8 p4
  1970. Smietanka, J. F., “Polish People Celebrate” – 1897-5-10 p4
  1971. Smietanka, J. F., – column 2 (2x) – 1899-2-3 p4
  1972. Smietanka, Julius F., attorney, “Joe Dudek in Trouble” – 1897-1-21 p4
  1973. Smietanka, Julius F., column 2-3 – 1897-3-9 p4
  1974. Smietanka, Julius F., “Charity Entertainment” – 1899-1-19 p4
  1975. Smietanka, Julius F., “Their Fifth Anniversary” – 1899-1-30 p4
  1976. Smietanka, Louise, “Reception at High School” – 1899-6-10 p3
  1977. Smietanka, M., “Graduation Exercises” – 1899-6-23 p3
  1978. Smietanka, M., “Mrs. Roby Entertains a Class” – 1899-6-27 p3
  1979. Smihawski, Nikoden, 8912 Escanaba Ave., “Gasoline Stove Explodes” – 1897-6-12 p4
  1980. Smith, John, column 2 – 1894-4-3 p4
  1981. Smith, George, “Misapplied Charity” – 1894-4-5 p4
  1982. Smogala, F., “Charity Entertainment” – 1899-1-19 p4
  1983. Smolarz, Peter, 8902 Strand St., column 1 – 1893-1-27 p4
  1984. Smolarz, Peter, 8902 Strand St., column 1 – 1893-1-28 p4
  1985. Smolarz, Peter, 8902 Strand St., column 1 – 1893-1-30 p4
  1986. Smolarz, Peter, 8902 Strand St., column 1 – 1893-1-31 p4
  1987. Smolarz, P., column 2 – 1897-4-3 p4
  1988. Smolinski, F., column 3, 1893-3-24 p4
  1989. Smoliski, J., column 1 – 1895-3-14 p4
  1990. Smuiginski, M., “A Pleasant Birthday Party” – 1899-5-11 p4
  1991. Smulski, Ald., column 2 – 1899-1-17 p4
  1992. Sniegoski, M., column 2 – 1895-5-9 p4
  1993. Soberski, James, column 1 – 1894-5-2 p4
  1994. Soberski, Nicholas, column 1 – 1894-5-4 p4
  1995. Soberski, Stanislaus, column 3 – 1894-5-10 p4
  1996. Sobus, A., column 2 – 1897-2-17 p4
  1997. Somowski, Stanislaw, 25 years old, 8902 Strand Ave., ., column 3 – 1899-4-29 p4
  1998. Sorak, Michael, column 1 – 1899-1-9 p4
  1999. Sorinski, Mr. & Mrs. Jacob, owner of saloon, Safranski, Mary & son John, “Among the Police” – 1887-10-10 p1
  2000. Sorinski, Jacob & Mary – “Trouble Among Polanders” – 1887-10-19 p1
  2001. Sorinski, Jacob & Mary and Joseph Safranski, column 1 – 1887-10-25 p4
  2002. Soronski, Michael, “Police Doings of a Day” – 1899-2-14 p4
  2003. Sosinski, Tony, “Edward Watkins” – 1899-3-8 p4
  2004. Sosnowski, Ignatz & wife & 5 small children, 8455 Exchange Ave., wife died March 3, 1899 column 2 – 1899-3-7 p4
  2005. Sosuwski, W., & M. Sosuwski, column 2 – 1895-5-9 p4
  2006. Sourak, John, owner of saloon at 107th & Ave. N, “Assaulted By a Ruffian” – 1892-12-19 p 4
  2007. Spellacy, Mrs. John, 87th & Superior Ave., column 1 – 1887-7-13 p4
  2008. Spellacy, Mrs. Mary & Carolina Skibbe – “All About a Cow” – 1887-7-15 p1
  2009. Spellacy, Mr. Mary, “News Around Town” – 1887-7-23 p1
  2010. Sproghorski, Mike, 88th & Houston Ave., column 1 – 1887-12-16 p4
  2011. Stachowiak, John, 8901 Houston Ave., column 2 – 1899-5-6 p4
  2012. Stachowski, Blanche, “At the Police Court” – 1899-6-24 p3
  2013. Stachowski, Blanche, “At the Police Court” – 1899-6-26 p3
  2014. Staicenski, Joseph, 25 years old, married, 8436 Escanaba Ave., “Squeezed His Head” – 1893-5-8 p4
  2015. Stajhowski, Wladislaus, 3 years old, lives with parents at 8910 Muskegon Ave., “Child Fatally Burned” – 1897-1-18 p4
  2016. Stanch, Wajick, resident of the Bush, column 2 – 1894-2-9 p4
  2017. Stanek, Charles & wife Annie, “Only Yesterday”, reprint from Nov. 28, 1896 – 1939-11-25 p2
  2018. Staniark, Joseph, 40 years old, 8535 Superior Ave, column 2 – 1897-3-11 p4
  2019. Stanic, Michael, “Social Life In the “Bush” – 1894-2-15 p4
  2020. Stanislanski, Witcheck, “At the Police Court” – 1899-3-6 p4
  2021. Stanoch, George, 8305 Ontario Ave., column 3 – 1894-2-10 p4
  2022. Stanoch, Joseph and Michael, residents of the Bush, column 2 – 1894-2-9 p4
  2023. Stanoch, Wojciech, 8305 Ontario Ave., Jan Stanoch, “Social Life In the “Bush”” – 1894-2-15 p4
  2024. Stanok, Wojciech, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-8-10 p4
  2025. Staskeiwieze, column 3 – 1892-11-16 p4
  2026. Staskilwier, Anton, Vice-President of the Polish Republican Club of the 33rd Ward, column 2 – 1895-1-3 p4
  2027. Staskwiece, Anton, 8401 Superior Ave. bakery, Malsaski, Martin, 8401 Superior Ave., “Cooked the Bread; Tough Fire in a Superior Ave. Bakery” – 1892-9-12 p4
  2028. Staweski, Ignatz, “At the Police Court” – 1899-5-31 p3
  2029. Stefamak, J., column 3 – 1892-11-10 p4
  2030. Stefanski, Martin, 8419 Ontario Ave., column 1 – 1899-4-27 p4
  2031. Stefanski, Martin, 8419 Ontario Ave., column 2 – 1899-4-28 p4
  2032. Stefanski, Martin, 8419 Ontario Ave., column 2 – 1899-4-29 p4
  2033. Stefanski, Martin, 8419 Ontario Ave., column 2 – 1899-5-1 p4
  2034. Stefunski, Martin, 8419 Ontario Ave., column 1 – 1893-3-25 p4
  2035. Stegees, Max, “Thought It Was Good Money” – 1895-3-6 p4
  2036. Stndznski, Joe – “News Around Town” – 1887-7-9 p1
  2037. Stodola, Joseph, 107th, “To Pay His Election Debt” – 1899-4-8 p4
  2038. Storomski, George, 8853 Manistee Ave., “Three Hundred Dollar Fire” – 1899-1-25 p4
  2039. Storyski, Joseph, “Other Police Court Notes” – 1899-4-15 p4
  2040. Stowinski, Josephine, “At the Police Court” – 1899-2-21 p4
  2041. Stowinski, Mipot, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-8-10 p4
  2042. Strayski, Joseph, column 1, 1899-4-20 p4
  2043. Stritisky, John, teacher, column 3 – 1894-1-30 p4
  2044. Strowoski, George, 8833 Manistee Ave., “A Defective Flue Causes A Fire” – 1894-2-2 p2
  2045. Stryczek, Mary, “Kleefisch – Ptok“ – 1893-2-9 p4
  2046. Studzinsky, John, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-9-27 p4
  2047. Stuka, Valenta, “Strikers Resort to Force” – 1895-5-8 p4
  2048. Stultz, Mr., 84th & Ontario Ave., “Police News” – 1893-1-23 p4
  2049. Sturowski, W., 8833 Manistee Ave. – column 1 – 1894-2-1 p4
  2050. Subkie, Frank, column 1 – 1895-1-7 p4
  2051. Subkie, Frank, column 2 – 1895-1-8 p4
  2052. Suda, Miss M., column 2 – 1897-4-1 p4
  2053. Suda, Mrs. M., “The Pulaski Guards” – 1897-5-4 p4
  2054. Suida, Miss Martha, ., “Poles Celebrate Anniversary” – 1899-5-9 p4
  2055. Sulski, S., “A Democratic Palaver” – 1897-3-9 p4
  2056. Sulski, S., “Not Harmonious” – 1897-4-23 p4
  2057. Suliski, Stephan, “Dirty Doings” – 1893-3-1 p4
  2058. Sulski, Stephan, “The Polish Church Trouble” – 1894-1-23 p4
  2059. Sulski, Stephen, “Polish Democrats Organize” – 1897-2-26 p4
  2060. Sulski, S., column 2 – 1897-5-15 p4
  2061. Sulski, Stephen, “Charity Entertainment” – 1899-1-19 p4
  2062. Sulski, Stephen, “Their Fifth Anniversary” – 1899-1-30 p4
  2063. Sulski, Stephen, “At the Police Court” – 1899-3-6 p4
  2064. Sulski, Stephen, ., “Poles Celebrate Anniversary” – 1899-5-9 p4
  2065. Sulski, T., “Town Delegates” – 1895-3-6 p4
  2066. Sumdra, Stanislaus, “Police Jottings” – 1893-4-3 p4
  2067. Surowicki, John, column 1 – 1897-5-25 p4
  2068. Susula, Tony, “Trespasser is Shot” – 1899-2-15 p4
  2069. Swalkowski, Frank, “Two Charged With Murder” – 1899-5-20 p3
  2070. Swalkowski, Frank, “Koczkowski Died a Natural Death” – 1899-5-22 p3
  2071. Swalkowski, Frank, column 2 – 1899-5-23 p3
  2072. Sweirski, William & son Michael, 14 years old, 8738 Houston Ave., “Missing Boy Has Been Seen” – 1899-6-19 p3
  2073. Swek, Joseph, 8700 Houston Ave., “Much Ado About Nothing” – 1894-1-27 p2
  2074. Swierski, Maryjanna, column 2 – 1899-3-4 p4
  2075. Swierski, W., “The Pulaski Guards” – 1897-5-4 p4
  2076. Swierszki, Josef, officer of Kosciusko Building & Loan Association, column 2 – 1897-1-30 p4
  2077. Swirske, J., column 1 – 1897-3-3 p4
  2078. Swisczynski, J., “Headquarters Opened” – 1894-3-27 p2
  2079. Swisurska, Mrs., Escanaba Ave., & Zunda, Ms., column 1 – 1892-7-12 p4
  2080. Swiznefski, Aleck, “In a Sweat Box” – 1893-6-19 p4
  2081. Switzky, Walter, “At the Police Court” – 1899-5-15 p4
  2082. Swoma, Josie, 80 years old & Mrs. Woyciech Janiack, column 4 – 1887-11-17 p4
  2083. Sylski, Stains, infant, died July 24, 1887, column 1 – 1887-7-25 p4
  2084. Szafranski, G., column 3 – 1897-4-7 p4
  2085. Szafranski, J. F., “Headquarters Opened” – 1894-3-27 p2
  2086. Szafranski, J. F., Republican Party precinct captain, “Notice to Republicans!” – 1897-2-23 p4
  2087. Szafranski, J. F., Republican Party precinct captain, “Notice to Republicans!” – 1897-2-24 p4
  2088. Szafranski, J. F., column 2 – 1899-3-4 p4
  2089. Szafranski, J. F., column 2 – 1899-5-18 p4
  2090. Szafranski, John, 22 years old, 8819 Commercial Ave., “Fell Down the Steps” – 1897-1-15 p4
  2091. Szafranski, John E., column 2-3 – 1897-3-9 p4
  2092. Szafranski, John F., vice-president of Kordecki Building & Loan Association, column 2-3 – 1897-3-9 p4
  2093. Szafranski, John F., “Charity Entertainment” – 1899-1-19 p4
  2094. Szafranski, John, “Their Fifth Anniversary” – 1899-1-30 p4
  2095. Szafranski, John F., column 2 – 1899-2-1 p4
  2096. Szafranski, John, F., “Voters’ League Reorganized” – 1899-2-6 p4
  2097. Szafranski, John, column 2 – 1899-6-5 p3
  2098. Szafranski, John, column 1 – 1899-6-10 p3
  2099. Szafranski, John, “Base Ball Notes” – 1899-6-19 p3
  2100. Szafranski, Mrs., 79th, column 3 – 1897-2-15 p4
  2101. Szameit, M. J., “Polish Turners” – 1899-1-28 p4
  2102. Szamelt, M. J., “Charity Entertainment” – 1899-1-19 p4
  2103. Szarafin, J., column 2 – 1897-4-3 p4
  2104. Szarafin, John, 8337 Ontario Ave., “Additional Local” – 1899-6-23 p2
  2105. Szaraflin, Lizzie Miss, “Singing Society Fair Over” – 1899-4-10 p4
  2106. Szaraflin, Lizzie Miss, column 2 – 1899-4-11 p4
  2107. Szarrafin, Lizzie, 8902 Strand Ave., & William Lempke wed, “Szarrafin – Lempke Nuptials” – 1899-5-24 p3
  2108. Szastawski, John, “Republican Club Meeting” – 1894-3-22 p4
  2109. Szcerback, Martin, 12 years old, resides with parents at 8247 Ontario Ave., “Killed By Cars” – 1893-5-22 p4
  2110. Szcsepkowski, Thomas, 23 years old, 8708 Houston Ave., column 1 – 1899-4-10 p4
  2111. Szewczyk, J., 88th & Houston Ave., column 1 – 1895-1-28 p4
  2112. Szostakowski, John, Rydzinski, F.X., Kordecki Building & Loan Association of South Chicago, column 2 – 1892-12-13 p4
  2113. Szostakowski, John, grocer, 8400 Superior Ave., column 3 – 1893-2-8 p4
  2114. Szostakowski, John, native of Poland, “The Combat Deepens” – 1893-2-11 p4
  2115. Szostakowski, John, “The Aldermanic Vote” – 1893-3-6 p4
  2116. Szostakowski, John, column 2 – 1897-3-29 p4
  2117. Szostakowsky, John, “Battle of the Ballots” – 1893-2-18 p4
  2118. Szostakowsky, John, “The Aldermanic Context” – 1893-2-25 p4
  2119. Szot, George, Republican Party precinct captain, “Notice to Republicans!” – 1897-2-23 p4
  2120. Szot, George, Republican Party precinct captain, “Notice to Republicans!” – 1897-2-24 p4
  2121. Szot, Jacob, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-10-14 p1
  2122. Szot, Joseph, “Republican Primaries” – 1897-2-22 p4
  2123. Szott, John, 13 years old, resides with parents, 8349 Ontario Ave., “The Deadly Trolley Car” – 1895-4-3 p4
  2124. Szott, John & mother, column 3 – 1895-4-4 p4
  2125. Szsstakoski, John, column 2 – 1899-3-6 p4
  2126. Sztornkiewicz, Joseph, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-9-21 p1
  2127. Sztucki, Rev. Father Casimir, “Polish Church Dedicated” – 1899-4-24 p4
  2128. Szustakowski, John, “Independent Democratic Club” – 1893-3-28 p4
  2129. Szustakowski, John, “Independent Democratic Club” – 1893-4-3 p4
  2130. Szykowny’s Saloon, 87th, “Constable in Trouble” – 1894-3-7 p4
  2131. Szymanski, Mrs., “The Last Night of the Fair”, – 1887-9-29 p1
  2132. Szymanski, Agnes, column 2 – 1897-6-11 p4
  2133. Szymanski, Agnes, column 1 – 1897-6-15 p4
  2134. Szymanski, Lorenz, executive committee of Polish Democratic Pulaski Club, column 3 – 1895-2-25 p4
  2135. Szymonik, F., column 1 – 1893-6-23 p4
  2136. Taderowska, Mary, column 2 – 1897-5-24 p4
  2137. Taderowski, Mr. S., column 2 – 1897-5-24 p4
  2138. Tadrowski, Andrew, 425 89th, column 4 – 1895-4-22 p4
  2139. Tadrowski, Andrew, 475 89th, “Leg Broken By a Horse” – 1897-2-27 p4
  2140. Tadrowski, S., column 1 – 1897-4-12 p4
  2141. Tadrowski, S., “The Pulaski Guards” – 1897-5-4 p4
  2142. Tadrowski, Stanley, 8624 Baltimore Ave., “Stolen Property Recovered” – 1899-1-20 p4
  2143. Tadrowski, Stanley J., Pulaski Guards, column 2 – 1899-5-6 p4
  2144. Talshousky, Nicholas, columns 2-3 – 1895-3-15 p4
  2145. Tehoski, Francis, agent of Gottfried Brewing Co., column 2 – 1897-5-26 p4
  2146. Templin’s Hall at 88th & Commercial Ave., Franciszek Pawelski & Maryanna Magiera wedding reception? – “A Polish Wedding” – 1887-8-17 p1
  2147. Templin, J. H., “City Convention Delegates” – 1895-3-8 p4
  2148. Templin, J., column 3 – 1895-5-6 p4
  2149. Templin, L., “Town Delegates” – 1895-3-6 p4
  2150. Templin, Miss Mary & W. Walkowiak married at Immaculate Conception Nov. 11, 1896, reprinted in “Only Yesterday” from 1939-11-18 p7 – 1896-11-11
  2151. Templin’s Hall, 88th & Commercial Ave., column 2 – 1892-7-8 p4
  2152. Templin’s Hall, 88th & Commercial Ave., column 1 – 1892-7-14 p4
  2153. Templin’s Hall, column 2 – 1892-7-16 p4
  2154. Templin’s Hall, 88th & Commercial Ave., column 1 – 1892-7-21 p4
  2155. Templin’s Hall, 88th & Commercial Ave., column 1 – 1892-7-29 p4
  2156. Templin’s Hall, column 1 – 1892-8-26 p4
  2157. Templin’s Hall, column 1 – 1892-8-27 p4
  2158. Templin’s Hall, column 1 – 1892-9-3 p4
  2159. Templin’s Hall, column 1 – 1892-9-10 p4
  2160. Templin’s Hall, column 1 – 1892-9-12 p4
  2161. Templin’s Hall, column 1 – 1892-9-16 p4
  2162. Templin’s Hall, column 1&4 – 1892-9-17 p4
  2163. Templin’s Hall, column 2 – 1892-9-23 p4
  2164. Templin’s Hall, 88th & Commercial Ave., column 1 – 1892-9-29 p4
  2165. Templin’s Hall, 88th & Commercial Ave., column 1 – 1892-9-30 p4
  2166. Templin’s Hall, “Democrats Waking Up” – 1892-10-5 p4
  2167. Templin’s Hall, Commercial Ave., column 1 – 1892-10-28 p4
  2168. Templin’s Hall, “On Tutors” – 1893-1-2 p4
  2169. Templin’s Hall, Commercial Ave., “Van Vindicated” – 1893-2-11 p4
  2170. Templin’s Hall, 88th & Commercial Ave., “Democratic Meetings” – 1894-3-28 p4
  2171. Templin’s Hall, 88th & Commercial Ave., “Democratic Meetings” – 1894-3-29 p4
  2172. Templin’s Hall, 88th & Commercial Ave., “The Polish Quarter” – 1894-3-31 p4
  2173. Templin’s Hall, 88th & Commercial Ave., “To the Democrats of South Chicago” – 1894-4-25 p4
  2174. Templin’s Hall, 88th & Commercial Ave., “Squabble Over Jobs” – 1894-4-27 p4
  2175. Templin’s Hall, column 1 – 1894-4-30 p4
  2176. Templin’s Hall, “Danced the New Year In” – 1895-1-2 p4
  2177. Templin’s Hall, “After the Hall Keepers” – 1895-1-5 p4
  2178. Templin’s Hall, “Mass Meeting” – 1895-4-19 p4
  2179. Templin’s Hall, “Mass Meeting” – 1895-4-22 p4
  2180. Templin’s Hall, column 2 – 1895-4-24 p4
  2181. Templin’s Hall, “To Open 88th Street” – 1895-4-25 p4
  2182. Templin’s Hall, 88th & Commercial Ave., column 3 – 1897-3-1 p4
  2183. Templin’s Hall, 88th & Commercial Ave., column 6 – 1897-3-25 p4
  2184. Templin’s Hall, 88th & Commercial Ave., “In the Social Swim” – 1897-4-7 p4
  2185. Templin’s Hall, 88th & Commercial Ave., column 4 – 1897-4-8 p4
  2186. Templin’s Hall, 88th & Commercial Ave., column 5 – 1897-4-12 p4
  2187. Templin’s Hall, column 1 – 1897-4-26 p4
  2188. Templin’s Hall (listed as Templeton’s Hall), column 1 – 1897-4-28 p4
  2189. Templin’s Hall, column 1 – 1897-4-29 p4
  2190. Templin’s Hall, column 1 – 1897-4-30 p4
  2191. Templin’s Hall, column 2 – 1897-5-1 p4
  2192. Templin’s Hall, column 4 – 1897-5-3 p4
  2193. Templin’s Hall, “The Pulaski Guards” – 1897-5-4 p4
  2194. Templin’s Hall, 88th & Commercial Ave., “Coming Events” – 1899-1-13 p4
  2195. Templin’s Hall, 88th & Commercial Ave., “Coming Events” – 1899-1-14 p4
  2196. Templin’s Hall, 88th & Commercial Ave., “Coming Events” – 1899-1-16 p4
  2197. Templin’s Hall, 88th & Commercial Ave., “Coming Events” – 1899-1-17 p4
  2198. Templin’s Hall, 88th & Commercial Ave., “Coming Events” – 1899-1-18 p4
  2199. Templin’s Hall, 88th & Commercial Ave., column 2 – 1899-2-10 p4
  2200. Templin’s Hall, 88th & Commercial Ave., “In the Society World” – 1899-2-13 p4
  2201. Templin’s Hall, 8801 Commercial Ave., column 3 – 1899-3-23 p4
  2202. Templin’s Hall, 88th & Commercial Ave., “Democratic Meetings” & “Democratic Ward Meetings” – 1899-3-27 p4
  2203. Templin’s Hall, 88th & Commercial Ave., “Democratic Ward Meetings” – 1899-3-28 p4
  2204. Templin’s Hall, 88th & Commercial Ave., “Democratic Ward Meetings” – 1899-3-29 p4
  2205. Templin’s Hall, 88th & Commercial Ave., “Democratic Ward Meetings” – 1899-3-30 p4
  2206. Templin’s Hall, 88th & Commercial Ave., “Democratic Ward Meetings” – 1899-3-31 p4
  2207. Templin’s Hall, 88th & Commercial Ave., “Democratic Ward Meetings” – 1899-4-1 p4
  2208. Templin’s Hall, 88th & Commercial Ave., “Poles Celebrate Anniversary” – 1899-5-9 p4
  2209. Thewordowski, Martin, column 2 – 1893-5-29 p4
  2210. Threeanoski, Casper, married, 38 years old, 8428 Mackinaw Ave., “Died Suddenly” – 1894-3-22 p4
  2211. Tilmanowratz, Kaz, “Did Not Follow Clark” – 1899-4-1 p4
  2212. Tima, Tilly, “Miss Schmolka Surprised” – 1899-1-25 p4
  2213. Timm, Officer, column 1 – 1887-10-11 p4
  2214. Timm, Officer, “News Around Town” – 1887-7-23 p1
  2215. Timm, Officer, “In Police Circles” – 1887-7-26 p1
  2216. Timm, Officer, column 2 – 1887-8-18 p4
  2217. Timm, Mrs. Edna, 9057 Commercial Ave., column 1 – 1899-2-9 p4
  2218. Timm, Mrs. Edna, 9057 Commercial Ave., column 2 – 1899-2-10 p4
  2219. Timm, Edna E., “South Chicago High School” – 1899-5-23 p3
  2220. Timm, John H., column 1 – 1892-10-4 p4
  2221. Timm, John H., column 1 – 1892-10-5 p4
  2222. Timm, John H., column 2 – 1893-3-28 p4
  2223. Timm, John H., column 2 – 1893-3-30 p4
  2224. Timm, John H., column 1 – 1897-5-25 p4
  2225. Timm, Mrs. J. H., 9057 Commercial Ave., mother in Ohio, column 2 – 1899-6-12 p3
  2226. Timm, M., “Plate Mill Boys to Play Ball” – 1899-5-19 p4
  2227. Timm, Miss, “Concert at Cummings” – 1897-5-28 p4
  2228. Timm, Miss, T., column 2 – 1897-5-24 p4
  2229. Timms, Stanislaus, “Caught in the Act” – 1892-9-14 p4
  2230. Tomak, Charles, “Boys Charged With Stealing Wire” – 1893-4-22 p4
  2231. Tombocwsky, Frank, 52 91st, died Jan.13, 1899, column 1 – 1899-1-16 p4
  2232. Tomoski, Joseph, “At the Police Court” – 1899-5-15 p4
  2233. Toniski, Joseph, column 2 – 1895-5-3 p4
  2234. Trafas, Michael, “Awarded $10,000” – 1899-1-11 p4
  2235. Trafas, Michael, “Trafas Gets $10,000” – 1899-4-17 p4
  2236. Trojalwski, Stanislaus, “A Chapter of Accidents” – 1895-2-27 p4
  2237. Trojan, George, co-owner of grocery store at 8138 Commercial Ave., “Dissolution Notice” – 1899-5-20 p3
  2238. Trojan, George, co-owner of grocery store at 8138 Commercial Ave., “Dissolution Notice” – 1899-5-22 p3
  2239. Trojan, George, co-owner of grocery store at 8138 Commercial Ave., “Dissolution Notice” – 1899-5-23 p3
  2240. Tubasdek, Mrs. Josie, 8716 Houston Ave., column 2 – 1897-4-3 p4
  2241. Tuchocki, Frank, “Polish Democrats Organize” – 1897-2-26 p4
  2242. Tuchocki, L., Gottfreid Brewing Co., column 2 – 1897-4-9 p4
  2243. Tuchocki, L., Gottfreid Brewing Co., column 2 – 1897-4-10 p4
  2244. Turak, Ignatius, “Assaulted By a Ruffian” – 1892-12-19 p 4
  2245. Turboski, Yoa, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-8-10 p4
  2246. Twardowski, Joseph, “Police Doings of a Day” – 1899-2-14 p4
  2247. Twardowski, Stanislaus, “Car Thieves’ Case Continues” – 1899-1-25 p4
  2248. Twardowski, Stanislaus, “Alleged Car Thieves Held” – 1899-1-31 p4
  2249. Twardowski, Stanislaw, “Car Robbers Convicted” – 1899-3-15 p4
  2250. Twardowski, Stanislaw, “Car Robbery Case Ends” – 1899-3-17 p4
  2251. Twraski, Martin, Austrian, 22 years old, single, 2414 Kensington Ave., “Several Scalp Wounds” – 1893-6-9 p4
  2252. Tym, Miss T., column 2 – 1897-4-1 p4
  2253. Tymms, Stanislaus, 95th bridgetender, “They Get Places” – 1897-4-27 p4
  2254. Urbainski, Joseph, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-9-2 p4
  2255. Urban, Ignatz, 8347 Ontario Ave., “Driven Out By Flames” – 1899-5-26 p3
  2256. Uskek, Mr., 8707 Commercial Ave., “Hard Hearted Wretches” – 1895-1-25 p4
  2257. Valotka, Lawrence, “The Polish Church Trouble” – 1894-1-23 p4
  2258. Varonz, Stanislaus, store clerk, & Uyodiech Erzekrotz, column 3 – 1893-2-3 p4
  2259. Vaslock, Andro, Dobraske, Walter & brother Caesar, all under 12 years old, all live with parents at 86th & Houston Ave., “Extraordinary Crime” – 1893-1-12 p4
  2260. Vaslock, Andro, Yopchinski, Peter, Dobraske, Walter & brother Caesar, (refers to article “Extraordinary Crime”, 1893-1-12 p4), column 2, 1893-1-13 p4
  2261. Vaslock, Andro, Yopchinski, John, Peter & Petosch, ages 11-15 years old, Antony Goural, Dobraske, Walter & Caesar, column 2 – 1893-2-8 p4
  2262. Vechinski, S., “Reports of Standing Committee” – 1887-11-17 p4
  2263. Velcheck, John, Colehour coal and wood dealer, “To Pay His Election Debt” – 1899-4-8 p4
  2264. Velcheck, John, “Velcheck Wheels the Cart” – 1899-4-10 p4
  2265. Velchek, John, incorporator of Cesko Slovanski Neodviselni Spolnik of the 33rd Ward, column 2 – 1895-4-5 p4
  2266. Velettinsky Julius, 64 years old, “Aged Man Wanted to Die” – 1899-5-6 p4
  2267. Vendenski, John, “Caught in the Act” – 1897-5-24 p4
  2268. Venievitz, Peter, “Irish and Austrians Clash” – 1899-5-31 p3
  2269. Vero, J., “Our Evening School” – 1895-3-23 p4
  2270. Viscoski, John & his brother, column 1 – 1887-9-30 p4
  2271. Viscoski, John & Joseph Pisch, column 2 – 1887-10-1 p4
  2272. Viskoski, Josie, “He Slapped Her Face” – 1895-3-15 p4
  2273. Vozuck, John & Nep, column 2 – 1887-12-10 p4
  2274. Vudeski, Joseph, column 1 – 1893-2-21 p4
  2275. Wachowski, Andrew, column 1 – 1897-5-1 p4
  2276. Wagner, Ignatz, 8414 Buffalo Ave., “Only Yesterday”, reprint of 1896-10-14, – 1939-10-17 p8
  2277. Wakowski, Antone, “Strikers Resort to Force” – 1895-5-8 p4
  2278. Walczak J., column 2 – 1899-3-20 p4
  2279. Walkowiac, Adam, column 5 – 1893-3-13 p4
  2280. Walkowiak, Mr., “Miss Abeles Surprised” – 1899-4-22 p4
  2281. Walkowiak, Adam, Constable of Cook County, 8730 Commercial Ave., “Constable in Trouble” – 1894-3-7 p4
  2282. Walkowiak, Adam, Constable, column 1 – 1894-3-8 p4
  2283. Walkowiak, Adam, column 2 – 1895-4-1 p4
  2284. Walkowiak, Adam, Constable, “Threw Red Pepper” – 1897-1-7 p4
  2285. Walkowiak, Adam, Constable, column 1 – 1897-1-11 p4
  2286. Walkowiak, Adam, column 2 – 1897-1-19 p4
  2287. Walkowiak, Adam, constable, column 3, & column 4 with son Tony, under 10 years old – 1897-3-20 p4
  2288. Walkowiak, Adam, ex-county constable, column 3 – 1897-4-10 p4
  2289. Walkowiak, Anton, peddler, 40 years old, married, “Alleged Nest of Thieves” – 1894-2-24 p2
  2290. Walkowiak, Constable, “County Constable Sued” – 1897-1-22 p4
  2291. Walkowiak, Constable, column 2 – 1897-4-13 p4
  2292. Walkowiak, George, 56 years old, 8228 Houston Ave., died Jan. 6,1899, “Laid to Rest”, 1899-1-9 p4
  2293. Walkowiak, Tony (under ten years old) son of Adam Walkowiak, column 4 – 1897-4-10 p4
  2294. Walkowiak, W. F., “Charity Entertainment” – 1899-1-19 p4
  2295. Walkowiak, W. F., “Their Fifth Anniversary” – 1899-1-30 p4
  2296. Walkowski, Peter, column 3 – 1899-3-15 p4
  2297. Waltkowski, R., 8811 Commercial Ave., column 1-2 – 1893-3-7 p4
  2298. Wanzinick, S., column 2 – 1893-4-12 p4
  2299. Warmus, Frank & family, 8833 Manistee Ave., “A Defective Flue Causes A Fire” – 1894-2-2 p2
  2300. Warzniak, Warzyn, column 3 – 1897-2-3 p4
  2301. Warzniak, Wiaorzyk, “Only Yesterday” reprint from Dec. 4, 1896 – 1939-11-29 p5
  2302. Waskowski, Frank, 32 years old, married, 8302 Superior Ave., “Fought Like Demons” – 1893-2-18 p4
  2303. Waskowski, Frank, 32 years old, married, 8302 Superior Ave., column 2 – 1893-2-23 p4
  2304. Waskowski, Frank, 32 years old, married, 8302 Superior Ave., column 2 – 1893-2-24 p4
  2305. Waskowski, Frank, column 1 – 1893-3-15 p4
  2306. Wasowicz, P., column 4 – 1892-11-19 p4
  2307. Wasowicz, Peter, Furman, Anton M., Pezyberski, Michael, incorporators of Sokoel Polski Stefana Czarnec Kiego w South Chicago, column 1 – 1894-3-23 p4
  2308. Wasowicz, Peter, “Charity Entertainment” – 1899-1-19 p4
  2309. Wasowicz, Peter, “Their Fifth Anniversary” – 1899-1-30 p4
  2310. Wateka, Joseph & Mary, “At the Police Court” – 1899-3-8 p4
  2311. Watkowiaki, Anton, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-9-2 p4
  2312. Watkowski, K., column 1 – 1895-6-19 p4
  2313. Watkowski, Vincent, 8726 Commercial Ave., 4 children – 8 months to 10 years old, “Are Rolling In” – 1897-1-26 p4
  2314. Wawrziniak, S., column 2 – 1893-5-15 p4
  2315. Wazmak, Ignatz, 8928 Escanaba Ave., column 2 – 1897-1-8 p4
  2316. Wazmus, Joseph, “Sued for $10,000 Damages” – 1899-3-11 p4
  2317. Weder, Jacob & Marianna, “Had His Wife Arrested” – 1893-5-24 p4
  2318. Weidemann, E., column 1 – 1893-3-2 p4
  2319. Weidemann, Emil, “Precinct Committees” – 1892-9-27 p4
  2320. Weidemann, Emil, 8304 Superior Ave., columns 2&3 – 1895-2-25 p4
  2321. Weidemann, Emil, 8304 Superior Ave., columns 2 – 1895-2-26 p4
  2322. Weidemann, Emil, 8304 Superior Ave., columns 2 – 1895-2-27 p4
  2323. Weidemann, Emil, 8304 Superior Ave., columns 2 – 1895-2-28 p4
  2324. Weidemann, Emil, 8304 Superior Ave., columns 2 – 1895-3-1 p4
  2325. Weidemann, Emil, 8304 Superior Ave., columns 2-3 – 1895-3-2 p4
  2326. Weidemann, Emil, 8304 Superior Ave., columns 2 – 1895-3-4 p4
  2327. Weidmann, Emil, “Democratic Primaries” – 1895-3-6 p4
  2328. Weidemann, Emil, “Democratic Convention” – 1895-3-9 p4
  2329. Weisnewski, Alex, “Notice, Members of Tammany!” – 1899-23-27 p4
  2330. Weisnewski, Alex, “Notice, Members of Tammany!” – 1899-23-28 p4
  2331. Weisowicz, Peter, President of Polish Turner Society, column 2 – 1894-3-2 p4
  2332. Wekgriczyniski, Antony, 8449 Ontario Ave., “Hurt in a Runaway” – 1899-3-28 p4
  2333. Weklinaryski, Stanisloe, 13332 Buffalo Ave., “Man Chase in Hegewisch” – 1899-4-25 p4
  2334. Weklinaryski, Stanislon, 13332 Buffalo Ave., “Hegewisch Man Fined” – 1899-4-28 p4
  2335. Welowitz, John, 8906 Green Bay Ave., “Irish and Austrians Clash” – 1899-5-31 p3
  2336. Wenderski, St., “The Pulaski Guards” – 1897-5-4 p4
  2337. Werniewski, M., 8218 Houston Ave., column 1 – 1893-5-17 p4
  2338. Wheydeski, Frank, 35 years old, married, 3 children, 8842 Escanaba , “Ground to Pieces” – 1893-1-7 p4
  2339. Wicanowski, Anchea, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-8-27 p4
  2340. Wichrowski, John, “The Kreiger-Verein” – 1892-7-11 p4
  2341. Wichrowsky, Lena, “The Class of ‘97” – 1897-6-4 p4
  2342. Wichrowsky, Lena, “The High School” – 1897-6-24 p4
  2343. Wiedbalska, Mrs. Mary, “The Pulaski Guards” – 1897-5-4 p4
  2344. Wiedeman, E., column 3 – 1899-3-24 p4
  2345. Wierzbicki, J., 8434 Commercial Ave., column 1 – 1892-10-3 p4
  2346. Wierzbicki, J., 8434 Commercial Ave., column 1 – 1892-10-4 p4
  2347. Wierzbicki, J., 8434 Commercial Ave., column 1-2 – 1892-10-5 p4
  2348. Wifshneski, John, “Strikers Resort to Force” – 1895-5-8 p4
  2349. Wigrowski, John J., Kreiger Verein financial secretary, column 1 – 1895-6-6 p4
  2350. Wikouski, C., sw corner of 87th & Houston Ave., column 1 – 1893-6-8 p4
  2351. Wihkowski, Nincensy, 8726 Commercial Ave., column 2 – 1895-3-4 p4
  2352. Wilbarski, William, 30 years old, & father, “Had a Hot Chase” – 1895-5-13 p4
  2353. Wilbarski, Mr., columns 1-2 – 1895-5-14 p4
  2354. Wilbarski, Mr., column 2 – 1895-5-15 p4
  2355. Wilczanski, Spancz, 24 years old, single, “Struck By Train” – 1893-5-1 p4
  2356. Wilopski, Frank, “Fined For Trying to Drown Himself” – 1894-4-2 p2
  2357. Wilowitz, John, “M’Manus’ Assailant Captured” – 1899-6-1 p3
  2358. Wilzejnaki, Stanislaus, struck by a train on 1893-5-1 and then later died, column 1 – 1893-5-13 p4
  2359. Winiewicz, John, “Only Yesterday” – 1896-8-1 reprinted – 1939-9-9 p2
  2360. Winowski, Max, “Law Regarding Bathing” – 1893-6-22 p4
  2361. Wiodarczak, J., column 2 – 1897-1-7 p4
  2362. Wiora, M., column 3 – 1892-9-29 p4
  2363. Wiora, M., column 3 – 1895-5-6 p4
  2364. Wiora, Mr., column 1 – 1897-3-25 p4
  2365. Wiora (listed as Vero), Martin, “Board of Trustees” – 1887-9-10 p1
  2366. Wiora (listed as Vero), Martin, “Democratic Delegates” – 1892-8-20 p4
  2367. Wiora (listed as Vero), Martin, “The Aldermanic Contest” – 1893-1-14 p4
  2368. Wiora (listed as Vero), Martin, “The Aldermanic Ballot” – 1893-1-21 p4
  2369. Wiora (listed as Vero), Martin, “The Aldermanic Ballot” – 1893-1-28 p4
  2370. Wiora (listed as Vero), Martin, “The Aldermanic Contest” – 1893-2-4 p4
  2371. Wiora (listed as Vero), Martin, “Democratic Primaries” – 1893-2-7 p4
  2372. Wiora (listed as Vero), Martin, “The Combat Deepens” – 1893-2-11 p4
  2373. Wiora (listed as Vero), Martin, “Battle of the Ballots” – 1893-2-18 p4
  2374. Wiora (listed as Vero), Martin, column 2 & “The Aldermanic Contest” & “Pandemonium Reigned” & “Withdraws From the Ticket” – 1893-2-25 p4
  2375. Wiora, Martin, “Polish-Americans For Harrison” – 1893-2-27 p4
  2376. Wiora (identified as also Vero), Martin, “Dirty Doings” – 1893-3-1 p4
  2377. Wiora, (listed as Vero), Martin, “The Aldermanic Vote” – 1893-3-6 p4
  2378. Wiora (identified also as Vero), Martin, “Democrats Meet” – 1893-3-8 p4
  2379. Wiora (listed as Vero), Martin, column 2 – 1893-3-10 p4
  2380. Wiora (identified also as Vero), Martin, column 1 – 1893-3-13 p4
  2381. Wiora (listed as Vero), Mr., “A Dirty Deal!” – 1893-3-14 p4
  2382. Wiora, Martin, “Independent Democratic Club” – 1893-3-28 p4
  2383. Wiora, Mr., “An Address” – 1893-3-31 p4
  2384. Wiora, Martin, “Carter is Coming” & “Independent Democratic Club” – 1893-4-3 p4
  2385. Wiora, (listed as Vero), Martin, “In a Sweat Box” – 1893-6-19 p4
  2386. Wiora, (listed as Vero), Martin, “Row Over the Patronage” – 1894-1-22 p4
  2387. Wiora, Martin, “The Polish Church Trouble” – 1894-1-23 p4
  2388. Wiora (listed as Vero), Martin, “No Germans Need Apply” – 1894-2-7 p4
  2389. Wiora (listed as Vero), Martin, “A Political Meeting” – 1894-3-26 p2
  2390. Wiora (listed as Vero), Martin, “Martin Vero Bounced” – 1894-4-2 p4
  2391. Wiora (listed as Vero), Martin, column 4 – 1894-4-6 p4
  2392. Wiora (listed as Vero), Martin, column 2 – 1894-4-18 p4
  2393. Wiora (listed as Vero), Martin, “Squabble Over Jobs” – 1894-4-27 p4
  2394. Wiora (also Vero), Martin, “Martin Wiora For Alderman” – 1895-2-8 p4
  2395. Wiora (listed as Vero), Martin, “Democrats Turn Out” – 1895-2-28 p4
  2396. Wiora (listed as Vero), Martin, column 2 – 1895-3-2 p4
  2397. Wiora, Martin, column 1 – 1895-3-4 p4
  2398. Wiora, (listed as Vero), Martin, “For Clean Politics” – 1895-3-5 p4
  2399. Wiora, Martin, “Town Delegates” – 1895-3-6 p4
  2400. Wiora, Martin, “City Convention Delegates” – 1895-3-8 p4
  2401. Wiora (listed as Vero), Martin, “Democratic Convention” – 1895-3-9 p4
  2402. Wiora, Martin, “A Rousing Meeting” – 1895-3-22 p4
  2403. Wiora, Martin, “Foreman Walton Takes Charge” – 1895-5-16 p4
  2404. Wiora, Martin, vice-president of Democraticic Club, “Club Election” – 1895-6-17 p4
  2405. Wiora, Martin, officer of Kosciusko Building & Loan Association, column 2 – 1897-1-30 p4
  2406. Wiora, Martin, “The Voice of the People” – 1897-1-30 p4
  2407. Wiora, Martin, column 1 & “Polish Leaders Meet” – 1897-2-5 p4
  2408. Wiora, Martin, column 2, 4 & “The Aldermanic Contest” – 1897-2-6 p4
  2409. Wiora, Martin, “The Aldermanic Contest” – 1897-2-13 p4
  2410. Wiora, Martin, column 1 – 1897-2-19 p4
  2411. Wiora, Martin, column 1 & “Aldermanic Battles” – 1897-2-20 p4
  2412. Wiora, Martin, “The Aldermanic Contest” – 1897-2-24 p4
  2413. Wiora, Martin, “Polish Democrats Organize” – 1897-2-26 p4
  2414. Wiora, Mr., “East Side Democrats Organize” – 1897-2-27 p4
  2415. Wiora (listed as Vero), Martin, column 1&3 – 1897-3-1 p4
  2416. Wiora, Martin, column 1 & “A Lively …” & “Harrison, Hummel & Wiora” – 1897-3-3 p4
  2417. Wiora, Martin, column 1 (2x) – 1897-3-6 p4
  2418. Wiora, Martin, “A Card to the Public”, born in Chicago in 1857, always a resident of Illinois, resided in South Chicago for the past 14 years – 1897-3-8 p4
  2419. Wiora, Martin, columns 1, 3 (listed as Vero) & “A Democratic Palaver” – 1897-3-9 p4
  2420. Wiora, Martin, column 1, 2, “Deadlock in the Third” (listed as Vero) & “This is News” (listed as Wero) – 1897-3-10 p4
  2421. Wiora, Martin, column 1 – 1897-3-11 p4
  2422. Wiora, Martin, column 3 – 1897-3-15 p4
  2423. Wiora, Martin, column 2 – 1897-3-17 p4
  2424. Wiora, Martin, column 1(listed as Vero), 2 & “A Hot Fight” – 1897-3-19 p4
  2425. Wiora, Martin, column 2 & “To Down “Blind Pigs”” – 1897-3-22 p4
  2426. Wiora, Martin, “Democratic Rally” – 1897-3-23 p4
  2427. Wiora, Martin, “Democratic Rally” & “Has Opened Headquarters” – 1897-3-24 p4
  2428. Wiora, Martin, column 1,2&3 – 1897-3-25 p4
  2429. Wiora, Martin, “An Old Time Rally” & “Our Independent Candidate” – 1897-3-26 p4
  2430. Wiora, Martin, “Irondale Aroused”, “Democratic Parade Monday Night”,  “Political Pointers”, “Our Independent candidate” & “Democrats, Attention!”  – 1897-3-27 p4
  2431. Wiora, Martin, column 2-3 & “Not a Saloonkeeper” – 1897-3-29 p4
  2432. Wiora, Martin, column 1, “Harrison Speaks”, “A Street Incident” & “Democrats, Attention!”  – 1897-3-30 p4
  2433. Wiora, Martin, “Martin Wiora Must Explain” & “Serious Charges” – 1897-3-31 p4
  2434. Wiora, Martin, “Martin Wiora’s Side”& “Bergner Meetings” – 1897-4-1 p4
  2435. Wiora, Martin, column 2, “Swedish Mass Mass Meeting” & “Gets back at Wiora” – 1897-4-2 p4
  2436. Wiora, Martin, “These Charges” & “Martin Wiora’s Unionism” – 1897-4-3 p4
  2437. Wiora, Martin (not mentioned by name), “A Bricklayer Talks”, “After the Business Agent”, “The Aldermanic Situation” & “To the Public”, born in Chicago in 1857 and always resided in Chicago  – 1897-4-5 p4
  2438. Wiora, Martin, “The Election” – 1897-4-6 p4
  2439. Wiora, Martin, “Martin Wiora Wins” – 1897-4-7 p4
  2440. Wiora, Martin, “Tendered a Reception” – 1897-4-8 p4
  2441. Wiora, Martin, column 2 – 1897-4-9 p4
  2442. Wiora, Martin, alderman, column 2 – 1897-4-10 p4
  2443. Wiora, Martin, alderman, “Official Returns” – 1897-4-12 p4
  2444. Wiora, Martin, alderman, column 2 (2x) – 1897-4-13 p4
  2445. Wiora, Martin, alderman, column 3 – 1897-4-14 p4
  2446. Wiora, Martin, alderman, “Democrats Are Rustling” – 1897-4-14 p4
  2447. Wiora, Martin, alderman, column 4 & “Work of the City Council” – 1897-4-15 p4
  2448. Wiora, Martin, alderman, born in America, “In Democratic Hands” – 1897-4-16 p4
  2449. Wiora Martin, alderman, column 2 (2x) – 1897-4-21 p4
  2450. Wiora Martin, alderman, column 2 – 1897-4-22 p4
  2451. Wiora Martin, alderman, column 2 & 3 – 1897-4-24 p4
  2452. Wiora Martin, alderman, column 2 – 1897-4-26 p4
  2453. Wiora Martin, alderman, column 5 – 1897-4-27 p4
  2454. Wiora Martin, alderman, column 3 – 1897-4-28 p4
  2455. Wiora Martin, alderman, “Is Being Worried” – 1897-4-29 p4
  2456. Wiora Martin, alderman, column 3 & “Ald. Wiora in Court” – 1897-4-30 p4
  2457. Wiora, Martin, “East Side Must Have It” – 1897-5-1 p4
  2458. Wiora, Martin, alderman, “Work of Our Aldermen” – 1897-5-4 p4
  2459. Wiora, Martin, alderman, column 2 – 1897-5-5 p4
  2460. Wiora, Martin, alderman, column 6 – 1897-5-6 p4
  2461. Wiora, Martin, alderman, “Polish People Celebrate” – 1897-5-10 p4
  2462. Wiora, Martin, alderman, column 3 & “Work of Our Aldermen” – 1897-5-12 p4
  2463. Wiora, Martin, alderman, column 1 & 2-3 – 1897-5-18 p4
  2464. Wiora, Martin, alderman, column 1 & “Work of Our Aldermen” – 1897-5-19 p4
  2465. Wiora, Martin, alderman, column 3 – 1897-5-20 p4
  2466. Wiora, Martin, alderman, “Raise the Tracks” – 1897-5-25 p4
  2467. Wiora, Martin, alderman, owner of saloon located north of 88th on Commerical Ave., column 4 – 1897-5-29 p4
  2468. Wiora, Martin, alderman, “Mass Meeting” – 1897-6-4 p4
  2469. Wiora, Martin, alderman, “Work of Our Aldermen” – 1897-6-5 p4
  2470. Wiora, Martin, alderman, “Work of Our Aldermen” – 1897-6-7 p4
  2471. Wiora, Martin, alderman, “Sewer Settled” – 1897-6-9 p4
  2472. Wiora, Martin, alderman, “Pernod is Placed” – 1897-6-12 p4
  2473. Wiora, Martin, alderman, ““Jim” Set Right” – 1897-6-15 p4
  2474. Wiora, Martin, alderman, “Work of Our Aldermen” – 1897-6-18 p4
  2475. Wiora, Martin, alderman, “Factions at War” – 1897-6-21 p4
  2476. Wiora, Martin, alderman, column 3, “A Red Hot Time” & “Wiora in Court” – 1897-6-22 p4
  2477. Wiora, Martin, alderman, column 1 & “Doesn’t Own Ald. Wiora” – 1897-6-23 p4
  2478. Wiora, Martin, alderman (named only as “Martin”), column 2 – 1897-6-24 p4
  2479. Wiora, Martin, alderman, “Ald. Maltby’s Gas” – 1897-6-28 p4
  2480. Wiora, Martin, column 1 – 1899-1-12 p4
  2481. Wiora, Martin alderman, 8810 Commercial Ave., column 1-2 (3x) – 1899-1-20 p4
  2482. Wiora, Martin, column 1 – 1899-1-24 p4
  2483. Wiora, Martin, alderman, column 1 – 1899-1-25 p4
  2484. Wiora, Martin, alderman, column 2 & “For Better Drainage” – 1899-1-26 p4
  2485. Wiora, Martin, alderman, column 1 – 1899-1-28 p4
  2486. Wiora, Martin, alderman, “Want $5,000 More” – 1899-2-6 p4
  2487. Wiora, Martin, alderman, elected in 1897, carpenter, 8753 Escanaba Ave., “Hits Ald. Wiora” – 1899-2-15 p4
  2488. Wiora, Martin, alderman, “Replies to the League” – 1899-2-16 p4
  2489. Wiora, Martin, alderman, “Who is Charles Jones?” – 1899-2-24 p4
  2490. Wiora, Martin, alderman, column 2 – 1899-2-28 p4
  2491. Wiora, Martin, alderman, column 2, “Ald. Martin Wiora” & “A Word to Voters” – 1899-3-14 p4
  2492. Wiora, Martin, alderman, column 1 – 1899-3-15 p4
  2493. Wiora, Martin, alderman, “Watkins Wins” – 1899-3-16 p4
  2494. Wiora, Martin, “Ed Watkins Nominated” – 1899-3-20 p4
  2495. Wiora, Martin, alderman, “Democratic Meetings” – 1899-3-27 p4
  2496. Wiora, Martin, alderman, “Ald. Wiora for Watkins” – 1899-4-1 p4
  2497. Wiora, Martin, alderman, “Ed Watkins Wins” – 1899-4-5 p4
  2498. Wiora, Martin, Alderman, “Calumet Western” – 1899-6-20 p3
  2499. Wirzbicki, Frank, groceryman, column 3 – 1897-2-15 p4
  2500. Wirzbicki, John, former co-owner with John Koziezynski of a meat market located on the corner of 88th & Houston Ave., “Notice of Dissolution” – 1887-12-10 p1
  2501. Wirzbicki, John, former co-owner with John Koziezynski of a meat market located on the corner of 88th & Houston Ave., “Notice of Dissolution” – 1887-12-12 p4
  2502. Wirzbicki, John, former co-owner with John Koziezynski of a meat market located on the corner of 88th & Houston Ave., “Notice of Dissolution” – 1887-12-17 p4
  2503. Wisaucwski, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-9-2 p4
  2504. Wisconowich, Ignatz, “Negro Ex-Soldiers Fined” – 1899-2-11 p4
  2505. Wishnefski, Joseph, “Strikers Resort to Force” – 1895-5-8 p4
  2506. Wiska, Mariana, 59 years old, widow, 4854 Throop St., “Slain By a Trolley” – 1895-5-27 p4
  2507. Wiska, Marian, column 1 – 1895-5-28 p4
  2508. Wisniewski, court clerk, “At the Police Court” – 1899-6-19 p3
  2509. Wisniewski, Alec, precinct captain – “Headquarters Opened” – 1894-3-27 p2
  2510. Wisniewski, Aleck, financial secretary of Polish Turner Society, column 2 – 1894-3-2 p4
  2511. Wisniewski, Aleck, clerk of police court, column 1 – 1897-4-28 p4
  2512. Wisniewski, Aleck, clerk of South Chicago police court, “The New Clerk” – 1897-4-30 p4
  2513. Wisniewski, Aleck, clerk of South Chicago police court, “New Clerk Inaugurated” – 1897-5-1 p4
  2514. Wisniewski, Aleck, 8725 Houston Ave., clerk of South Chicago police court, “Wisniewski Gets a Pen” – 1897-5-3 p4
  2515. Wisnewski, Alex, “Tammany “Wigwam” Election” – 1899-1-28 p4
  2516. Wisniewski, Alex, column 3 – 1897-3-1 p4
  2517. Wisniewski, Alex, 8725 Houston Ave., will become court clerk, “Foley Gets the Police Court” – 1897-4-19 p4
  2518. Wisniewski, Alex, clerk of the police court, “They Get Places” – 1897-4-27 p4
  2519. Wisniewski, Alexander S., “Supervisors of Elections” – 1892-10-18 p4
  2520. Wisniewski, Alexander (aka Alex Cherry), column 1 – 1897-4-10 p4
  2521. Wisniewski, Alexander (aka Alexander Sherry?), column 3 – 1897-4-14 p4
  2522. Wisniewski, Alex, “Ed Watkins Nominated” – 1899-3-20 p4
  2523. Wisniewski, Alex, “Attention, Democrats!” – 1899-3-22 p4
  2524. Wisniewski, Alex, “City Council” – 1899-5-9 p4
  2525. Wisniewski, Alex, “A-Wheel to Lamont, Ill.” – 1899-5-13 p4
  2526. Wisniewski, J., “Edward Watkins” – 1899-3-8 p4
  2527. Wisniewski, Joseph, aka Joseph Cherry, 8724 Commercial Ave., column 2 – 1899-6-2 p3
  2528. Wisniewski, Joseph, aka Joseph Cherry, 8724 Commercial Ave., column 2 – 1899-6-3 p3
  2529. Wisnigalki, Thos., “A Couple of Accidents” – 1887-8-1 p1
  2530. Wisnikoski, Michael, resides at 8921 Buffalo Ave & owns 8218 Houston Ave., “Work For the Firemen” – 1895-5-13 p4
  2531. Wisock, Michael, “Two Charged With Murder” – 1899-5-20 p3
  2532. Wisuiewsk, Wanzyn, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-9-21 p1
  2533. Witczak, Thomas, “At the Police Court”, – 1899-3-24 p4
  2534. Witecak, Katharcyna, 49 years old, married, 8424 Baltimore Ave., column 2 – 1899-4-24 p4
  2535. Withkowski, John, between 105th & 106th & Ewing Ave., “In The Building Line” – 1892-9-8 p4
  2536. Witkowski, Mr., column 2 – 1897-6-10 p4
  2537. Witkowski, Charles, “Dirty Doings” – 1893-3-1 p4
  2538. Witkowski, Charles & John, column 2 – 1893-3-10 p4
  2539. Witkowski, Charles, 8839 Exchange Ave., president of Kordecki Building & Loan Association of South Chicago, column 2 – 1895-2-25 p4
  2540. Witkowski, Charles, 8839 Exchange Ave., president of Kordecki Building & Loan Association of South Chicago, column 2 – 1895-2-26 p4
  2541. Witkowski, Charles, 8839 Exchange Ave., president of Kordecki Building & Loan Association of South Chicago, column 2 – 1895-2-27 p4
  2542. Witkowski, Charles, 8839 Exchange Ave., president of Kordecki Building & Loan Association of South Chicago, column 2 – 1895-2-28 p4
  2543. Witkowski, Charles, 8839 Exchange Ave., president of Kordecki Building & Loan Association of South Chicago, column 2 – 1895-3-1 p4
  2544. Witkowski, Charles, 8839 Exchange Ave., president of Kordecki Building & Loan Association of South Chicago, column 2-3 – 1895-3-2 p4
  2545. Witkowski, Charles, 8839 Exchange Ave., president of Kordecki Building & Loan Association of South Chicago, column 2 – 1895-3-4 p4
  2546. Witkowski, Charles, “To Open 88th Street” – 1895-4-25 p4
  2547. Witkowski, Charles, column 1 – 1895-6-25 p4
  2548. Witkowski, Charles, “Only Yesterday” reprint from Dec. 16, 1896 – 1939-12-26 p5
  2549. Witkowski, Charles, “Poles Will Celebrate” – 1897-5-8 p4
  2550. Witkowski, Charles, “Polish People Celebrate” – 1897-5-10 p4
  2551. Witkowski, Charles, “Charity Entertainment” – 1899-1-19 p4
  2552. Witkowski, Charles, “Their Fifth Anniversary” – 1899-1-30 p4
  2553. Witkowski, Charles, ., “Poles Celebrate Anniversary” – 1899-5-9 p4
  2554. Witkowski, Miss Emma, “Basket Social” – 1897-1-6 p4
  2555. Witkowski, G., 86th & Houston Ave., column 2 – 1895-1-24 p4
  2556. Witkowski, I., 86th & Houston Ave., column 2 – 1895-1-24 p4
  2557. Witkowski, Ignatz & Wincenty, “At the Police Court” – 1899-6-7 p3
  2558. Witkowski, J., column 2 – 1893-3-15 p4
  2559. Witkowski, John, “His Forty-Fourth Birthday” – 1892-10-17 p4
  2560. Witkowski, Mr. & Mrs. John, son Christopher Columbus Witkowski, Ewing Ave., column 1, – 1892-10-22 p4
  2561. Witkowski, John, column 1&2 – 1892-10-31 p4
  2562. Witkowski, John, columns 2-3 – 1893-1-10 p4
  2563. Witkowski, John, column 2 – 1894-3-27 p4
  2564. Witkowski, Katie, 78 years old, widow, 8828 Exchange Ave., & son, “Sick, Starving And Freezing” – 1899-1-5 p4
  2565. Witkowski, Mr., column 1 – 1895-3-9 p4
  2566. Witkowski, Mr., “Bergner Meetings” – 1897-4-1 p4
  2567. Witkowski, Vincent, “Polish Democrats Organize” – 1897-2-26 p4
  2568. Witkowsky, John, “Witkowsky In Trouble” – 1892-11-1 p4
  2569. Witkowsky, James (should be John), column 2 – 1892-11-5 p4
  2570. Witzbiski, Alexander, 24, clerk, “Whiskey Caused a Row” – 1894-1-22 p2
  2571. Witzkowski, George, column 2 – 1897-2-15 p4
  2572. Wizenak, Frank, column 1 – 1892-9-17 p4
  2573. Wiznoski, John, “Tales of Woe” – 1892-10-11 p4
  2574. Wizolkiewicz, Mrs. Mary, 225 Baltimore Ave., “Alleged Shoplifters Caught” – 1897-3-1 p4
  2575. Wizolkiewicz, Mrs. Mary, “Held to the Criminal Court” – 1897-3-9 p4
  2576. Wkasczewinski, Wladislaw, stepson, “Koczkowski Died a Natural Death” – 1899-5-22 p3
  2577. Wladislaw, W., column 2 – 1895-1-31 p4
  2578. Wlaski, Joseph, 52 years old, 8409 Ontario Ave., & brother, “Found Dead In Barn” – 1892-8-13 p4
  2579. Wlekleinski, W., column 2 – 1895-1-31 p4
  2580. Wleklinski, W. M., column 2 – 1893-1-26 p4
  2581. Wluczwski, Wladishaw, Secretary of the Polish Republican Club of the 33rd Ward, column 2 – 1895-1-3 p4
  2582. Wojtalewicz, Father, Radziejewski, Rev. Father, Rev. Father Gordon, John Belzowski, Father Nowicki, Father Lipski, John Sjostakowski, “Appropriate Ceremonies” – 1892-9-12 p4
  2583. Wojtalewicz, Father F. M., “Polish Church Dedicated” – 1899-4-24 p4
  2584. Wojtalewicz, Father F. M., ., “Poles Celebrate Anniversary” – 1899-5-9 p4
  2585. Wojtalewicz, Rev. Francis M., column 2 – 1897-1-22 p4
  2586. Wojtalewicz, Rev. Francis M., “Poles Will Celebrate” – 1897-5-8 p4
  2587. Wojtalewicz, Rev. Francis, “Polish People Celebrate” – 1897-5-10 p4
  2588. Wojtlewicz, Fr., “Confirmation Exercises” – 1899-6-19 p3
  2589. Wojtalewicz, Rev., “Only Yesterday” reprinted in 1939-11-18 p7 – 1896-11-11
  2590. Wolski, Walton, column 1 – 1897-2-8 p4
  2591. Wolvinskey, Mr., “Last Evening’s Fire” – 1887-11-18 p4
  2592. Wonderack, Frank, “Boys Charged With Stealing Wire” – 1893-4-22 p4
  2593. Woods, Peter, column 2 – 1887-8-19 p4
  2594. Worucki, Michael, Escanaba Ave., column 1 – 1893-1-21 p4
  2595. Wroblewski, Jan, “The Pulaski Guards” – 1897-5-4 p4
  2596. Wrofeski, Martin, “First Shot Fired” – 1895-5-8 p4
  2597. Wujek, Frank, column 2 – 1899-2-20 p4
  2598. Wykowski, Charles, “Poles Indorse Jones” – 1899-2-24 p4
  2599. Wysoiki, Michel, “Uncalled For Letters” – 1887-9-2 p4
  2600. Wysynski, Frank, 20 years old, resides with parents at 8735 Exchange Ave., “Arm Crushed and Fractured” – 1899-2-13 p4
  2601. Wysinski, John, “The Polish Church Trouble” – 1894-1-23 p4
  2602. Wyszinski, Jan, column 3 – 1899-3-24 p4
  2603. Wyszynski, Barbara, column 3 – 1899-3-24 p4
  2604. Wyszynski, John, Beliorski, Ignace, Isidorek, Joseph – “Must Pay Its Share” – 1892-8-1 p4
  2605. Wyszyskiewicz, Peter, 8409 Superior Ave., “Rowboat Capsizes” – 1899-5-5 p4
  2606. Yakezwickz, Anton, column 2 – 1893-3-16 p4
  2607. Yapchinski, Mrs., 87th & Houston Ave., & Mrs. Guran, column 2 – 1892-8-16 p4
  2608. Yarecki, Frank, 8750 Exchange Ave., “Constable in Trouble” – 1894-3-7 p4
  2609. Yenowski, John, column 2 – 1893-2-1 p4
  2610. Yochocki, Anna, “Police Doings of a Day” – 1899-2-8 p4
  2611. Yochocki, Anna, “Police Doings of a Day” – 1899-2-9 p4
  2612. Yochocki, Annie, “Police Doings of a Day” – 1899-2-14 p4
  2613. Yopchinski, Frances, “Only Yesterday”, reprinted from Aug. 11, 1896 – 1939-9-23 p5
  2614. Yopchinski, John & Peter, Yopulski, Paul, column 3 – 1892-11-26 p4
  2615. Yopchinsky, John P., column 1 – 1892-8-6 p4
  2616. Yopchinski, Mrs., mother of boys indicted, daughter, 16 years old, “Took To The Water” – 1893-3-8 p4
  2617. Yopchinski, Mrs., mother of boys indicted, daughter, 16 years old, column 2 – 1893-3-9 p4
  2618. Yopchinski, Mrs., column 4, 1893-3-18 p4
  2619. Yopchinski, Mrs. Frances, column 1 – 1897-6-21 p4
  2620. Yopchinski, Peter, 16 years old & 13 years old sister, 86th & Houston Ave., “Extraordinary Crime” – 1893-1-12 p4
  2621. Yopchinski, Peter, Dobraske, Walter & brother Caesar, Vaslock, Andro (refers to article “Extraordinary Crime”, 1893-1-12 p4), column 2, 1893-1-13 p4
  2622. Yopchinski, John, Peter, John & Petosch, ages 11-15 years old, & mother, Antony Goural, “Called Him a Liar” – 1893-1-14 p4
  2623. Yopchinski, Peter, John & Petosh, column 1 – 1893-2-15 p4
  2624. Yopchinski, John, Peter & Petosch, ages 11-15 years old, Antony Goural, Dobraske, Walter & Caesar, Vaslock, Andro, column 2 – 1893-2-8 p4
  2625. Yopchinski, Petosh, column 3 – 1893-6-21 p4
  2626. Ypcinski, Waler, column 2 – 1892-12-7 p4
  2627. Yopchinski?, column 2 – 1892-12-8 p4 (This article might refer to one of the Yopchinski cases – 1892-8-16 p4?
  2628. Yopchinski, Martin, “Alleged Car Thieves Held” – 1899-1-31 p4
  2629. Yopczinski, Mrs. A., gave birth, 8328 Buffalo Ave., column 2 – 1899-4-6 p4
  2630. Yopschinski, Mr., “Car Robbers Convicted” – 1899-3-15 p4
  2631. Yopsczinski, Martin, 8604 Houston Ave., “Stolen Property Recovered” – 1899-1-20 p4
  2632. Yopsczinski, Martin, “Car Thieves’ Case Continues” – 1899-1-25 p4
  2633. Yupchinska, Dame & son & daughter, Guran, Dame, column 2 – 1892-8-19 p4
  2634. Yopulski, Paul, Yopchinski, John & Peter, column 3 – 1892-11-26 p4
  2635. Zagowski, John, 8304 Superior Ave., 4 children, “Are Rolling In” – 1897-1-26 p4
  2636. Zakrzewskicz, Anton, “The Polish Church Trouble” – 1894-1-23 p4
  2637. Zaleski, Father, “Polish Church Burned” – 1894-5-7 p4
  2638. Zapaszelka, Joseph, 8707 Commercial Ave., “Gone To Blazes” – 1892-9-6 p4
  2639. Zawinski, Josephine, “At the Police Court”, 1899-2-23 p4
  2640. Zdrojewski, J., column 2 – 1899-1-16 p4
  2641. Zdrojski, Andrew, column 2 – 1895-2-4 p4
  2642. Zebrowski, Mrs. J., 8807 Commercial Ave., gave birth, column 2-3 – 1899-4-6 p4
  2643. Zelinski, J., 92nd & Ontario Ave., column 2 – 1895-1-25 p4
  2644. Zemrowska, S., column 3 – 1899-4-12 p4
  2645. Zemrowski, John S., column 2 – 1899-3-10 p4
  2646. Zenba, John, member of Pulaski Guards, “The Pulaski Guards” – 1897-5-4 p4
  2647. Zenow, Miss, 8429 Green Bay Ave., “Van Vindicated” – 1893-2-11 p4
  2648. Zereski, Wladislaw, “Alleged “Bully” Arrested” – 1897-4-28 p4
  2649. Zinscow, John, Rolaveisch, Frank, Byer, Steve, Enerlavech, Mike, Caeholla, Equax, Hercow, Joe, column 2, 1887-11-12 p4
  2650. Zinscow, John, Byer, Steve, Enerlavech, Mike, Caeholla, Equax, Rolaveisch, Frank, Hercow, Joe, “Police News” – 1887-11-14 p1
  2651. Zinscow, John, Byer, Steve, Enerlavech, Mike, Caeholla, Equax, Rolaveisch, Frank, Hercow, Joe, “Police Pickups” – 1887-11-29 p1
  2652. Zochocki, Joseph, “Fined at the Police Court” – 1899-1-3 p4
  2653. Zuierczykowski, Jan, 9813 Muskegon Ave., column 1 – 1893-2-17 p4
  2654. Zunda, Ms., Escanaba Ave. & Ms. Swisurska, column 1 – 1892-7-12 p4
  2655. Zwierzykowski, John, 8913 Manistee Ave., column 1 – 1897-5-7 p4
  2656. Zwierzykowski, John, 8913 Manistee Ave., column 2 – 1897-5-8 p4
  2657. Zwirzkowski, John, “Got His Grass” – 1899-6-28 p3
  2658. Zwokowski, column 2, 1892-8-10 p4
  2659. Zychlinski, Casimir, president of the Polish Turners Society, “Charity Entertainment” – 1899-1-19 p4
  2660. Zychlinski, Casimir, president of the Polish Turners Society, “Their Fifth Anniversary” – 1899-1-30 p4
  2661. Zychlinski, K., “Poles Will Celebrate” – 1897-5-8 p4
  2662. Zychlinski, K., “Polish People Celebrate” – 1897-5-10 p4
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