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Our folks in Turkestan

When registering marriage certificates, civil registrars often indicated the place of origin of the bride and groom. Until the First World War, migration of the population was not very common. That is why, the majority of newlyweds came either from the parish where the marriage register was from or from neighbouring parishes. Occasionally, there were people from further away. People coming from the deep ends of the Tsarist Russia were even less frequent. The population movements, however, took place in both directions. Inhabitants from areas of our interest were found in the Far East – moving there either voluntarily or being taken away by force.

The gallery of wedding certificates of people found in the parish in Turkestan (the area of today's Kazakhstan) is shown below. Here is the list of them:

  • 1901/3 Rozalia Radkiewicz (c. Macieja i Marii) z guberni suwalskiej (ślub we Włodzimierzu)
  • 1901/4 Weronika Marchel (c. Wincetego i Rozalii z d. Lutyńskiej) z Suwałk (ślub w Niżnym Nowogrodzie)
  • 1905/18 Anna Witkowska (c. Dominika i Franciszki) z parafii Szczebra (ślub w Aszchabadzie)
  • 1906/14 Magdalena Blaszko (c. Jana i Anny z d. Pieńkowskiej) z parafii Rydzewo (ślub w Taszkencie)
  • 1906/32 Natalia Rogowska (c. Jakuba i Petroneli z d. Górskiej) z parafii Bargłów
  • 1908/44 Wiktoria Lis (c. Piotra i Elżbiety z d. Biełous) z parafii Sylwanowce (ślub w Taszkencie)
  • 1910/4 Marianna Osowska (c. Franciszka i Katarzyny z d. Gil) z powiatu augustowskiego (ślub w Jekaterynburgu)
  • 1913/37 Roman Marcinkiewicz (s. Józefa i Marii z d. Dobrowolskiej) z parafii Bargłów (ślub w Taszkencie)
  • 1914/5 Franciszek Siedlecki (s. Jakuba i Katarzyny z d. Jacewicz) z guberni suwalskiej (ślub we Władywostoku)
  • 1915/35 Zuzanna Skwarko (c. Stefana i Józefy z d. Sosnowskiej) z Goniądza (ślub w Irkucku)
  • 1915/36 Bolesława Maliszewska (c. Kajetana i Dominiki z d. Trockiej) z Augustowa (ślub w Irkucku)
  • 1916/9 Maria Smykowska (c. Wincentego i Julii z d. Burakiewicz) z parafii Krasnybór (ślub w Taszkencie)

and the death certificate

1903/22 Kazimierz Maciukiewicz z Suwałk (zgon w Turkiestanie)

It is not a complete list and it is certainly worthwhile to search in detail the metric resources of the Roman Catholic Church in Russia available in  Sankt-Petersburg archives. Znajdziemy tam ludzi z całego obszaru dawnej Rzeczpospolitej, ale szczególnie jesteśmy zainteresowani osobami z “naszego” regionu.

This incredible discovery was made by Magda Wróbel. Thank you for sending us the materials!

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