The church in Raczki

Raczki parish, initially known as Dowspuda, was erected in 1599 by Maryna Grzegorzewska Massalska, daughter of Stanisław Raczko. In the years 1766-1823 Michał and Ludwik Pac built a single-nave church according to the plans of Aigner and Markoni. On September 27, 1835, the church was consecrated by Fr. Bishop Stanisław Kostka Choromański, administrator of the Augustów Diocese. From 1748 to 1831, the patrons of the parish and church in Raczki was Pac family, from 1797 - Ludwik Michał hr. Pac. In 1934, Father Witold Balukiewicz added aisles. Before 1970, Fr. Czesław Rogalski carried out the renovation of the church; the ceiling of the nave was changed from semi-circular to flat. Stained glass and 23 voice organs were made with his efforts. In the years 2003–2007 the church was generally renovated: the external facade, reconstruction of the presbytery with new stalls, new sound system, painting and gilding of the interior.

Zdjęcia z kolekcji Marcina Halickiego
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